Rip brand new

Well, they were ending pretty soon anyway.

Oh look this thread again
Get over it pussies

t. skype guy

This is the way you wish your post sounds

This is the way you wish your post sounds

Send n00dz

The thing is, this was a decade and a half ago, he realised he had fucked up, he got help and he changed. If we're to hold people accountable for actions they committed long ago and that they have since recognised were wrong and have changed because of them what incentive even is there for redemption, for change? If there is no reason to improve oneself after making mistakes why would people do it? Furthermore, if we make it impossible for people to make amends or improvements on past faults what are the alternative measures we take with these people?


well said user, I agree.






You are just mad because you are fat and ugly.

lol wat? He broke the law.

Also I'm ugly, but not fat. Don't see how that's relevant though.

This is fucking bullshit. So its a crime to act sexually towards others? Who did he rape? Nobody. And now he's being equated to the likes of harvey weinstein who raped and groomed countless women
I don't usually take the side of the accused but this is just ridiculous
So far there has been no proof outside a facebook comment and an apology from jesse for "being a dick when he was younger" or something like that. He didn't even mention the case! Its either a cover up for something bigger or jesse just said that for this all to be over

I got a $20 bill that says little girls watch him jerk off.
He’s such a jerk off.

You are mad because he did not want you so you want to paint him as bad as you can.



>He broke the law.
then why isn't he in jail?
i love u fags bring up the law. but break it everyday. when you pirate music and illegally buy weed.

I'm a heterosexual male, user

You do not sound like it, you sound like a jealous little girl.

>sexual misconduct with a minor is equal to torrenting tunes


>implying torrenting is a victimless crime

good riddance

its still breaking the law. which you just quoted :)



Those found guilty of copyright infringement may face the following penalties: Up to five years in jail. Fines and charges of up to $150,000 per file.


user, everybody's beautiful, even you!

pretty sure I'd only pay a fine if I were caught. Jesse on the other hand...


it is when the """victim""" is a pedophile

Jesse "Okay I Believe You But The Police Won't" Lacey
Jesse "Good To Know If I ever Need Attention All I have to do is Send Nudes" Lacey
Jesse "The Boy Who Blogged His Own Cumshot" Lacey
Jesse "Showing Penis (YEAH!)" Lacey
Jesse "Consent Laws and a Semester of Broads" Lacey

well then the girl should press charges so he doesn't do it again
oh wait she isn't. another social media lynching that goes nowhere

>people actually whiteknighting some dumb tumblr roastie ITT

>girl was 15
If you lack such basic understanding of the surrounding events you have no place speaking about it, kid.

Jesse “I will play with myself in front of the webcam” Lacey

adult engaging in sexual conduct with a minor == pedophile

He’s no better or worse than Kevin Spacey. If Kevin Spacey has to lose everything over fucking with young boys then it’s not unfair for Jesse to over young girls.

they didn't have sex

Not true by the way

Okay, and?

Already admitted to it my man :)

Kevin Spacey assulted his victims, Jesse did not. In any case, a child is a person age 12 or under.

where did he say. he had sex with a underage girl
he didn't even acknowledge her

more like The Devil and Chad Are Raging Inside Me

The thinking face is dummy thicc

A pedophile is someone who assaults persons under the age of 12, my boy.

he exposed himself in front of her over webcam. That is sexual conduct with a minor and as such is pedophilic. full stop.

Not true btw ;)


>he exposed himself in front of her over webcam
any proof of this??? and again where did he admit he did this act in his reply?

whatever helps you sleep at night

Do you take pride in being wrong or something?

Jesse "Over Sixteen? I'm Not So Keen" Lacey
Jesse "In the Van or On the Cam" Lacey
Jesse "Skype and Wipe" Lacey

I dunno do you take pride in diddling kids?

I kek, good post user.

I'm not defending him or his actions, but unless the girl was 12 or under he is not a pedo.

he never touched her

what in the world is up with crazy ass women wanting to take down all these stars with bullshit "sexual misconduct" allegations? True or not they all have no choice but to write the most heartfelt apology they can for something that happened years ago and be labeled as a perverted asshole anyway

>Jesse "The Webcam Scene" Lacey
>Jesse "Last Chance To Lose Your Career" Lacey
>Jesse "The No Pants Song" Lacey
>Jesse "Welcome To Bangcock" Lacey
>Jesse "Handcuffs (For Real This Time)" Lacey
>Jesse "Cheated On A Bride" Lacey
>Jesse "Sue Me Up" Lacey
>Jesse "Can't Get It Out (She's just 15 Remix)" Lacey
>Jesse "No Control" Lacey

maybe men shouldn't be such pigs in the first place lmao

didn't video chat on skype come out years after the time she claims she got naked for him?

Maybe women shouldn't be so hot, not that you need to worry about that.

it proves that the only thing women have going for them is their vagina.

the kali yuga is coming near its end and all the degenerates and liberals and hypocrites are being outed. Soon there will be a 100000 year golden age.

t. /X/


That's why their only retort to an insult or confrontation is "oh yeah, well I won't sleep with you!"

or the classic "virgin"

No, not really, why?

They don't even realize that what they say is tantamount to "I'm just a life support system for genetalia"

Fuck you. Just because he made some songs you like doesn't mean what he did is okay. No, he didn't rape anyone, but he sexually manipulated a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD. What a fucking loser.

> (this was back in high school, so 2002-2004)

so why are you posting it now you fucking cunt
god I hate women

>, but he sexually manipulated a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD.
nobody forced her to go on skype and watch him jack off. its the fucking INTERNET YOU CAN ALWAYS EXIT OUT THE PROGRAM AND BLOCK HIM

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

I don't care about Jesse. I listened to a few brand new songs and had no idea who the singer even was until now.
How did he sexually manipulate anyone? Did he hold a gun to her head? Did he freeze her parents bank account? Did he hold her hostage?
All he did was ask more than once, fifteen years ago. FIFTEEN. And never until the witch hunt did she say anything.

lol this

I'm not big on sex with minors BUT I did get cheating into believing she's 18. Maybe the same happened with Jesse.


Stop victim blaming. He groomed a gullible 15 year old girl.

>“YES. He solicited nudes from me starting when I was 15 and he was 24. Manipulated the hell out of me, demanded specific poses/settings/clothing, demeaned me, and made it clear that my sexuality was the only thing I had to offer. He knew what he was doing was sh*tty so he wouldn’t touch me until was 19. I should’ve known better by then, but he had screwed me up so much psychologically that all I wanted was his approval. It fucked me up to the point that I STILL have nightmares and wakeup in a sweat."

The fact that Jesse didn't deny these claims proves them. What he did was sick and he deserves all the hate he is getting right now.

>YES. He solicited nudes from me starting when I was 15 and he was 24.

lol holy shit do people really do this

>Stop victim blaming. He groomed a gullible 15 year old girl.
translation. shes an idiot who wanted to fuck her teen crush and was okay with it. until he got nudes of her and discarded her.
can't wait for ppl like her and jesse get erased from earth.

You niggas be going around saying you wanna bang Danielle Bregoli, who is 14 but suddenly Jesse is the main villain because he actually got some action.

In any case you're just jelly.

>What he did was sick and he deserves all the hate he is getting right now.
why stop at hate. lock him up and report it to the police.

15 year olds are all idiots, that's the issue exactly

agreed. thats why every concert should be 18+
problem solved


Yes, but Jesse is the bigger idiot here because he knew exactly what he was doing.

idiots are idiots period. both should be erased from society.

in that order?

haha yeah right on my man. So if someone kills somebody for whatever reason and years later understands they fucked up and got help well then thats all good right? You're fucking retarded, crimes deserve punishment and sexual misconduct with a fucking minor is a crime

yep all these nu-male keyboard warriors. should go find him and beat him up.

>so if someone kills somebody for whatever reason and years later understands they fucked up and got help well then thats all good right?
i don't see whats wrong with that. they are admitting their problems
do you want everybody who has broken the law or lied to kill themselves or rot in jail??

Yes you spastic sack of shit, if the law is broken there must be consequences otherwise society wouldn't function. Jesus, are all die hard brand new fans this retarded? It really would explain a lot

jesse did nothing wrong. prove me wrong. protip: you can't. there's no evidence he did anything except the words of a roastie.

>has to go for the biggest crime possible to make this point
Murder is probably the sole exception to this
Are you also saying that anyone who committed assault, stole, dealt drugs, drove under the influence, etc. many years ago should be hauled down to the police station decades after the fact after they went through rehabilitation, after they've realised their faults in committing those acts because they deserve punishment? I don't see the point, personally.
Also, no one's actually pushing for him to go to prison, no one's filed a police report in the hopes this gets investigated, not the people who have accused him, so why should anyone else call for it?

>Jesus, are all die hard brand new fans this retarded?
not a fan of them. just like devil & god.

>if the law is broken there must be consequences otherwise society wouldn't function.
so when are you going to jail for downloading music illegally?

Jesse "Sowing Semen" Lacey

why is a whole grown ass man messing with a 15 year old girl though? is that a big thing in america?

it's a thing everywhere. some places just talk about it more than others.