Jews Are Taking Back (((Echoes))) From the Neo-Nazis

Jews Are Taking Back (((Echoes))) From the Neo-Nazis

>Jewish writers and other public figures have gotten used to seeing their names pop up in forums and Twitter mentions with three parentheses around their name. Yair Rosenberg, a senior writer at the Jewish magazine Tablet, might see something like this: (((Yair Rosenberg))) or (((Rosenberg))). Rosenberg has known for years that those parentheses are a secret code used by neo-Nazis to call out that Rosenberg is Jewish—a signal that he’s being watched or at least noticed by people who hate him.

>“They want Jews to know they’re going after them. It’s a signal to Jews and it’s a signal to people in their own group. It’s not that they want it to be a secret, but they don’t want to explain it to people. It’s a wink and a nod to other neo-Nazis and to Jews.”

>Thursday evening, Rosenberg and other prominent Jewish writers started taking back that signal in an effort to raise awareness about what neo-Nazis are doing, to declare publicly that they are indeed Jewish, and to troll the increasingly prominent alt-right. Rosenberg’s Twitter name is now (((Yair Rosenberg))); Atlantic national correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg’s name is now (((Goldberg))); Foreign Policy fellow Jamie Kirchick is (((Jamie Kirchick))) and so on.

>Now, a lot of non-Jews have started adding parentheses around their names as an act of solidarity (and to confuse and mock Neo-Nazis). Rosenberg has a long history of trolling the alt-right, and he says he thinks that mocking these people is better than engaging with them directly.

Where the fuck did this come from, (((Sup Forums)))?

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>Where the fuck did this come from, (((Sup Forums)))?

HOW THE FUCK do I join their forums?

>he says he thinks that mocking these people is better than engaging with them directly

Where have I seen this before?

You need an invite by two members. I can hook you up for 300$

you need some one to vouch for you.

He basically sewed the yellow star onto his own shirt.
Top kek

but why? its not like Jewish surnames are hard to recognize.

>the jews are now calling themselves out

Pretty soon even normies might start noticing how often the Jews pull anti white shit

We should be encouraging this if anything.

wow.....really makes you think

>mess with Twitter nazis
Why do they think that this upsets us?

It's like a jew runs up and helps you bring your groceries inside, "haha, got you!"

I don't get it.

>Where the fuck did this come from, (((Sup Forums)))?
Literal AstroTurf issue. Apparently there is some random Tube channel that nobody watches that put these in a few videos and JIDF has mobilized to spam this shit everywhere like they have done with "alt right" to claim victimization and claim there's a massive, scary Nazi movement out there to rile up BLM and La Raza, whilst also using it to deflect criticism of thier pet thugs.

I've done this on all my accounts

so anyone with (()) = jew?

thanks schlomo.

>Sup Forums was right again

Really funny because that guy in your pic is germanic as fuck

He is just jew in religión and not on genes

Fucking germanics are so stupid



Someone create troll accounts of ((Bernie Madoff)) and ((George Soros)) with echoes for the kek

no jews allowed

>hey fellow jews let's wear these yellow stars to spite the internet nazis

>Jews actively singling themselves out

I don't even know

Fucking beautiful

pls jew, keep going

This seems most likely. I have literally never seen ((())) before two days ago.

Until we have a real discussion about how Jews in our government and media are serving the interest of Israel first, there's always going to be animosity towards them. They're traitors.

>(and to confuse and mock Neo-Nazis)

It's not going to confuse anyone

>Rosenberg has known for years that those parentheses are a secret code used by neo-Nazis to call out that Rosenberg is Jewish—a signal that he’s being watched or at least noticed by people who hate him.
fake and gay
people haven't even been doing this for a year yet

Maybe Jews will start giving away money to show those twitter racists who's boss.

> there are people in Sup Forums right now that dont listen to the daily shoah


you may as well join antifa

the jews should be calling themselves out on TV shows, before movies, during commercials, at university events, etc as well. lets get this REALLY going!

lol. Jews, mocking anybody. Jews are God's biggest mistake.

Those Twitter nazis must be seething with rage over the parentheses around your Twitter name.

Those guys are extremely uninteresting.

what really? when'd they change that?

no this is them trying to cry that they're under still much persecution from the goyim.


Look up Merchant Minute. They have an echo effect for every Jew mentioned

Episode 43 goes back to July 2015, so it would go far back to 2014

Where can I get the Coincidence Detector now?

some shabbos goyim are doing it to themselves as well out of "muh solidarity" but it's mostly yids doing it

If you give audience to it, you're supporting it.

Best thing to do about it, it's to forget it, let it fade, let's not attract the wrong kind of people and more shitpost/troll/liberals here.


SALAM I come in peace

So they are marking themselves for us?

literally a sekrit club.

I'd rather post memes on Sup Forums and see them manifest into reality.

This is great, not only will we know who the jews are but also their shabbos goys

This is like when Nazis made Jews wear the Star of David. They're singling themselves out. Do Jews have any self-awareness?

It's funny because it's pretty easy to replace the () with something else, so their "trick" is basically pissing into water. Tbh {} would make more sense using anyway.

The point though is that they're singling themselves out again, which can only backfire for them as more people will notice how prominent they are in society. They can't play victims for long once everyone knows that they're the elites. They should keep their mouths shut about this.

Which one of you faggots did this?
In the myscript.js file I added a bunch of text replacer stuff for shits and giggles, you just have to remove them if you don't want them.


Nothing Germanic from a last name like that, that's a kike m8.

I thought Jews were supposed to be smart. This is like wearing little yellow stars to stick it to the Nazis.

Holy fuck it's working

Cant the guys that made the addon just use something other than ((())) now?

> Do Jews have any self-awareness?

No they are basically woman in that regard.

I vote for [[[]]]

Is it even worth it? I read that blog when it was first starting, but it's been a while. Basically, I've read enough to form my own opinions, so alti-right blogs don't interest me anymore. Just like preaching to the choir now.

Mexican and turkish nonwhites aren't welcome on trs either way.

Maybe some master jews figured out a plan to make jews wear the stars voluntarily just so they could later turn it around and be the oppressed people.
>current year 2050, and schools teach kids how jews had to use brackets in social media

Intellect can be a gift or a curse as along with it comes the pitfall known as ego.

Alright, this is a win for us.

Next step: Convince them to "Take back" stars of david on their clothing and number tattoos.

I vote for a Swastika icon. I know there's at least one in unicode.

Raise flag when???

I've seen it for a while, but i'm an anime nazi on twitter. The irony is that the purpose wasn't necessarily to flag jews generally, it was to flag jews writing "Us white people" articles and essays.

Non-jews using the echo "to confuse the alt-right" don't really matter since those people are probably pozzed hard enough it doesn't make a difference that they aren't Jews.

It is helpful because Jewish thing-knowers and opinion-havers like to flaunt their white privilege when it suits them and hang it up on the peg when it is inconvenient. This at least makes them sing the same tune.

Where do I download the coincidence detector since jewgle stores removed it?

They think a snide (((uh huh))) as in "Yeah yeah, we know where your opinion is coming from" is somehow a secret anti Jewish hashtag. Even though NOBODY indexes parentheses.

this needs to be retweeted to the faggot kikes, repeatedly

>Jewish inbreeding for intelligence and cunning produced high IQs
>also resulted in complete artistic retardation autism and ego
No wonder they've been shut down by the dumb goy 109 times throughout history

>be Nazi Germany
>Jews are getting fed up having to hide themselves
>Guys, let's go around SHOWING how Jewish we are! What could go wrong? Time to stand-up to those Nazis.

(((Mr Shekel Goldstein)))

Bad goy

This. It's literally to denote anti-White pro-globalist Cultural Marxist Jewishness

How can we start making them put themselves in the oven?

Next they'll all jump in ovens.That'll really show those neo-nazis.

Heh heh.. the goyim fell for our trap!

Wait til you see the looks on their stupid goyim faces when we start ovening ourselves next!



let them call themselves out.
unfortuneatly i can't get the chrome add-on anymore but luckily the jews are naming themselves


>Putting targets on themselves

Really makes you wink huh


My thoughts exactly.

((())) was just highlighting Jewish privilege.

Look above senpai, I already gave a link.

What about ~ in between the two names. Like Caleb~Goldstein


How do I install?

>oh no goys now we Chosen People can't hide in plain sight among the whites!
>q-quick goys, put some (((echoes))) around your name so we can hide from the nazis :^)

Soon they'll be wearing stars

Thank you fampai

It's fake but I wish it was real

Someone should tell them they should also all post merchants as their avatar and post quotes about being pro white genocide from prominent kikes since the alt right also memes that.

The next version should put Swastikas next to their names. No goy would be stupid enough to put them next to their names :^)

They're pretty much rubbing it in our face at this point that they're in power and completely untouchable. Every social media outlet has their backs.


It's real in my mind.

Wonderful. Now the echoes won't just identify our Jewish friends, but also degenerates and communists across the web!

maybe next they will start changing their twitter avatars to the merchant picture and adding shekelstein and shit onto the end of their last names

Navigate to chrome://extensions
Expand the developer dropdown menu and click "Load Unpacked Extension"
Navigate to local folder
Assuming there are no errors, the extension should load into your browser

Years? He's known for years? I don't remember seeing this before May and this guy has known for years? What years? Is this Jewish accounting and he's counting 2017?

Couldn't you just alter the add on to parse the page, search for triple parentheses around names, strip them, then run the check against the dataset? Seems like an easy fix.

Do these retards not realise that the parentheses are just like air-quotes? They really don't mean anything. This is not a movement.