Get ready for some feels!

Get ready for some feels!

>be me
>13 yrs old
>meet awesome girl online, let's call her Jay
>pic related
>we'd spend hours talking about dumb shit that didn't matter
>end up slowly falling in love with her
>she stops talking to me for a few hours
>answers back finally
>my heart explodes into pieces
>issue is, she lives in Maine
>make plans to eventually meet up with her during summer
>one whole month, no responses from her

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Other urls found in this thread:

She ded?

continue so we may assist?

>feel depressed for a while
>after a full month she finally responds
>"hey uh, sorry I was in the hospital"
>I ask why
>she tells me she cuts
>I cried for like a full 3 hours
>I ask why
>she tells me that she lost her mother to drugs last month and couldn't bear the pain
>I ask to help her
>she agrees
>I talk to her for days about everything
>she promises not to cut again
>she seems a lot happier now
>months pass of us being autistic filled teens
>it's finally summer
>our family drives to Maine

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Continue pleasee


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need some feels, cont



>finally get to Maine
>i text her
>she tells me to meet her at this park late at night
>I go to the park
>it's about 8-ish
>I see her sitting at a bench
>she looks up at me
>immediately smile
>sit down next to her
>we stare up at the stars talking about random nerd stuff
>she looks me in the eyes
>i look her in the eyes
>we kiss
>first kiss ever
>my heart is beating out of my chest
>we stop for a second
>she looks at me
>she's crying

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then all the trees started clapping

continue before I die

Lost my shit


Then the thread dies because he never pretyped.

for the love of god continue

So i take it OP doen’t pretype what a shame

>I apologise, thinking I said or did something wrong
>she says I didn't do anything wrong
>I ask what's wrong
>"I'm sorry." she says
>I ask why
>"I didn't keep my promise."
>she rolls up her sleeves
>thousands of scars
>tears well up in my eyes
>I don't know what to say
>I ask why she was doing this
>she doesn't finish
>we sit there for what felt like years
>eventually I head back to the campsite where our family was staying
>I don't sleep
>how could I sleep?
>next day
>she texts me
>"sorry about last night."
>I say it's fine
>I knew it wasn't fine
>I didn't want to lose her ever
>I had the rest of summer left in Maine
>decide to meet up again

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oh god type faster this time

continue pl0x

Kill yourself you autstic little faggot.

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this is good continue

im bumping for the world rn


gooo you faggot, hurry up


>we meet up at her house
>it's a mess
>we head up to her room
>her room is filled with band, anime, and video game stuff
>stay with her all day playing skullgirls
>she's really good
>eventually we stop playing and start cuddling on her bed
>I feel her body's warmth
>greatest feeling ever
>she gives me a smile and kisses me
>her flat chest presses against me
>she whispers in my ear
>"I love you"
>we cuddled for a little bit longer
>we both acknowledged that it wasn't legal for us to have sex
>kiss instead of sex
>it's 11:00 at night
>her house isn't too far away from campsite
>walk home
>go to sleep

Other bump from someone else

Please continue

>illegal for us to have sex

You colossal faggot. She probably cuts because you're such a fucking pussy.

bumping for interests.

Oh boy.

Cont. Whats the age difference?

>end up at home
>crying so much cause I miss her
>decide i need to see her again
>end up back her place
>we're kissing, & I feel down her pants a buldge
>go in fit of rage, snap her neck, use the blade she used to cut herself & cut her head off
>defecate down her throat
>drive back, login to my reddit account

>be 13

>stay home all day
>text her periodically
>play vidya
>she shows up at our campsite
>parents greet her
>we hang out more
>parents ask about last night
>just say we had fun
>she tells me she'll never cut again
>believe her
>go swimming at campsite pool
>she looks adorable in swimsuit
>play chicken against my brother and his friend
>we get kicked out of the pool for roughhousing
>laugh on way back to camper
>she texts her parents asking if she can stay the night
>they say yes
>super excited

stop no this aint op, it,it, IT CANT BE

its not, is it?

ok good, nvm


Jesus Christ this fucking story sucks.

Muh excitement.

Bruh no one cares if two 13 yo bang

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I bet she dies in the end

>>be me
yrs old
Stopped there. Don't care.



For sure

I am most definitely sure she will kill herself

I'm getting there boys ;-)

>she sleeps on floor
>middle of night
>I'm still awake
>she wakes up
>she goes outside of the camper
>head outside with her
>she sits in the dirt, looking up at the stars
>reminds me of our first kiss
>she scoots closer to me
>leans on my shoulder
>I tell her she looked cute in a swimsuit
>she giggles
>stand up
>she starts taking off her pajama pants
>oh fuck
>no bulge
>thank god
>cute pink frilly panties
>I finger her
>her moans echo
>kiss her to try and quiet her
>we finish
>go back to sleep

twenty bucks says she'll kill herself at the end

in west philadelphia born n raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days

You must be a blonde boy doing what blonde boys do

God damn type faster man, cont though

catch me in the tub a quarter half-passed two

>next day wake up
>she's not there
>check phone
>"sorry, went home lol"
>apologise for last night
>"stop apologizing nerd XD"
>cringe, but also smile
>spend all day outside
>travel a bit
>had fun
>I would've rather spent that time hanging out with Jay
>anyway, get back home
>head over to her house
>knock on door
>she answers
>laugh and cringe at the same time
>we listen to music for a few hours
>talk about stuff
>find out she's into Persona
>talk about Persona for a while
>lose track of time
>fall asleep at her house

Finally someone gets it. I'm Ethan and, don't bad be but, I'm 14. Slaying all the women with my massive peen

I've got a couple of hobbies besides being blonde

I drink lots of soda and hang out at the mall. I used to skateboard but i knocked out a ball. All i need in life is my boys and my tub, now let me pass it to my number one bub.


>i. think, they put wrong prices!!

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Hey yo I'm Tommy and I'm 19. I like to lift weights and wear sunscreen. SPF 100, i hope it's in stock caus i rub it on my nips and the bell end of my cock

I don't think either of these are OP. OP said femanon's mom was dead, but then said "she texts her parents" as if mom was alive.

If this is OP he needs to work on his storytelling and pre-type his greentexts.

>a few weeks pass
>I have about a week or two left in Maine
>depression kicks in
>I don't want to leave
>spend fleeting moments with Jay
>we go throw rocks in a creek one day
>super peaceful
>we hang out for a bit
>by the time we get back to camp it's about five
>sit by campfire
>share jokes and stories
>have lots of fun
>parents go to bed
>just me, Jay, and my little brother
>brother grins
>"have you two kissed?"
>he's like 6 so this is funny to him
>we just look at each other and smile
>he goes to bed
>me and Jay chill for a while
>move my chair closer to her for easy making out access
>kiss for a while
>she heads home
>sit by fire
>remember that time with her is fleeting

>Op can't beat the captcha

>be me
>17 yrs old
>NEVER got close to anyone,
>don't feel much bad about that
>read this shitty story written by 13 yrs old guy
>became anxious
Why am I such a fucking looser?

the way to do these is to already have the entire story done then post chunks- that way you can control the timing etc

Well everybody has to be good at something, right?

BTW it's Loser not Looser

Allright, bear with me here because I was in a pretty similar situation not too long ago. I was 21, never had sex before, never had a grilfriend, and I felt utterly unloveable and un-fuckable. Just the thought of ever loving or being loved by the fairer sex seemed like a distant dream; I didn't really know how to talk to girls and frankly the fear of embarrassing myself looking like a complete creep and weirdo trying to chase tail at an age where most of my peers had already been having an active sex and love life for years was crushing me.

And then, out of the blue, this gorgeous and insanely cute girl confesses that she has a crush on me, and it completely changed my perspective on things. Something I thought was so totally beyond my reach actually turned out to be only one random text message away. Holding somebody you're truely head-over-heels in love turns the rest of the world into unimportant background noise. Everything feels so natural too. Suddenly you just know what to do and say. Instinct maybe? Who knows.. Things didn't work out and I got my heart broken pretty badly, but now I've been there and I know just how amazing it is, but more importantly: happiness beyond what you could Imagine can be just a moment away.

I've also beed laid in the meantime, random hook-up from Tinder. Sex is kinda overrated. That blowjob however...

Lift heavy things, get in shape, learn an instrument. Sleep more. Drink lots of water. Always have something to look forward to.

someone pls explain whats going on here, im new to the board, everybody fill in the story or what?

>spend rest of summer with Jay
>I tell her I had a great time with her
>we share one final memory together at the campsite
>sad to leave
>"I'll miss you"
>we cry and hug each other for the last 10 minutes we have together
>really depressed
>get back home
>be me now
>we still talk
>no death
>happy ending

nice trips though

dont worry this story isnt real


yeah, we're all taking turns writing a portion of the story, whoever writes the most boring part wins. so far it's a tie


>just kidding
>world explodes
>death to everyone
>life is meaningless
>all women are thots
>lost nothing


Where's the real ending?


You and your shit story need to be tossed into a woodchipper

whats the problem here?

it was a story about watching paint dry

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Underage ban.