Just found out why my nouth hurts so much

Just found out why my nouth hurts so much.
What to do Sup Forums?

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Kys faggot

cut it out with exacto knife, only way to be sure

Rinse with salty water, stop eating sweets.


Are you that much of a neckbeard you dont know how to treat a mouth ulcer?

Its just cancer, you'll be fine.

Bonjela its a cream u put on the inside of your mouth that feels cottony when in there and stops pain and irritation

I get one of those once in a while. Just put Anbesol on it, don't tongue it, and it'll go away on its own after maybe two weeks.

Brush your teeth without toothpaste for a week or so, rinse with salt water 3 times a day to kill germs. avoid acidic, salty food


Rinse it with some hydrogen peroxide, then some mouthwash.

If you want to pick at it first to open it up some more.

Nibbas whom don't know what a kanker sore is

Space AIDS, get your affairs in order.

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Drink like a gallon of orange juice.

Not sure where in the world you are OP, but in the UK we have this stuff called Iglu which works a treat on mouth ulcers.

Its a kanker sore. Everyone gets them at one point or another from biting to what have you. Salt helps but it hurts like fuck when applying. Listerine helps for quick relife. Theres an oral gel you can pick up at your general store called Zilactin. It makes a patch that deadens the sore.make sure you dry the area before applying

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It's a gay repression ulcer, the more you repress that you are gay the worse it gets.

I get those all the time, they go on their own in a week or so, if I use Pyralvex they last 2 or 3 days.

Use Chlorhexamed mouthwash 3 times a day and this shit will be gone in like 1 or 2 weeks.

I heard if you rub Coconut oil on them it helps to remove it (not instantly obviously)

Google "apthous ulcers" man. They aren't infectious, so don't worry about getting others sick. They are caused by many factors. Could be you're not getting enough sleep and wearing your self out. Or it could be you ate something that cut against your lip. People get them when they bite their tongue, cheek or lip. There is no cure and its pointless to go to the doctor. You have to waot for it to heal which takes like 5-10 days.

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Stop eating ass.

Kanker sore. Hurts like hell but easily fixed. Ive had them. Fastest fix is hydrogen peroxide. 2 days of rinsing with it and itll be gone

Make a solution of warm salt water. Rinse thoroughly, several times a day. Drink cranberry juice (the real stuff), eat fruit or active yoghurt.

Your gums are one of the first things to go if you're run down. Take better care of yourself.

Google these things if you don't believe me

Best of luck

Don't do this OP is very toxic and can be letal.


Avoid salty or acidic foods, keep the ulcer clean with mouthwash, in one week it'll go away, you'll feel better if you keep your mouth clean.

Is this true? That shit is kinda cheap isn't it? I buy this crap that works but it isn't cheap at all.

Might try it next time.

Canker sores are fucking AIDS, man. Just get some rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or some mouthwash, and rinse your mouth with that. Should shorten how long it's there. Aside from that, carry some Anbesol, Orajel, or teething medicine with you. It numbs your mouth, so you won't feel pain from it for a while. I get canker sores all the time, so I carry some with my Ibuprofen everywhere I go. But to prevent them, just brush your teeth, use mouthwash, and don't get too stressed. Hope that helps.

Mix bleach with ammonia 1:1 ratio in a small cup and rimse your mouth out

The ammonia will neutralise the bleach and make an antisceptic solution which should cleanse the ulcer

Happens a lot to me. Honestly take some vitamin C or eat some oranges. it'll go away in a day or two after


Keep your toothbrush in a cup on a windowsill exposed to sunlight. clean the toothbrush and gargle with peroxide.

Back off sucking dick for about a week. Start back in slowly and, don't suck dick more than 2 X a week. Treat it with some type of base and stay away from acidic food.

Can OP keep taking it up the ass tho?

This kills the man

Hold some Hydrogen Peroxide in your mouth on that spot then spit it out. Don't drink the peroxide though. Do that 2-3 times a day, and it'll be gone in a few days.

I fucking hate those things.

I don't see why not.

teeth tru lip..

Just put salt on it; That's what i do.

It hurts like a bitch for about a minute then it goes numb.

Its a mouth ulcer, stop drinking soda for a few days. Milk will help the irritation and you need to drink water to hydrate and clean your system. Take vitamin E once a day and in 2-3 days it should be gone.

dont listen to all that man. The best known thing for ulcers is to leave them alone. So they can grow and heal.

If it hurts you a lot, you can go to any pharmacist and get something like a gel or ointment that helps sooth the pain.

Old fag

This and stop eating junk food.

Wait a few days it'll go away but itself. It's common thing. After it happened for the first time it might come back every once in a while. It's caused by bacteria in mouth.

Just cut the snus for a week you faggot

crush up a b vitamin and rub it in the sore. It'll hurt but heal faster.

do the hydrogen peroxide part. it'll clear up in a few days. mouth wash is not good for your mouth because of all of the alcohol. use a baking soda and water mix instead. it neutralizes the acid in your mouth and is gentler.

Gargle warm salt water.

My teeth are weirdly sharp from grinding against each other, so I get nicks and cuts on my lips all the time.

Bonjella is a topical gel you can use to numb it so you dont inflame it manually, and swishing warm salty water (we're talking so salty it makes you want to throw up) will kill bacteria and promote healing.