Yoooooo so I spent like 4 hours talkin to this chick and forgot to ask her number.. Dubs decide if I kill myself or ask for her number. Take some Nazca lines cause I'm a nerd.
Yoooooo so I spent like 4 hours talkin to this chick and forgot to ask her number...
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Fuck you
What you jelly?
No. Consider it a practice run for the next chick.
instead of being a faggot call a support hotline
inb4 trips of truth
ask then text her a picture of your pending suicide
give us your number instead and we will deliver it to her
i know that feel very well user i feel for you
Wow actually good advice, I live in the same building as her (dorms in college) so I mean I'll see her again and just found out that my brother (not blood but emotional) knows her somehow so.... Might have an in there.
Dont feel me up too hard bb ;) I can feel your support though man I feel that energy.
man happens all the time,
think about how life would have been perfect with her
then think about how thered be some deal breaker
settle on this
move on
organically look for next
I have no like dementia of perfection just shes a really cool chick. I dont usually talk to people and that's the first time in over a year I had a real conversation and interaction with someone outside of my immediate friend group so it could be like hope on my side not gonna lie. But still.. Hopes a thing isn't it?
chance ull ever see her again?
Yea, my brother apparently knows her somehow and she lives 2 floors under me in our dorm (university) so I'll see her again no doubt. It's just nervewracking ya kno? Been a while since I met a chick that I can talk to for a long period of time.
dude start doing some moderate exercise the seratonin and dopamine release will help you in lots of ways, stress, anxiety, confidence etc
doesnt have to be much, like a 20 minute jog every second day
also hygeine and such, personal presentation
Good advice on b since when does this happen? Yea dude though like I'm doing laundry (right now) and cleaning (in the morning) like I'm getting everything set cause damn..
it's like looking in a mirror.
hah yeah man try replicate the timing maybe youll see her again, at end of conv if shes not in a rush or even if she is cause screw it you never know if ull get another chance "hey wanna grab a coffee?" "sure user" "k whats ur number?" gl
Thanks /bro you gave the best advice, send me your energy man.
Got my hands in the air bud
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU HOLY SHIT I CAME. That is fucking beautiful. That's the ancient capital omg. I want to go there so bad.
Yup. Just waiting on 404 now.