post related autism
Post related autism
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ayy, you were checking the Kong boards too?
What the fuck is that shit?
what the fuck?
fuck I know a lot of people like this
imdb is my favorite source of autism. Just get in any board dedicated to a failed actor or director and you'll always get an handful of dedicated fans.
Featured here, Brendan Fraser.
ChamCham is literally Brendan though, right?
>Going on IMDB forums
Just why?
Reminds me of when I was 14.
Gotta start somewhere.
He's right, though.
>scour through imdb's cancer forums
>carefully collage together posts
>call others autistic
lmao that
>music lover
list could use a little work
i've heard that he's brendan's brother
though i'm not too sure
lol people like this still exist?
Don't see anything wrong with it.
>everything works out in the end
This guy is pure autism.
>Muse, U2
It pains me that this isn't bait. Muse are as pleb as it gets, U2 are ridiculously popular and haven't made a good album in over twenty years.
The logic is that everything with a guitar is automatically good and every hip hop and pop album is automatically shit
They don't even acknowledge other genres
I had this exact mentality when I was 13. I thought every pop, hip hop and rap music was pure trash while I venerated metal (even tough I was only listening to SOAD, Korn and Children of Bodom).
Growing up, my playlist became a fucking mess, passing trough russian pop music, then gangsta rap before turning into brutal death metal with a bit of jazz here and there.