Anyone claiming the media doesn't have a HUUUUUGE Liberal bias is an idiot

Anyone claiming the media doesn't have a HUUUUUGE Liberal bias is an idiot.

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Out of the door, turn left, /pol is there

OK you made your post, now go collect your check from Soros you soyboy.

/b is random...including /pol

Prove me can't.

>only watch Fox
>all other media outlets are lying


fuck the right fuck the left theres one thing we can all agre on and thata sis lets just get em out.

we cn just start new politicians plug em right in they vote "YES" for the people they vote "NO for the big money hguys and then guess what? every thing back on track/

you all dont care though you just sit there and chherr on you your big boys on campus

yeah, but the right does the same shit, so there's really no sane choice for non trumptards who don't believe in the antigun protraplbt propaganda.

Why are media outlets not covering the good things Trump does then?

well Sup Forums was originally part of Sup Forums to be fair.

Is it even possible anymore to not have biased news?

the associated press

How to win an argument in 2018

that pic is related as all fuck. that's truthfully the only damn thing they have to run on is "i hate trump". what a fucking joke, they are truly pathetic

not really tbh, but they could atleast be honest that are presenting things from which ever pov instead of pretending to be objective and/or neutral.


They are. They're just not blowing Trumps 'good' things out of proportion and hiding his fuck-ups away like Fox is determined to do

Can't even watch late night shows bad.

why were you watching late night shows in the first place? they've never been funny.

The only thing they every cover anymore is Russia bullshit.

tbh...I did enjoy Leno to a degree.

>Boom economy
The thing with boom economies is that they are not sustainable and will inevitably crash. Expecting policy to change that is at best wishful thinking and at worst foolish.
>Better Trade Deals
By starting trade wars with all of our allies? In an increasingly nationalistic world key global leaders won’t just fight back, they will (and already are) searching for better and more reliable trade partners. Look at China; they are already snarching up diplomatic relationships that are eroding under Trump’s leadership.
>Border Security
Typical retard talking point that doesn’t amount to anything.
The thing literally everybody includes in thier platforms. Moreeamingless talking point.

You name ONE Trump fuck up that has actual relevant repercussions. I'll wait.


that's because they want to divert your attention from more important matters.

Maybe that's because Trump is objectively bad. Any rational intelligent human who is attempting to be unbiased is going to look at the evidence and have something bad to say about him. To avoid doing so is to avoid the obvious.

>Moreeamingless talking point
how was infrastructure spending under obama vs how is it under trump?

What's the point? You've already decided it will be 'fake news'.

bad to say about him? sure

bad to say about the policies that have been enacted? only a few

Sure, kid. It's totally not that you have nothing.

that's only because he's chose to sit back and not make any truly important decisions.

That's ironic, coming from the 'sure kid' and 'stay mad' guy.

This guy is being brainwashed by his professors. Fuck off you commie tard. A perfect utopia does not exist. The people in the media what you to believe that so they can get more like and views for money. They dont care about you or anybody but themselves. Wake up man. You are slowly been taking away your rights for defending yourself and having truth.


Then what's the problem?
>PROTIP: He's actually done a ton for us already. I'm richer and just generally more well off than I was before he took office.

Not an argument.

I know you're 15 and all but would it seriously kill you to just do a quick spellcheck before hitting the post button?

>only watch CNN and Buzzfeed
>all other media outlets are lying

Anyone claiming trump is doing a good job is an idiot.


fuckin lol

Ha ha! You took my post and reversed it to fit your narrative! You really got me good!

Do any of you have any actual arguments or is calling us retards and idiots literally all you have?


why do you want to argue my man?
>Do you want someone to change your mind? Do your own research instead of wasting everyone's time.

>Want to change other peoples?
This isn't how you do that.


Ivanka says some strange things in bed...


it's true the media wants journalistic integrity of facts, sanity, and common sense. in fact everyone should be so bias

Putin is winning with every trump supporter compromised

>implying that isn't literally all you are
Did somebody say BAZINGA?!
Tell me how you feel on kik butt hurt DRUMPF noobs

>most people who work in media have college degrees
>more educated people tend to be more liberal
>more intelligent people tend to be more liberal

This is because liberal positions are based on facts (eg evolution is true and man-made climate change is happening) and conservative positions are based on feelings (creationism, anti-scientific views on stem cell research, debunked "trickle down" scam economics, etc)

Liberal "bias" isn't a problem because the truth can't be biased.

Your strawman is cute


Reality has a liberal bias