What is their best song?
What is their best song?
The Exploding Boy
1a. Cold
1b. The Funeral Party
Fascination street
I kind of agree on Just Like Heaven
Just like heaven
A Forest or Pictures of You
The Same Deep Water as You or
A Forest
Boy's Don't Cry
How Soon Is Now
A Forest
Pictures of You
>two posters named Pictures of You
>another two Disintegration
>three Just Like Heaven
>no one has yet named Homesick, Untitled, Open, Bare, End or From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Fuck this shit!
Half a Person
It's Push
Push is their best song
Kyoto Song
That's Cocteau Twins song you dipshit
Killing and arab
The Holy Hour or The Hanging Garden
All Cats Are Gay
Pictures Of You
No, it's a Slowdive song you motherfucking dickhead
underrated indeed
>talking about Joy Division in a Cure thread
I know Rob was a big fan, but come on guys
>28 posts
>no one said "Friday I'm in love" yet
that's a good song
Killing an arab
After hundreds of hours of listening this is proably the best of their catalog if cool and general enjoyably, are your metrics
It's Lullaby.
"Where the Birds Always Sing" is a personal favorite.
Its the pleb choice, although it is a fucking great song, that progression holy shit.
Did they fuck?
did you fuck?
Not likely. Robert is too timid and Siouxsie is too cold.
10/10 song and one of my favourites.