Moviebob thinks of ideas Feig can use for his ghostbusters sequel

Moviebob has a new series where he brainstorms hypothetical ideas for his favorite film franchises

He thinks the sequel should focus on Patty Jones and Kate Mcinnon , his favorite characters from the first film. He thinks the should have a subplot where religious people have religious objections to the Ghostbustersnand have a witch trial

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Movieblob is a live-action Mr. Potato Head.

Not even his friends and family respect him. At least 3/4 of the people that follow him do so only to make fun of the retarded bullshit he says.

Do you honestly care man?
I'm not talking about that safe space echo chamber 'silence anyone who disagrees with me' kind of thing, but I mean what about this fat internet retard and his fat internet retard opinions is sincerely interesting to you?

forgot video

God, the night Trump won was satisfying. Bob's meltdown was beautiful. I laughed at the fat fuck and got insta-blocked.

Got a video?

So, his idea of saving the franchise is to have MORE of the lazy racist stereotype "Aww hell no!" Patti?

Is he so desperate to project his "love" of progressive values he's intentionally ignoring a clearly racist caricature because he thinks it promotes diversity?

I really felt sorry for Patti. She got a shitty part in a shitty movie playing a shitty caricature of a black woman, only to be attacked for it.

Not that it excuses her subsequent twitter chimp-out of course. But it's still sad.

The meltdown was on his twitter, senpai.

How about they get haunted by a he ghost of Pail Fieg after he blows his brains out?


How divorced from reality is this fag?

TL;DR: Waah! The person I wanted to win didn't win, and it's all everyone else's fault!

Did I slip into the Berenstain universe or did he recently develop an annoying accent?

>call your fellow Democrats misogynists because they preferred Bernie over Hillary
>be surprised when they voted Trump to spite you

SJWs really are retards.

Did anyone get a screencap of it? I hear his brand of Liberalisism is really elitist and even authouritarian.

I also kind of want a screencap. I went to his twitter timeline and it stopped loading posts from about an hour after he found out the result but I don't have his exact "holy shit" moment.

God I wish I'd been there. I used to like his reviews and he still had the occasionally good one but I can't put up with his politics intruding on them all the time.

That and his BS retroactive review of Man of Steel(he liked it when he reviewed it and then for the next two years he acted like it was the worst film of all time and shat on it and acted like he hated it from the beginning).

That's a terrible idea, Ghostbusters shouldn't have been anything more that the first movie from 1984, this guy is an idiot who wants sequels to a movie that everybody has already forgotten.

I think you slipped back from it, hes always had it.
Welcome home, user


What did he mean by this?

>He only wants mindless support?
>He's unable to debate rationally?
>He's a literal manchild who needs coddling and will cry if he doesn't get his own way?

Pick three.

Just a sample, but you really have to go on his Twitter page. You really can't comprehend how fucking insane he is until you see it yourself.

He really is a deluded manchild. He has clear aspergers/autism.

I'm not trying to be glib. He really does exhibit some spectrum activity and he needs help not the constant attention of fake friends on social media.

Plus he's a classic case of an abused kid seeking out to abuse others in return. A literal internet bully.


I have a small part of his meltdown

Note that his gas the sub-humans puritan war identity politics now is very odd considering his upbringing

He's become a true zealot, in the literal sense.
Completely and utterly unaware of it.

How can this fat fuck be happy with this greenscreen? Also does he think he's being funny with those "No, no NO!" bits?

to bad that not only makes no sense in this modern time, but the movie flopped so its not happening

Holy shit, I wish I hadn't been at work that day and had been witness to that meltdown.

What an arrogant cunt he is.
Basically he's saying "because I'm not hurting you hurting doesn't matter because if you didn't want to hurt you'd just be more like me. One of the few dozen people who can make money off the internet in a very niche way that 90% of participants fail at."

And also I love how left-wingers in the US think that Black people aren't a major part of the working class and aren't affected by the exportation of jobs around the world and lowering of wages at home by inflating the job market via illegal immigrants.

It's like they think "You can sit at the front of the bus now you thankless cunts, so shut up about not having money for bus fare. We did our part, you should have thought about becoming an online movie reviewer for a living instead of working in a factory."

They don't give a single iota of a flying fuck about minorites. They're just using them as a way to get their narrative across in a way that can't be challenged.

"What? You don't believe me? But I speak for black people therefore you're a racist!"

Dumb shits. That's how Trump got elected. people got fed up of the constant anti-white bullshit.

Watching the beginning of the end for SJW and the beginning of the Age of Men has been the best week in my life.

True dat. The work is finally turning.
Watch the sjws burning in the streets!

Anyone have any blob caps?
I was too worn out to take in the Twitter salt.

It sounds fake as fuck. He never had that accent in his videogame videos.
Maybe that was intentional but it's easier for me to believe that you and I are from the same timeline.

Yeah I remember recently watching his video on Christmas Story and he totally had no accent. Maybe on voice-over material he suppresses it to sounds more professional (even though I can still hear the pretzel crumbs in his beard)

>hear the pretzel crumbs in his beard
top jej m8

Is there a worse e-celeb than Moviebob?

by worse I mean that his life is unfixable

Cole Smithey is z-grade movie critic e-celeb who doesn't even have an ironic following.

Doug Walker is a SJW Cuck, Spoony is a has been washup, Jo is a brainwashed tranny, Nash and Todd are cucks, and Ellis is an Anita wanna be. They are all really bad, but most are in it for the easy money. But Bob is actually crazy. I think Todd is just angry and cucked but not that crazy.

But he has a famous half-sister.

Okay, he brainstormed some ideas for a sequel, what do you want me to go hunt him down cause you don't like them?

He doesn't really count as an e-celeb, senpai. Chris Chan followers and angry Toy Story 3 fans are the only people who are aware of his existence. It's pathetic but I would argue he's better off than Bob because he has a real job and a life whereas Bob is a pathetic manchild that will never attain anything. When Bob is 60 he'll be in a shitty apartment still reviewing movies without a single friend in the world.





Well, if they repeal Obamacare and shred welfare, that will happen a lot faster Mr. Bob.

You'd think that will all this shit about being a better human he'd go to the gym.

What? Is Bob advocating the dissolution of nations?

>If you voted just to get jobs, DIE

I mean, isn't that 99% of a politicians job and effectiveness? Managing the economy?

Bill Clinton realized that - at least lie about Muh Jobs. If you can't do that, why would anyone vote for you?

>The fact is - and no one wants to hear this, ever - not everyone gets to "win", even if you yourself aren't the "bad guy".

Case in point - Hillary Clinton and her supporters.


he is tea party on the other end.

There was actually a time when the fat cunt had the nerve to tell others to do just that

Bob's politics are such an incredibly confusing mess. He's a Rand fanboy who openly despises most people but at the same time he's a flaming SJW who blindly follows the latest "progressive" fads. If he ever got a ton of political power he would probably turn into a "progressive" Hitler and try his hardest to wipe out all white conservatives. The mental gymnastics he goes through must be awe inspiring.

I don't know if "e-celeb" is the right term, but I guess Dobson's infamous enough around here to be down there with Movieblob.

But those are the bad guys.

He's conflicted.


2. He is a fat, pathetic loser who is unable to attract friends or perceived female interest without virtue signalling and kissing the feet of low quality women. This necessitates him to pay lip service to feminism, progressive and diverse identity politics.

This of course creates a sense of hypocrisy and confusion - Poor people should just die already - But we must give black people money because they're poor.

His excuse is;

>White straight men (and women who don't agree with him) are to blame for their positions in life.

>White straight people are to blame for everyone elses positions in life.

It's a magic dividing line. If you are not a straight white person, social darwinism does not apply to you because "reasons". If you are a straight white person, it does, because "reasons".

I do think he is legit insane. If he goes on a shooting rampage someday, I will not feel one iota of surprise.

He's too scared of guns to ever do that, more likely to gas somewhere or poison food

>He really liked pictures of their kids
What did Feige mean by this?

I remember that, telling "Gamers" to read a book, eat some vegetables and work out.

>cities don't need the rural because they can trade with other places that also have rural parts to them

fucking based

is he /our/ guy?

Bob seems a fairly obvious case, even by internet armchair shrink standarts.

Low self esteem due to shitty childhood and being a fat tub of lard coupled with the enormous inflation of ego due to scoring a gig at Screwattack/Escapist has crated a Frankenstein monster who knows his only hope of ever touching a woman means licking the boots of the worst speciments "hambeast feminism" has to offer.

The irony of the fact that despite being the whitest of knights, he's still forever alone is great thought.

>current year
>movie slob

Him getting booted from the Escapist was the best part of Gamergate.

Although Nichboy on Good Game thanking GamerGate last week for helping clearing out the corruption/graft in games journalism was pretty satisfying as well.

To most of Sup Forums it really is. I promise you many people read this post, acknowledged that they do care, and ignored it lol