What does Sup Forums think of Kendrick Lamar?



bad artist
decent rapper



gkmc > uu. > tpab > damn.

Retarded manlet
you average soundcloud rapper is more talented than him

Greatest artist of the 21st century, probably.

Sup Forums and other websites that are predominantly right wing heavily dislike him because of his left wing political views and race, but he is a special person indeed.


People like will claim it's cause I'm racist but his quality of work has been consistently decreasing. GKMC is a great album, but ever since then he's been going downhill.

I respect TPAB and that he wanted to try something new with it, but I don't believe him or the people he worked with we're talented enough to pull off his vision.

No, you aren't being racist at all and have a valid opinion, I am referencing the people above me saying the words 'nig nog' and 'nier' to describe him as an artist.

ITT Retards

>*releases one pop-centric album*
>"Wow Kendrick has really gone downhill"

stfu faggot, danny brown did the same thing before AtrExib

gkmc 10/10
tpab 9/10
s80 8/10
damn 7/10
uu. good, wish it was longer

he's ok imo, he needs try try something new though seriously fucking bored of "social concious deeper meaning racial commentary" that all 4 of his albums have been filled with. you can make an artful album without having a rigid repetitive concept that takes 1000 listens to understand and isnt even original or deep after all

i want him to make a low-fi hip hop record

2 albums you mean that's going downhill when he has only release 4 and his first one was pretty bar too

He is the best rapper, lyrically and conceptually, that has ever lived. Hands down.

Finally another person who realizes that GKMC is Kendrick's greatest work. Fuck all that TPAB shit, GKMC is a historical monolith. Its cultural poignancy alone makes it a 10.

uu. was fucking great, better than tpab. DAMN. is very clean and surgical. Everyone on Sup Forums collectively spammed-played DAMN on release, so everyone is burned out of the record at this point. I think DAMN has some pretty strong qualities to prevent it from being forgotten about tho in the future. It's a good walking album, very digestible. And I think that will help the record carry on into the future.

Regardless, all 4 of his records are bolded, which literally which other artist can claim today? Downhill? Maybe from legendary genre-pushing album to a highly recommended rap classic. Get a fucking grip.


good taste