Adventure of/b/ thread!

Adventure of/b/ thread!

How it works: Posts ending in 3, 6, or 9 advance the story. Dubs of any number advance the story, Trips activates a surprise encounter, and Quads+ teleports us to a random dimension (with all out gear).
1. You do not talk about Adventures of Sup Forums

P.S: I'm not the same GM as last night.
I'll set it up with first reply.

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First 3, 6, or 9 names character. Second picks what class we start as; Knight, mage, cleric, thief, or mercenary.

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Robert Cumdrinker

Fucking quads

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Well guess we start on an alien fucking planet


So I want to ask you guys, should I have weapon stats and enemy stats, etc? Making this up as I go and I kinda want a turn based battle system. Yae or nay?

There's a hoe

Confirmed, character's name is There's a hoe

Rodney Felcher


His class will be trap

The story starts in his mothers basement

Ops a dirty faggot

Thief it is. All right we're set. You, There's a hoe, are a thief looking for adventure, riches, and probably rape knowing who's controlling you.
You wake up in a forest with only your knife, knapsack, and the clothes on your back. There is a cabin to the north of you, a road to the South, a small trail with a running Creek to the east, and a cliffbase to the west. You can't remember how you got there.


Start jerking off to a porn magazine stashed on you

Fat chode appears


You don't control the encounters that's my job btfo.

it is

You take off your pack and view it's contents. Inside is 3 days rations of food and drink, a roll of cloth for treating wounds, 34 gold coins, and a porn magazine.
You take out the magazine and look at it's cover. "Orcs gone wild!". Not the most preferable option but it'll have to do. 5 minutes of meat beating later and you're ready to go. You place the magazine back in your pack and close it, standing up ready to adventure into this strange land.

Put on helmet finnish masturbating and go even further south

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Damn girl fine


You venture south onto the road. It travels straight east to west along the base of the cliff until it turns north. Looking to the east you see what looks like an enterance carved into the wall of a hill, dimly lit by something you can't quite see, it's where the road ends.

Wat do?

Run at mach speed into the entrance not stopping for anything


Get distracted by the echo made by the cave, waste a day, continue into the cave

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through the power of rerolls your wish is granted.

You run into the structure in a blind sprint, feeling a chilling breeze wash over you the second you enter. You charge through until you come to a massive octogonal room, with hallways leading in all 8 directions. The floor and walls are covered in moss and some variant of lycan. You now see what lit the stairway, and what lights the room: a massive crystal, suspended from the ceiling by a golden chain, hangs above your head. Its glow illuminates the room with a soft green color. You decide it would be best to explore this structure futher... But where to start?

Wat do?

Sleep and hope the answer is revealed during the dream


So many questions and no answers you think. Maybe it would be best to sleep it off. You lay down, using your pack as a pillow. You don't even need a blanket because of the crystal's warmth. Before you drift off to sleep you strangely feel like an onion. As you lay there in the darkness of your mind, peacefully resting, you feel as if something is reaching out to you, calling you, beckoning you. Everything echoes but you can clearly make out the words fountain, heart, and crystal, before you are jolted awake by some unknown force. You stand up and look at the crystal, suspended 50 maybe 60 feet in the air. There's something strange about it. And you have a feeling your dream had to do with it.

Wat do
