Its caturday, found a cat yesterday but hes fucking annoying... dubs for throw out window

Its caturday, found a cat yesterday but hes fucking annoying... dubs for throw out window

Other urls found in this thread:

dubs say you don't throw it out the window.

And trips for not doing it

dubs and you smash your piece of shit bong and get halfway decent glass

Dubs says treat it like a god

If dubs, throw yourself out of the window

roll for pussy defenestration


Fuck you user.

The dubs have spoken, will it die peacefully from 20ft?

Do not do it.

not sure what your seein....

These trips say don’t do it

Dont do it OP. Instead throw yourself out of window.

Damn you

it'll be fine, pissed off, but fine

Damn me

no you fucking cunt, it won't.

fun fact: nothing on this site bothers me, but animal pain/torture really gets me.

its OP's mums cat
$10,000 vet bill coming
>no tendies for OP


Fuck, its screaming (how the fuck you call loud meowing) :( how can i make it stop? People will find out

i hope this is bait

You didn’t do it

Can you just set it free faggot?

post pics or it didn't happen

Rip :( sorry for the suffering

fucking launch it out the window and post proof

This is the fakest thing I've seen since my parents love for me.

timestamp faggot

lul, nice try. this is a stock photo you just zoomed in on.

How do we know that you didn't just zoom out on the picture, and add those watermarks?

Youve all been bamboozled, pet ur cats yall

because my only talent is reverse image searching
op is a fag, but a good fag,