I remember a few years back when everybody was upset the government put fluoride in the drinking water. They said it made people docile, easier to control, and less likely to rebell. Now it would seem these same people just use weed instead. Same asswholes same effect.
I remember a few years back when everybody was upset the government put fluoride in the drinking water...
Chase Thomas
Other urls found in this thread:
Daniel Jackson
Would explain the feminism and transgender movements...
David Lopez
I think those people are way too motivated to be stoned. They're only motivated by hate and greed. It's the only thing that could get people that worked up.
Eli Gonzalez
It's never just one thing OP
>It just never is.
Luis Peterson
OP , for as little as $1 per book , you can go educate yourself at your local library before you look and sound stupid in front of millions of ppl.
Gavin Green
Sounds like some retard stoner got his feelings hurt.
Aiden Collins
Yep he's doing fine no side effects at all. I'm sure when he grows up he'll be a CEO of Taco Bell or something.
Hunter Campbell
John Ramirez
Aaron Hernandez
>be 2k18
>unironically replying to bait
Shiggity diggity