Das Racist Rape Allegations


Where was Ryan Schreiber in 2012?

Heems neither confirms nor denies... interesting...

>guys want to fuck

how do we come to terms with this shocking revelation?

End their careers imo

>Despot was asleep I think


>Dap asked me to sleep in his bed

holy fuck guys im literally shaking rn. what a fucking monster. i cant believe he didnt just use his telepathy to find out whether she was interested instead of asking her such a heinous question

Weakest “rape allegation” ever
Anyway, why did she need to take up space in any of their beds?

Yeah, I don't understand either. Why could she not go to her own bed? She put herself in whatever weird position she ended up in.

I mean yeah they were being creepy but that's about it this isn't really career-ending stuff

what careers

And really, sharing a bed with someone, and they try to put a move on you, and you pretend not to notice and just go back to sleep... Is that sexually traumatizing?
Isn’t that just a bad night out?

Sometimes i feel like im living in some neocons lucid dream where he is carefully building all of this shit just for a quick laugh

Das, uh, racist

imo once someone reaches the age of 18 we should tell hjm if he has good genes to reproduce or not.
In this way we will have much smarter people so we will be able to struggle with the fast automatization of low skilled jobs since the labor market will be less wide than it is now.

ok fascist

I don't give a fuck about them. Let's get a better group accused.

Das rapist

women are just as strong as men guys

>he tried something so I pretended to be dead

with that level of cognition, rape is deserved

Some of you niggas are bitches 2

OP's filename beat you to the punch user

they never had one

what do you expect from shitskins?


>implying most rapists so far havent come out of white bands
whites have so much common with muslims

Jeez why are leftists rapists? I wonder.

isn't bill o'reilly a huge rapist

>Hollywood producer sexually assaults and rapes multiple women
>Hollywood actor gropes and harrasses men, some underaged
>Comedian masturbates in front of multiple women
>Singer masturbates on a Skype call
>Rapper kisses a girl

Look I'm all for calling people out on the fucked up stuff they do but this whole wave of people being accused of sexual assault is getting lamer and lamer by the day. I feel like we're not far off from "Avey Tare once hugged me too hard" and "Kendrick Lamar tried to hold my hand once in middle school but I said no"

Holy shit what the fuck this is unacceptable.
Why the fuck would you remind everyone Das Racist exists? That's cruel OP.

>implying most rapists so far haven't come from shitskins

>despot was asleep

He can do no harm


asking for consent is LITERALLY rape

im fucking dead


>I pretended to be dead
Literally what

is it creepy to try to have sex with girls? or only when it doesnt work?

where's the album despot?

you don't understand. You're a leftist musician, you've already handed your balls in. Reap just what you sow.