Petition for Bernie to denounce his violent supporters

Hey Sup Forums, So as you may know on Thursday June 2nd, 2016. Donald Trump held a rally at San Jose, California. Which lead to Bernie Sander supporters/extreme leftist thugs to commit acts of violence against Trump Supporters.

Well i thinking we should start a petition to get Bernie Sanders to denounce his supporters for violence. We should make petitions on any website that are for petitions to get him to publicly denounce his supporters violence action. As he made Trump back in March denounce his violent supporters, What do you think Sup Forums?

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I agree. Fuck that commie kike burnie sanders.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Fuck Trump and his suppoters, violence is necessary to remove fascism

I think we should do these petitions on places like and the white house website.

So Fascism is necessary to remove those the left attaches the label fascism to. So you can call anyone you don't like a Fascist and it magically removes all guilt from their actions. Double think 101.

Is fascism another word that only the left is allowed to define (b/c the dictionary is rayciss)? IS a White House website.

As you can probably see, I am not that really good at checking my mistakes. So if someone with really good grammar and proof reading skills can post a link here and we can sign it and see how far this thing goes.

Leftism isn't fascism. Pseudo-intellectual alt righters, such as your, have quite the victim complex. Your false narrative of leftist oppression is just as pathetic as your delusions autocratic grandeur. People like you simply need to die to make the world a better place.

>Sanders should denounce violent "supporters" (there's no evidence they have anything to do with him)
>"So what if Trump said he'd pay legal fees of supporters who assault protesters???"
These fucking people

fascism is necessary to remove fascism...

> Use Fascist Tactics
> Necessary to Remove Fascism

U wut m8

>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

If you replace "right" with "left", you get Clinton/Sanders supporters that go to Trump protests. The nationalistic portion of that being the illegal aliens waving their country's flag. The authoritarian portion of that being the micro-managing of all aspects of people's lives.

Sounds just like Hitler and the Jewish problem he saw, if that's not Fascism I don't know what is, the only difference is whom it targets, your brand of Fascism targets whites, Hitlers targets Jews. A blind man could see that.

Check video at 4:16. They shout "Bernie Bernie"

>Trump supporters are being attacked by Hernie supporters
>Durrr.... but they deserve it because the politician they support is enforcing the border laws!
>Durrr what's fascism again? Oh yeah! Things I don't like!

protecting the world from fascism isnt fascism

good night left side


>Leftism isn't fascism
>People like you simply need to die

"It's not fascism when we do it!"

He already did on Friday.

Violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable,” Sanders said. “Anyone even thinking about violence, please do not tell anybody you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, because those are not the supporters that I want”

Well the rest of my point still stands. People aren't in control of the people who support them. That being said, Sanders has repeatedly called for an end to violence from any side

"The fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists" ~ Winston Churchill

Who is going to protect law-abiding, peaceful Americans from your "protection"?

Good luck with Sanders buddy!

im suppose to take you seriously because you quoted a war criminal

OK dude. thats what youre doing, protecting.

I don't understand why you would be happy about this. Like, I get that you're trolling that dude but do you really want a 50% shot at having Clinton as a president? What a fucking idiot

>denounce his violent supporters
What good will this do? All the violent supporters are paid by Hillary.

If super-delegates weren't a thing, and Sanders won California, would it be an even race?

you mean the guy who fought the fascists? oyyyyy man you need to get some edjakayshenn

Not true Sanders supporters

You ain't no Sanders supporter, bruv

So you're going to vote for Clinton or Trump?

Super delegates are a way for the Democrats to control their party. I think that they are a scam.

im not a sanders supporter btw... but he already did that. you cant actually spin that szand0rs is into violence and encourages it. nobody gives a cuck about sanders, stop wasting time on the old goat. san jose needs to be hillary related, otherwise sanders just sponges up all the blame

>The most moderate Republican in years.

just watched princess bride today

Fuck Bernie supporters, violence is necessary to remove socialism.
You want to play that game? We can escalate shit more than you can.

Neither. I don't like neolibs and I don't like people I perceive as fascists. I don't care if he actually is or not, but when he talks about changing liable laws I get really uncomfortable.

They are, but in the end they won't matter. Clinton will still have more votes and normal delegates than Sanders. She'll still beat him fair and square.

Why would a communist denounce fellow commie provocateurs? Isn't violence the method commies use to secure power?

>Tfw you will never hang the commie jews and purge the filth from your country

>Clinton will still have more votes

Even if there are fraudulent votes, no way they'll find 3 million

neolib? Hillary clinton is just classic politician with female face, equivelant to an actor, but doesn't require aesthetics.

Donald Trump isn't a politician and even more so, he's not an actor, let's be honest here, Trump is genuinely unable or at least strongly unwilling to contain what he actually thinks. Funniest thing about this presidency, is that I always think of the comedy central roast he did, he was getting visably upset and ever since that roast, the following events were clearly staged, (Actors, and even non comedic celebrity figures filling up the comedic gigs + failed recurring comedians telling the same jokes every year.

Facist isn't the word your looking for, B2R if you want to rely on a buzzword to fill in the blank spot. The word you're looking for is authoritarian, and you may think that is just wrong, and I agree- to an extent.

Our main problem is a demoralized country- no one can praise the national without being sarcastic. Our values and national identity have been completely undermined without any struggle what so ever.

Trump supporters sound so much like Clinton supporters sometimes.

>pls no violent upsrising against fascism and stolen wages
>you aren't a true liberal/human-being if you do that