Anybody can prove why this is wrong?

Anybody can prove why this is wrong?

who gives a fuck

at some point you divide by 0

last line youre doing something like

2 x 0 = 1 x 0

and youre hoping to remove those zeros , nonsense

second last step, 2(a^2-ab)=1(a^2-ab) can also be written 2(0)=1(0)

Las step. You divide by 0 (a^2-ab)

I see this is covered. Good job, user. Thanks God us degenerates can math.

dividing by 0 creates a new universe and only god is allowed to do it

Can someone explain step 3?

Protip: You can circumvent division by 0 with the algebraic expression: (a - b)/(b-a) = 1. I've only seen it done with proofs with trig, though

holy shit i can still do this, might not be a brainlet after all


if a=b, a^2=a^2 or b^2 or a*b, since a and b are the same number

Well right off the bat we know that 2 does not = 1
and thinking that 2x0 = 1x0 does in no wat mean that 2=1

So i was thinking about this literally as this post appeared.

I believe this is proof of the following post

2a^2 - 2ab = 0
a^2 +ab - 2ab = 0
Everything after that is meaningless.

Nothing wrong here OP. Keep doing what you're doing. Alternative algebra. Don't let these Trump cucks keep you down

division by zero

The second last step. The answer to that would be a^2 +ab = 1. There are still 2 sets of that variable and taking away the one on the right doesn't make both dissapear. Nice try tho

In the last step you have 2 * (a^2 - ab) = (a^-ab). That is just 0=0. You cannot divide both sides by zero.

you can't divide by zero

u can't solve linear equations with two unknowns and one equation.

A=B; therefore 1=2
It’s not wrong, just nonsensical

2a^2 =/= a^2+a^2

It can be correct if 2 and 1 are symbols and not numbers.

Yeah, here: 2 = 2 and 1 = 1. 2 =/= 1, you retard.

You cannot divide by zero. Last step will not work

(Divide by 9)
Checkmate faggots

9.99 - a = 9.99 - 0.999 = 8.991
8.991 / 9 = 0.999

now if A=0.999 (repeating), then it's true, 0.999(repeating) does equal 1

Also easily disproven. 1 still = 1, not fucking .999, dipshit.

At no point does undefined a^2=ab

a = b
a^2 - ab = a^2 - a^2 = 0
so in last line you have
2 * 0 = 1 * 0
and concluding that
2 = 1 * ( 0 / 0) => 2 = 1 which does not make sense.

Mat is fun

Cool variables, plug zero.

Second to last assumes you can divide by zero. You cannot. Thus false logic.

a^2 - ab = 0

x / 0 -> limit that approaches infinity.

2=1 is true?

On step five, you only simplify one side of the equation.

And dubs don't lie.

i'll trade you $1 for $2
fair deal, right?

OK retards - Let's take a look at the challenge

Firstly, let's assume a = 1 and b= 1


>1 = 1
>1^2 = (1*1)
Translation: 1 = 1
>1^2 + 1^2 = 1^2 + (1*1)
Translation: 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 which is 2 = 2
>2(1^2) = 1^2 + (1*1)
Translation: 2*1 = 1 + 1 which is 2 = 2
>2(1^2) - 2(1*1) = 1^2 + (1*1)-2(1*1)
Translation: 2 - 2 = 1 + 1 - 2 which is 0 = 0
>2(1^2) - 2(1*1) = 1^2 - (1*1)
Translation: 2 - 2 = 1 - 1 which is 0 = 0
>2(1^2 - (1*1)) = 1(1^2 - (1*1))
Translation: 2(0) = 1(0) which is 0 = 0
two lots of nothing is equivalent to one lot of nothing. It makes sense, let's use this simple analogy:

>NEET has $0 in his bank account
>NEET has $0 in the two piggy banks he owns, one next to his bed and the other being supervised by his mother
>This means NEETs two piggy banks = NEETs one bank account

Two lots of nothing is the same as 1 lot of nothing because they're fucking nothing. 00 = 0


cannot be simplified to


Always have to do the same thing to each side.

>Dorito's flavored Taco Bell tacos flavored Doritos....
Yes they exist.


That is like the only like that is correct....

if a=b you dividing with 0 in last step .... wrong


>2(0) = 1(0) which is 0 = 0
To get rid of those zeros you need to divide by 0 to get 2=1. I am so excited for you to tell me how that's done.

a=5 b=5
a=b but 2≠1
And your equation is pointless and ass.


Bitch that be wrong cuz it look like a tree that got fucked

Starting line 5, the rhs=lhs=0. Then everything doesnt make sense

Go back to school

This. /Thread

>written as zero


a^2 -ab can equal zero

if a=5 and b=5

4th line, you multiply by 2 only in one side

What.. a^2+a^2 = 2a^2
He just added the a squared together.

(a^2-ab) = 0, you can't divide by 0 fags

You don't have to even pay attention to the a=b or a to any power equals b/tards. 2 by itself does not = 1, ever. 2=2

You define a=b in the beginning.

That means ab=a^2=b^2.
The b can be substituted with a anywhere in the equation and for line 4-7 the equation literally simplifies to 0=0