This is the best produced album of all time

This is the best produced album of all time.


Wrong though.

what exemplifies good production

Seconding this

lol fuck no.

Step out of the way for the fucking TRUE answer lad.

whoops i keep posting the wrong pic

AOTY 1967

pretentious garbage.

Excellent production but entertainment value suffers

Pretentious= smarter than you can comprehend

i really, really like this cover

Uh, no

unironically this



t h i s




I strongly agree with OP. best produced album ive heard, THIS FAR

what is this

Correct. No idea why people dick ride Tim Hecker so much.

Nu-male cred.

noice but i gotta give it to donus

You'll get it right eventually just keep trying

this is

this or dark side yeah





Even if it was, and it's definitely not, it's just regurgitated nostalgia bullshit and not worth one ounce of anyone's attention. Blow it out your ass.

I'm sorry for doing this but it must be done

this is the right answer

you're right hough

Just relistened to this album last night, number of songs didn't hold up. Sadly it's at best like a 7