Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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I support their right to say what they say but in my eyes they are no better than the black israelites and other collectivist groups. I dont like it when beaners and blacks do it so i cant really support these skin color pride groups

The idea of being proud of something you had no control over is laughable.

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Because I am not a fucking fag

>white pride
being pagan or atheist makes sense to me...why in the world should white men worship a dead jew

Well, "White pride" is just a byword for "backward retard that's an embarassment for whites in particular and humanity in general"...
So thanks, but I'll pass

Gotta keep the act up to keep the niggers and spics from stealing my stuff

Most neonazis love jesus and hate jews. I dont get it either

I'm not a sub 70 IQ American

I don't particularly care for other white people, so no reason to be supporting white pride. I'm a pan-Nordic nationalist though

I just don't like white pride ideologies.
user said this better:

Because I support White Genocide.

>being proud of something that is not a personal achievement
Explain yourself

>>Taking pride in and centering your entire identity around something you had no say in that you did nothing to accomplish
>>Remaining willfully ignorant of historical and sociological reasons for the differences in circumstances that befall different groups
>>Using those groups of people as a scapegoat for your own lack of a success instead of just being a normal, rational adult and taking responsibility for yourself

Yeah, nah. I'd probably just kill myself if I were you.

So you're against gay pride?

Because the whitest thing you can do is hate other white people.

Not user, but what's wrong with being against white, black, gay etc. pride at the same time?

Stop being so stupid, I am bigger and greater than all of the species on this silly spark farm you call “Eeeeearth”.

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Trips decides if Juno or not.

Juno it isn’t then

Nothing at all, but if youy think being proud of something you can't control is silly, you must be against gay pride, or you're a massive fucking hypocrite

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Fuck all niggers and Jews

My parents aren't cousins

why are "supremacists" always the least supreme douchebags on Earth?

Not him, but while I'm skeptical of gay pride, there is nothing wrong with being proud of carrying on despite being a nearly universal scapegoat.
Contrast this with white pride types who tend to be proud of the accomplishments of people they have nothing in common with aside from skin color and maybe a distant, common ancestry.

I dislike collectivism

>being female but not supporting 3rd wave feminism
Same shit. Just a framework to control mouthbreathers with perceived victimhood.

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Twenty.... two percent?

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That's not what that means and you know it. You can't form a coherent argument so you have to resort to word play.

Here's a dictionary definition for you:

>consciousness of one's own dignity.
>"he swallowed his pride and asked for help"
>synonyms: self-esteem, dignity, honour, self-respect, ego, self-worth, self-image, self-identity, self-regard, pride in oneself, pride in one's abilities, belief in one's worth, faith in oneself; amour propre

But black pride is empowering.....

Hi schlomo.

How does this change anything? it's still funny that people take pride in such things, regardless of interpretation.

I don't care about being white and I think people who do enough to be Nazis or ethno-nationalists, white supremacists, or just regular racists, are faggots.

there is only one race: the human race

>supporting a racial pride
Is this a thread about ways to loose time ?

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I'm annoyed by black pride and gay pride shenanigans. Why would I join them in their frenzy by supporting white pride?

How about I fuck your ass instead?

Because I fucking hate bulgies, hunkies, spics, wops and Greeks. Also Russians piss me off


Pride should be reserved for individual accomplishments, not accident of birth. You wouldn't say "I'm proud to be 5'9" would you? You wouldn't say "I'm proud to have a predisposition for colon cancer" would you? No.

If you're HAPPY to be white, fine. Be happy.

Anyone else notice that pride of any sort that is predicated on race or ethnic background makes zero sense, usually the people spouting that shit off (of all groups) don't have shit else to their names that they're proud of? So they grab the low-hanging fruit & claim "pride" for something they had absolutely no stake in.

Plus one of my core beliefs is unequivocal support of equality across the board. Nobody is inherently better than anyone else, no matter what their background. Any kind of superiority complex is incompatible with that.

Not to mention, no matter what your background, if you can see the the shit "white people in charge" have done over history & you're not disgusted, embarrassed or outraged over it, you're not doing it right.

B-but I do user!

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At no point in history have white people as a group (without any other qualifiers) been subjugated, tortured or ostracized to the extent gay people have.

Wouldnt gay acceptance still make more sense than gay pride?

Im all for playing the hand your dealt.
But race isnt a huge factor to me that being said i only have white homeboys
I prefer non white chicks

I support this. light mocha masterrace coming on deck in 2100