I suggest that another axis be added to this graph. The z-axis should be between feminized and masculine viewpoints.
For example, if you look the the authoritarian left quadrant, there are feminazis who are there who think free speech should be banned and assault people who disagree, and then there are stalinists, who are anything but feminazis.
We need to make this happen.
More or less. I would place a medieval helmet at the extreme upper right, and a blood stained hockey mask at the very bottom center.
I'm the fedora with a "dude weed lmao" sticker on it.
>capitalism is fedora
Autoritarian centrist is the best
Yes because that would make for a comprehensive and clear graph
spurdo is best mene
Reminder if you're not in blue you should be hanged, gassed, and beheaded, then killed
So center is no hat then?
Best one.
what am i?
Fuck, you got me on the vape pen. But what if I smoke weed out of it?
I agree
>not vodka
a person in Lbyia or a person using a proxy.
Someone who can't form an opinion desu~
I agree.
A fence sitting faget with no morals or convictions.
i just believe in things from all sides of thee board, imo both the far left and the far right are destructive, the middle is where true freedom lies
blue square master race
Oh boy,
we META now
lets go deeper
not complicated enough
needs a third axis and more subdivisions
Does this mean I get a fedora with a weed leaf on it?
You clearly started with leftist libertarians and struggled to finish the other 3 squares
I would make the z-axis nationalist vs cosmopolitan/globalist.
Libertarian? Lol its the way to go though I agree with you
Lol I made this today, did you get it off of TRS?
Rate me.
it's a trilby you uneducated buffoon
>Leave it to beaver nationalism
This is where I get off
> le pinochet meme
A normal person with normal centrist opinions. You need more redpills before Sup Forums locks you up.
top-tier meme
Fuck socialists, but they have the best hats
>can smoke in public without anyone smelling it.
The only way to go desu
Is the top right one a stetson?
Pinochet did nothing wrong.
Go state capitalism! I honestly hate the people who associate themselves with the same group I do, but I'll defend my reasoning with logic.
free helicopter rides/10
A "centrist".
normal these days is being an SJW cuck chanting free the nipple down Broadway. but i understand what you mean, ive seen alot of the redpills given by Sup Forums and i went from
Liberal to Alt right to Middle
i guess i managed to identify enough bullshit redpills and actual ones to get where i am now.
i dont i mean i know who causes all of this shit but i highly doubt every single Jewish person on this planet has the same mentality as each other, like i dont believe they have some kind of hive mind, same with niggers, while a large number deserve a VERY slow death there are others who are normal functioning members of society and i just eventually found it hating all of them for the actions of a fairly large portion of them wasnt the right thing to do.
>I honestly hate the people who associate themselves with the same group I do, but I'll defend my reasoning with logic
In a highly authoritarian system I doubt shit like Sup Forums would be allowed. You only think an authoritarian system is best because you assume the one on top will be you or hold exactly your values.
This is a valid point.
That said, I'm only authoritarian because I value aesthetic, art-minded government. So the rest can all fuck off.
lol this is perfect, sums up the fools of every ideology
Well I feel that can be encouraged by an actual valid education system and an environment of competition and freedom. This would elevate the masses and cause for a society with the best of both worlds. Unfortunately the oligarchical structures which control society couldn't abide this so we are fucked my friend.
Purple > Green > Red > Blue
a faggot
my nigga
Rate me nig nogs
You're an indesisive faggot
Where would Jewing tobacco fall on that graph?
*Moonlight sonata playing quietly in the background*
Literally Hitler
rate me
Most accurate one
smoke weed every day
Really dodged a bullet here.
Close to me, so you're all right.
Debate this.
>Sonic and Pikachu are on the right side.
>tfw I am Sonichu
I see what you're doing there.
mfw I just want the government to piss off while I live off of my own land and shoot some guns, but I'm grouped with neckbeards and Anarchist fuqbois
Where would a Z axis be placed? Diagonally? And how would we determine which half of the square is Nationalist and which is globalist? I could make it
link to test?
I've never done it despite having been here a few years
Still might vote for trump who knows
It would run towards and away from you, creating a three dimensional grid plane
Wha whoa, you two need to settle your differences.
Considering how much the last 8 years have emboldened the left, Trump is the president we need at this point.
Forgot to post
Yea, what said. It would have to be semitransparent. Make it so that "closer" to the person at the computer is globalist, "further" is nationalist. I think because I consider further away as being more northwards, and north is most definitely more often married with nationalism.
Right libertarian should be a colonial wig like the founding fathers wore.
This, or a Tricorn
Don't pat yourself on the back, fedora will do just fine.
OP should change top left into blue hair tho.
Why is top right a cowboy hat all the others make sense
Rate me
how would that even work?
I am red, and I am an alcohol
Indecisive faggot