Choose one to fuck

>Choose one to fuck
>Choose one to pimp for money (your only income)
>the other one dies


fuck right pimp left...more of those tits

fuck left, pimp right, middle dies.

there you go

the group


Left one is gona have the best pussy. Right is gona be most marketable to put on the track or site. .middle has to go unfortunately by default.


>pimp all of 'em
pimpin' ain't easy cuh, you gots to hustle yo hoes, yo

Fuck right pimp middle

more tits mcgee

Fuck, die, pimp the tits.



Wait my Sup Forumsrothas, there is a much simpler option. The choice is easy, just gun down all 3 tHoTs. They have no place in man's realm.

fuck left pimp those tits
More left

they all too fat for me but the one on the left is the cleanest id fuck her i guess



amazing body, looks like she has the best tits as well

so you can compare

Dis is de wae

nice big tits but left seems like much higher quality

jesus - this girl puts pro models to shame. Look at that muscle tone - that mid section...

Dude i'm gonna pimp all of them !
Not gonna kill one, it would be an economical loss, not gonna fuck one, afraid of diseases.
Make them all win good money for me, get to work, bitches !

fuck dies pimp
pimp fuck dies
dies fuck pimp
dies pimp fuck

dies fuck pimp
dies fuck pimp
fuck die pimp

fuck die die - sorry

ah thats OK ;)

Die fuck pimp

pimp die fuck

kill, pimp, fuck
kill, pimp fuck

Kil kill kil sorry.

moar of right!