Uber is not having a hard time finding enough people. If they paid more they could easily get more drivers.
Uber has lowered prices several times to be more "competitive." It used to be a bunch of cool hipsters driving their honda civics in their free time, but after the price drops, Uber has gotten desperate in their hiring. The only drivers I've met in the last few months are ex-taxi drivers and old people driving beaters. If uber wants better drivers, maybe they should pay better wages.
>local taxies want ~$70 + tip to get from train station to my town, about 20 minutes/10 miles away.
>pull up Uber and say beat this $40 quote or get fucked
>get cheap(er) ride and don't have to wait
I drive for Uber. Those leases really are a bad deal. It's up to $20k on a new car, $18k on a used, the rates suck, and dealership salesmen know how thin the margins are for them, so they'll do anything to sell the car to someone they can make more money off instead. You really need to do your homework to get a good deal on one, and even then you're far better off just buying the car than paying the uber lease.
That said, it's unlimited miles, free maintenance, and any credit qualifies. Although I did read a nightmare story the other night where a guy just decided to stop driving for Uber and then was mad when they didn't repossess the car fast enough for him.
Look, Uber's great. It was a good way for me to climb out of neetdom because I didn't have to explain to any boss why I was a neet before I got hired. But those leases are really for people with absolutely no other prospects.
it's gonna be like that short period when netflix was sending actual dvds. full automation on demand is where it's really going.
Where does it say they want better drivers?
The problem with Uber is that not many people have luxury vehicles to drive people around in. In San Francisco, you need a nice enough SUV beyond a certain year, and most drivers drive around in a nice car with leather. I drive a fucking 1998 pickup.
>buying from a dealership
I was checking out a minvan that had 100k miles on it for 1300 in the midwest. Didn't buy because it was a seedy dealer and the carfax came back with 160k miles so I bailed. That same model goes for 3k usually.
I myself bought a former missionary car from a church for 5k and its the only car I've ever had, about ten years now and its not even at 90k miles yet.
Uber my ass
I don't have a smartphone for that shit
Keep dreaming. Self driving cars will never be universally adopted.
You could probably make more just being a pickup for hire on craigslist than doing uber.
Sounds like your car wouldn't qualify anyway. It varies by city, but generally the car must be ten years old or newer.
They'll also rent you an iphone for $10/month so you can use their ap.
insurance companies and luddites will retard any real growth in that industry for a good while.
>linking a post on Tumblr as a source when the quote comes from a newspaper that is actually linked in the link you just gave
You're fucking retarded my man, kill yourself
>people driving beaters
I thought a driver had to have a car that was 10 years old or less to qualify for Uber? I was interested in doing it a while back but my car was too old by about a few years.
I had to take a taxi to work yesterday and the currynigger charged me nearly $20 for a 10 minute in-town trip. It was the first time I took a taxi in 5 years and the rate was the highest I've ever fucking seen in my life, if I had to use them more often I'd be in the poorhouse.
The faster Uber destroys the taxi industry the better, those scum need to die. Anyone who would ever take a taxi should use Uber instead, I am going to start using it after that fucking ripoff I just experienced.
There is an entire economy centered around driving. America has car culture, we love to drive, and it employs countless workers. Self-driving cars (if they can be made to work) are cute gimmicks for commuters who want to eat breakfast and watch tv on their way to work, but nobody else will ever want them.
The only reason uber works is because taxis are so shit and have regulations out the ass. I was suprised that hillary came out against uber though, I guess the taxi unions are lining her wallet or something because everyone loves not taking taxis.
Why not? Assuming technology works. Infrastructure? Not a problem in small countries.
>Drive your own car and dispatch yourself
>pay money to get certified and shit to work for company
>Uber takes cut out of your work,
Literally a jew business model
Tried it before. All the businesses were scam businesses in my area. In fact, one of them asked for my social media names and shit. I put N/A and didn't get any replies, even though before I was told I was perfect and just needed to fill out this small form on Google.
It sounds like they want full time drivers when nobody has time for that shit.
>I was suprised that hillary came out against uber though
Why? The taxi business has always been hopelessly corrupt, and can only exist in the first place because of collusion with government officials, typically in large cities which means democrats.
I like how slate is basically advocating taking jobs away from the few immigrants who actually work and drive taxis so a bunch of beta nu male hipsters can make a few extra bucks
fuck uber
You don't know what you're talking about. They already use driver assist technology and have for years especially in the trucking industry. The only reason why its going to take awhile is because of the legal implications, not because we can't do it. In fact just awhile ago in europe I read about a whole fleet of semis making a trip with one driver and a bunch of slave robots driving the other semis.
Thats going to be the near future.
I give minute fucks about the luxury market.
t. taxidriver pajeet
That's a huge assumption.
People really like driving, and it's an integral part of American culture.
Plus it'll be too expensive for most drivers.
Oh, and let ONE accident happen, and everyone will hate it.
To say nothing of the "I, Robot" conundrum. Will your car be programmed to run you into a brick wall at 60 mph if it detects a child girl chasing a ball into the street? Who would buy something programmed to kill them?
Or what happens when Sup Forums figures out how to spoof a child girl running into the street and starts causing self-driving cars to wreck themselves just for their sick amusement?
Sorry, user, it's just not going to happen. It's a cute idea, but for fuck's sake we can't even have self-driving trains, and they don't even have a steering wheel.
if they paid more i'd just use lyft
>>pay money to get certified and shit to work for company
What are you talking about? The only cert I needed to pay for was a VDOT sticker which cost me ten bucks.
When I traveled to Italy, to get from the central train station to the airport in Milan cost 10 euros if you took the express bus which was dirt cheap and available every 15 min. Though being a bus it was slow. There's a train for almost twice that, a lot faster but only a available every half hour.
Now these fuckers with their taxis ask for 100 euros for a ride to the airport. I said fuck that and waited for the train. If only they had uber I would have been willing to pay up to 40 euros for a ride. Oh well.
Modern day slavery. They're slowing eroding ownership of property by people: houses, cars, even your damn cable modem. The Jews are so incredibly clever.
Basically sharecropping. Interesting.
Sorry, I'm a professional driver. I know what I'm talking about because it's my business to know. The "driver assist" technology is as much an obstruction as it is a benefit. You don't need radar on your car, and it doesn't even really help you if you have it. Just one more thing to distract you, and one more thing to break.
Let one of those slave trucks malfunction. Just one. See how fast public opinion turns on them.
I really don't see hispters actually working. The majority will be people who get fired from taxi companies or immigrants who want to be taxi drivers but can't get hired.
The idea that since the model changed the worker does as well is silly. Uber attracts those types sure, but they will be rare and do less hours.
I know a cab company I 'interviewed' at basically gave you training then had you pay 70 bucks a day to use their cars. Total scam. Bailed out of that shit. Uber is pulling the same thing.
People just don't have enough cash on hand anymore. The jews really fucked us over.
>The best path out of poverty is through private enterprise
The benefit is that if you're 21 with a clean driving record (and not a convicted rapist) you can get a job from nothing. Then you can work off paying for the car, and work your way up. If you can do better, you probably should. But if you can't, there's an option.
The problem with Uber is that other cab services are much cheaper. On top of most Uber drivers that are obnoxious with cringey personalities.
the driver gets most of the money, uber gets like 10% of the fee or something
if the price goes up, people won't use the service
its called capitalism you flaming faggot
>tumblr as a news source
kill yourself
Why doesn't uber have female drivers? I want a qt drivers not a ugly beaded male.
You are right. Uber is a great service, and for a while it was a great place to work. I never have worked for Uber, but i did work for a delivery service that operated very similar.
For the first year i was making a living. Not getting rich, but getting by just fine. Out of nowhere there were drastic policy changes that resulted in a pay cut amounting to around 60%. The last 3 weeks i worked for this company i took a loss. What i was paid just barely covered the cost of gas. CAA estimates the cost of operating a mid size sedan at $0.52/km for city driving. I was being paid less than $0.30/km/ Gasoline alone is around $0.20/km.
From what i heard, uber just pulled the exact same shit. If you are not making enough to cover your gasoline and maintenance, how are you going to eat? The more you work, the more you lose. People are running their vehicles into the ground and then quitting because they have no car to work with, and Uber just finds another sucker to exploit a vehicle from.
credit is double edged sword
you get far more than you can ever afford, you can startup a business easier, and you can live in a house you would never normally be able to buy. You just have to live in debt for the rest of your life and pay for your money eventually.
If you're smart and lucky, it all works in your favor, but how many are both of those?
I had similar experiences traveling around big cities in Australia pre-Uber. Around the NYC area generally seems to be beat out taxi prices. Where I live in the suburbs of NYC there aren't many public transportation options especially late at night so the local taxis have preyed on that
Well, its not like Taxis being expensive is entirely the governments fault right?
anything that takes jobs away from somalians and ethiopians is ok in my book.
I guarantee those drivers want a cute passenger, instead of a fat neet with stains on his shirt.
>your entire campaign hinges on attracting young people
>rail on the big hot new ticket for young people by bashing a startup, of all things
Who the fuck is managing this cunt's campaign? Without Wasserman-Shultz and the MSM, she'd have been blown the fuck out by Bernie months ago.
I hope to God that the Dems force this cunt on their voters just so Trump can come out and talk about how great Uber is or something similar.
It fucking boggles the mind how horribly run her campaign has fucking been. It's almost like some kind of torture test experiment on the American voter to see how much bullshit they will accept.
It actually is. The city i live charges $250,000 a year for a taxi plate. Most taxi drivers are sub contractors who pay $200/12 hour shift (plus gas) to use a registered taxi.
Females are probably discouraged from the job because they're more vulnerable to attacks than men, plus also rape. I think most customers are female anyways and they want a handsome strong man of a driver to protect them. Don't know, just my theory.
Look at their 10K. Net loss of billions last year kek
For fuck's sake.
My friend drove Uber. A girl was the person who referred him. She just doesn't do the late night drunk hours or refuses to let them into her car.
Uber cuts what they pay the drivers all the time. Just wait until cab companies are out of business. Uber will up their rates to be as much as cabs and fuck the drivers more than the cab companies did.
And guess who's going to be driving you around? Brown people, I know a couple of cabbies in toronto and they've said that the majority of uber drivers are the same low-energy deadbeats that used to drive cabs but thought the new thing in town would cut them a better deal.
Delete this.
Driving around all day is not low energy. It is a high stress job. That is why i drive for living. I absolutely hate boredom.
No, Uber takes 20% plus fees. Also they Double charge on the surge price.
>A girl was the person who...
Kindly note that girls are not people.
The market's too open now that big taxi companies lost their monopolies. Is lyft still around? If Uber gets too expensive then another cheap taxi company will pop up to compete. It's the nature of business, prices will have to be competitive to stay alive. Only reason the taxi companies held monopolies was becuase of the lack of existence of smartphones then and labor unions.
I'm talking about those guys that sit around for half an hour at a time chatting with their buddies while waiting for their turn for a fare from dispatch.
The age of the car depends entirely on your region, the requirements are different by region. Technically they're all supposed to be 4 door sedans and 10 years old or newer, but I've seen some pretty shitty cars myself.
one time me and my friend pooped on an uber drivers head because he had passed out while driving
If anyone reduces taxi costs I'll call it a net win
>250,000 plate
>200/12hr shift sub contract
holy shit
Imagine not getting enough fares to cover that shit everyday.
Yah, i know what you are saying. I don't think i could drive passengers around. I do courier work, mostly autoparts. Just me, my car and the clock.
>this is how they behave in toliet paper land
how'd he sleep while driving and not die and shit
I think i might have exaggerated, but not by much. The plate might last 3 or 5 years or something. I know for a fact though in my city it is $200 to get behind the wheel of a cab and it has to be returned washed and with a full tank.
I don't like Uber for a variety of reasons, but one of the more frightening ones was one that I experienced first hand.
My ex girlfriend was sort of an idiot and didn't have a whole lot of job prospects. Because we both lived in a big city there were plenty of opportunities for her to work for Uber. She took a job with them, and because she didn't have a car, she took them up on a lease for a car.
The car was admittedly a new Prius, and was very nice. It was perfect for the stop/go traffic of where we lived. The only not great thing was the fact that the car was expensive; the terms of the lease were fairly high. She had to pay Uber about $1,200 a month to keep the car. She could manage that, of course, if she worked full time as a driver, and for a while that worked. But when folks were going out less (such as during winter) or her car was in the shop (as it was for two weeks after a nasty accident) she wasn't making any cash at all.
Ultimately, it seemed to me to be a sort of way of duping people who don't read contracts very closely (aka her) into signing away their lives. Fuck Uber.
literally every uber driver I talk to tells me they make ~$20/hr and that they clearly don't feel like its a bad gig.
And here in Brazil Uber is so much more successful than regular taxis that taxists actually ambush and destroy cars they think are driving for Uber. I shit you not, they'll even threaten and assault people for choosing Uber over their services.
This is mostly because taxis here will literally jew the fuck out of your soul for a run, even moreso on bigger cities, and god have mercy on your soul if you're a foreigner, they'll literally jack up prices over 500% or more just to squeeze that sweet gringo money outta you.
Just offer DD (designated driver) services on late night weekends and holidays for people.
How it works?
>You and your buddies drive from the city limits downtown with your car.
>Get extremely wrecked. Cant drive home.
>Can take a cab...but youd have to come all the way back for your car.
>they call your company
>you and a friend show up in a car.
>you jump out, jump in drunk dudes car and he and his drunk buddies jump in. You drive to his house while your buddy follows you in company vehicle.
>they pay you.
Essentially youre the cab and the tow in one cheap payment. Theyre pretty popular here.
>want a car ride
>get beat up by random taxi drivers
I never expected it to work like this abroad.
I was just in Detroit last weekend and sure enough Uber was hiking their prices like a nigger Jew because of some rave downtown. Taxis were offering some pretty slick deals. Gotta shop around I guess.
$20 per hour minus costs, which equal to more than $10 per hour. Gas alone is about $50 for a solid 8 hour shift. Then you have to factor in maintenance and depreciation. Because oil filters are not free and a car with 300k km is worth a lot less than a car with 50k km.
Yes everyone loves driving while kids and niggers fly past them going 97, cut them off, tailgate the fuck out of them, etc. It's truly an American Dream to be stressed out whenever you want to go somewhere more than a 15 minute drive. Surely no one will want an enhanced experience in that area.
this is from 4 days ago. It gets so retarded they'll literally mob you.
Dude, thats a brilliant idea! Bonus they cant ruin your car with throw up.
That's because everyone in your country is a bunch of subhuman apes.
Eh. I see the point that he's trying to make.
On another note though, there are certain problems that won't be noticed until the automated cars are running around full-time en masse. One problem I can think of is if there's traffic going towards the downtown of a city, they'll all head for the same detour to avoid the traffic. So instead of 20k cars jammed up on a highway, it's 20k cars jammed up randomly on a few side streets, constantly recalculating through the same detours because they all receive and interpret the same nav info. Dealing with that problem is going to be REALLY fun.
and how much is refined petrol taxed in canada?
in illinois its over a dollar for each gallon
Hey, I never said we werent, I was just commenting on how Uber was a lot more successful over here to the point it got a shitload of taxi drivers butthurt. They even pushed their unions n shit to try and ban Uber, but that didnt fly so they turned to this.
Subhuman ape or not I'd like to think people would at least use some logic when trying to protest about somethig but hey
>use Uber
>get shot
I never understood why Uber has such stringent vehicle requirements. I have a 2001 BMW 320d. It's not fast, or particularly glamourous but it's nicer than 75% of new ecnonoboxes, yet Uber wouldn't let me drive for them, while someone with a 2015 Fiesta 5dr would get hired in a heartbeat, despite the significantly less comfortable ride
It's the same here desu
What I don't understand is that you guy are talking like Uber is the only offering something like this, there are other companies like Cabify and EasyTaxi.
$1.11 per liter right now, just filled up today. Sad because the refinery the gas comes from is in my city, and the crude that goes to the factory is pulled from the ground within a few hundred km. The gas that leaves the refinery in my city is sold cheaper across both provincial borders, where it has to be transported to.
Indian living in Canada confirmed
Poo in the loo, not on the man's head, Apu!
>per liter
I'm glad your country is dying leaf
EasyTaxi is rather unknown over here, never heard about Cabify, so I cant comment on either of them. I guess its just the fact that Uber X and Uber Black made such a big splash in big tourist cities that it literally turned the taxi drivers into chimpout mode, but what really baffles me is that they think this will somehow disencourage people from choosing other services.
Most people ive spoken with about these cases said that if given the chance, they'd probably choose to not support these mobster faggots.
You're better than this Sup Forums, falling for the Jewish moneylending tricks again.
Uber has a problem with employee retention. Most drivers quit after 6 months.
The leases are designed to target poor people and get them stuck in a sub prime loan, then they have to work for uber longer to get out of it.
I've thought of this before but haven't found a friend who is like me and does nothing on Friday/Saturday nights. All I ever do is shitpost here most weekend nights. Would be nice to make even more money on top of my two jobs.
They already do lots of research on crap like this. There are apps that do the same shit too like Wayze or Waze or something. The number of difficulties in implementing any technology this complex will be overshadowed by the desire to make it work, I think that they will have ample time because most people can barely afford the car they have now much less some fancy computer box addon that controls your shit for you.
That actually hurts a little bit. Great job. You put down a man who has worked hard his entire life and has been honest in every situation he found himself in. I will probably have to resort to crime, have a laugh about it.
Waze basically already does this.
Drunk people are loose with money and considering the times, there is no shortage of them. Hell in my local city it doesnt even need to be a friday night. You could make more money working three nights a week than a full week of wage slaving. Pure cash. Only drawback i can think of is you might need insurance in case you crash. I dont meant auto insurance, I mean the kind for when you get sued.
He's making fun of your country and system of measurement not your character and history as a person faggot
I don't know if its such a good idea to drive out specifically to meet with drunk people to then escort them back home. I feel like there would inevitably be some weaponry and bad decisions made.
>The number of difficulties in implementing any technology this complex will be overshadowed by the desire to make it work
This is quite literally analogous to the traveling salesman problem. Figuring out the optimal routes for multiple cars along hundreds of roadways in a city will take exponentially more processing power per new autonomous vehicle. It will probably be reconciled by forcing the car to accept waiting in traffic if it's during certain times like rush hour on the highway. I'm only using this as an example though of a problem that is only observed at large scales which cannot be immediately tested for.
And how many people use Waze? 30k on a single highway? I'm not saying this is impossible, I'm saying that there are many problems that won't crop up until you have the numbers to do so.
Our countries share prosperity. Never in history have 2 nations traded in such a beneficial way as Can and USA. I love great bantz, but there is a line between bantz and schadenfreude.
>And how many people use Waze
Sweet. I guess that settles that problem. Hope it all works out.
Yup...only problem is you really dont know how road worthy some of these cars are. You could show up and the dude can have a real serious shit box...vut you have to have flear company policy that you will refuse work if you think the car is unsafe. Worst case scenario other than accidents, dead batteries, getting robbed or just not getting paid.
Its still essentially a cab driver gig, and cab drivers are one of the most dangerous jobs you can do when you factor in theft and accidents.
But just to throw in another good idea that is almost contradicting the act of operating a DD company. Also have another business for 'bootleg liquor'. Here in Canada booze shops close before 11pm on weekends. What you do is stock up on all the popular brand liquors and beers. You charge double the shelf price. When a party is kicking off and lots of people show and drink out the booze theyll ring you around 1230-2 AM for more booze. Ive actually ordered a bottle of Wisers whiskey before and it cost me 60$. This bottle was usualy 34$...anyways its a complimenting business because you have similar hours and youre dealing with the same clientele.
This, simple supply and demand. Uber doesn't give two shits about helping poor people, businesses exist to create profit. If you care so much about poor people, house and feed them yourself.