
Acient thread of old pagan times:

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refuse the blood of Jesus




No. He was the first man to fight the Jewish power.


white genocide best day of my life!

I haven't check out BTC's music before, but this is actually great. Though having a "circle" in the modern day seems poserific as fuck. Especially if it's from California.

The old testament is filled with people fighting against the Jews. Weirdly it's probably the most metal book ever created.

post em, give recs, talk shit



nah circles are cool af





I really enjoyed this album

It's really solid stuff, honestly


You're stuck on a snowy island for the rest of your life.

What ten black metal albums do you bring.



Does the black twilight circle count as N.S.B.M. (National Socialist Beaner Metal)??

Trick question
I make my own demos

What's your favorite Leviathan album? I feel like it's Scar Sighted. Have you listened to all his demo tapes before The Tenth Sublevel? He has a lot of them, and even though I've listened to the two compilation tapes he made, I don't know where to start with the demos.

>Tfw I have Scar Sighted with prints of all the artwork
Helps that it's a really amazing album too

Check out Intolerance, Inclement Derision, and White Devil, Black Metal for starters. There is also a demo that is all covers that is pretty cool.

It counts as NSBM (National Socialists Blackened Mariachis)

what does /nbbmn/ think of the new Blut Aus Nord?

Hvis Lyset tar oss, das tor, Black Desolate Winter / Depressive Hibernation, march to the black holocaust, taste our german steel, forest poetry, thousand swords, the fallen years, spiritual catharsis, mysterious semblance

Who would win a three way fight between Xasthur, Striborg, and Leviathan?

Wrest is an amazing artist desu

normie tier touristcore

I really like your taste, especially for Striborg.

I feel like Malefic would bring a knife or some shit

They're running out of ideas

Scar Sighted was shit

Agree. Worst Leviathan album by far.


Anyone play any games while listening to black metal?

I've probably spent hundreds of hours listening to mediocre dungeon synth and bm demos while playing Heroes III.

Leviathan is shit in general. Only posers and nu-males listen to Leviathan.

Been playing Trackmania lately while listening to albums
It hurts knowing I changed albums whilst still stuck on the same track

No but if i ever go back to playing video games it will be castlevania while listening to satyricon

His demos are good and he has a couple good albums but anyone who worships him is oblivious. Pic related is some fucking faggot I’m fb friends with who went to go suck wrest’s dick recently.

what's the most disgusting, rage/fear inducing album you know of ?

been listening to havukruunu while getting madly upset at overwatch

Tenth Sub Level is great, and he has a few other good releases. But yeah, Leviathan and most his other releases are numale shit

Verräter is one of the rare case where atmoshit is done right.

Somehow this pairing doesn’t surprise me at all.

idk why you'd play homm3 with bm though, it's got a good ost while overwatch doesn't

Not BM at all but vocals are kvlt as fuck

The point is that both are for normies

Man do I love this album
Avalanche is one of the first songs I learned on guitar
it's a pretty kvlt song too

>Havukruunu is for normies
how could this happen

Similarly mgla is league of legends

Shockingly accurate

overwatch yes that's why i get upset because normies are terrible at video games and it's a team based game

Is there anything that comes close to Furia?


You fire YOUR WHOLE FUCKING BAND in the interim and THIS is what we get after Гoлoc cтaлi?

Fuck You, Varggoth, you never shoulda pissed off Karpath you twat. It's been a gradual decline after Nechrist, and now you're full on pleb tier.

Thangorodrim and Murgrind are normie-tier DS for elder scrolls enthusiasts

That fucking intro though.
*brrrrr phttt*


Anyone got a link to the new Circle of Dawn album?

Here is most of the shit I've listened to so far this November, I excluded a few things out of necessity for space, only put one Zygmythkaupt demo on there because I didn't want to take up 12 spaces with his releases.

Post what you're listening to

>Is there anything that comes to the 62nd percentile at best in black metal?
Well you also have nightbringer and spectral lore at around that level

>gradual decline after Nechrist
you fucking what

Are you gonna sperg out again if we try to help you?

What? first time I've asked for it, though.

Where’d you get all your zygmythkaupt? I feel like it wasn’t on soulseek last I checked

i dont think the band has much to do with it seeing as how he writes virtually all of the music. shouldn't be too surprising that your next album after one of the GOATs isn't going to be as good

>mfw I find out this was re-released a year ago on IOS

Ah shit, my bad then.
There was another user that sperged out even though we tried to help him get that same album.
Anyways, check soulseek, it might be there.

Soulseek to be honest senpai, a lot of it's in not great quality but all the links on metal area and dark-world are rusfolder and therefore dead

GOAT game right there

lately, path of exile for me

I’ll look again

I want this. I love clamshell boxsets

fuck forgot pic

fuck, this is really good

he needs to watch some porn

who's looking forward to the new album? it will "release when the year is coming to an end"

honestly thought he was dead

does anyone know how old he is?

at least 22

*checks album cover*
Fuck that's trve.

well... yeah

probably at least 36 really, doing the math

I'd guess late 30's/early 40's


my favorite recent combo has been Warloghe + Elder Scrolls Arena

spectral lore is shit

How come satanic dm is more satanic than bm?

you'd put them at lower than the 62nd percentile? 40s somewhere maybe?

Not true, by the way.

lol yeah probs

havent heard furia but the new nightbringer is like 85


correction: I've only heard a little furia, not enough to rate

nah nightbringer sucks too

nightbringer is the band thats popular so plebs think it's okay to hate them, but trve kvlters like at nwn know they're one of the few popular black metal bands who are still very kvlt. shitting on nightbringer is a telltale sign that one is a pleb trying to be kvlt.

>trve kvlters like at nwn
is this ironic shitposting?

that's for you to figure out, friendo

Give me trve viewing material