First "they" called it global warming now "they" call it climate change!

>First "they" called it global warming now "they" call it climate change!
>It was hotter when I was a kid
>Al Gore is lying so he can buy up coastal property really cheap!
>All the scientists are part of a massive government conspiracy because the government wants there to be global warming.

Other urls found in this thread: emissions damaging environment&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRxJHCyZLNAhVW6WMKHce9CS4QgQMIGjAA

fuck those beach niggers. let em down

one picture is in summer
the other in winter..

The real problem with climate change is the fact that it is encouraging shitskin migration into developed (white) nations. Of course that can easily be solved by building walls and prohibited them from becoming citizens. There is no need to restrict our use of fossil fuels.

There is climate change, but it isn't caused by humans. The Earth has natural cycles that shift its weather conditions.

here in BC we used to always get bunch of weeks of snow, and it would be on the ground forever, now we get a couple of days with snow on the ground and that's it.

Actually the picture on the left was two days ago. The picture on the right was yesterday.

There wasn't even a storm, just a tidal surge and rain.

>Not caused by humans
So i guess all those forests we clear and all that carbon we burn doesn't have an effect?

A remark from Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

Also speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

In 1988, a former Canadian Minister of the Environment told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France said: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”


Then instead of studying for a BA in gender-induced pan-racial interpretive rain dancing, study engineering and physics and invent a viable alternative energy source. And stop gaslighting the public about nuclear energy.

> what are tides

what am I looking that? years apart or recent?

>baww storm surges
>help us white people

This image is actually shopped, It was in a high school geography text book, it was about how our coast will be underwater in a few years, this was pushed really hard. Still hasn't happened lol.

Climate change isn't a real thing you dolt. Shitskins come here bc the west has turned into a toothless money cow filled with whores that is ripe for conquest.

I think it's used as a way to keep the poor countries poor. They can't do what we did in terms of industrialization.

Beach erosion has nothing to do with climate.

That's not how any of this works, you stupid fuck.

>trees matter
The majority of the oxygen in our atmosphere is created by algae in the ocean

Wow. Maybe they should build a wall...

user, do you know how massive our Co2 dumping has been? It has not been this massive since the last mass extinction.

We have to stop our co2 emissions, or at least cut back significantly. Our trees and plankton cannot process it all so it stays in our atmosphere. Year after year. It will only get worse.

The worst part is, it's all scientific fact. The greenhouse effect, everything. There is legitimate evidence and observable data that it is 100% fact. Yet, there are still deniers. Too wrapped up in their own world to give a shit.

>all these claims
>no data or sources to back you up

Have you turned on the news today?

rofl. fucking kill yourself, your retarded drop kick idiot loser.

Tide goes in, Tide goes out. You can't explain that.

>on the fucking Internet

Jesus fuck get off of your ass and do it yourself. Go ahead and bitch that I didn't provide it when its as easy to find as you replying to my comment.

if it's so easy then surely you can provide it.

>It has not been this massive since the last mass extinction.

What a bald faced lie. A single volcano puts out more CO2 than all of man's exhaust alone.

Just for you user. Even has a guy with a nice soothing voice and pictures to keep you interested.


Obvious shoop is obvious. Dem pixels.

The 97% of scientists believe in climate change bullshit was an IRL Australian shitpost.

>“only 41 papers — 0.3 percent of all 11,944 abstracts or 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, and not 97.1 percent,” endorsed what Cook claimed.

Surely the most suspicious “97 percent” study was conducted in 2013 by Australian scientist John Cook — author of the 2011 book Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand and creator of the blog Skeptical Science (subtitle: “Getting skeptical about global warming skepticism.”). In an analysis of 12,000 abstracts, he found “a 97% consensus among papers taking a position on the cause of global warming in the peer-reviewed literature that humans are responsible.” “Among papers taking a position” is a significant qualifier: Only 34 percent of the papers Cook examined expressed any opinion about anthropogenic climate change at all. Since 33 percent appeared to endorse anthropogenic climate change, he divided 33 by 34 and — voilà — 97 percent! When David Legates, a University of Delaware professor who formerly headed the university’s Center for Climatic Research, recreated Cook’s study, he found that “only 41 papers — 0.3 percent of all 11,944 abstracts or 1.0 percent of the 4,014 expressing an opinion, and not 97.1 percent,” endorsed what Cook claimed. Several scientists whose papers were included in Cook’s initial sample also protested that they had been misinterpreted. “Significant questions about anthropogenic influences on climate remain,” Legates concluded.

Classic Bill O.

I'm just saying, if you have stuff to cite for your argument, then do it. Don't complain when people ask you to back up your argument. It's just common courtesy to cite sources.

Aww honey, don't you know that water naturally erodes cliffs? It's okay sweetie, you'll learn eventually

> no data, no sources emissions damaging environment&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRxJHCyZLNAhVW6WMKHce9CS4QgQMIGjAA

You'd have to be a retard to deny it at this point. What's to gain by it? Do you own an oil company? We have to find better energy sources, it's simple.

Its obviously both humans and earth. Why do niggers think its one or the other? Even if it was space monkeys causing climate change, it doesn't change the fact that we as humans must take steps to remedy it.

>makes a claim
>refuses to provide supporting evidence
So you're stupid, full of shit, and illogical all in one. Are these the massive CO2 emissions you're talking about? Which btw, is a necessary compound in our atmosphere for creating and sustaining life, without which, life would not be possible. Read a book

>le ebin space nigger of science

I hope this is an ironic shitpost.

How does that correlate?

The earth has always had volcanoes erupting, Einstein. For the most part of 3 some odd billion years it's been used to it.

It hasn't however, been exposed to us and our emissions. The co2 stays and we pile it on. It IS higher than ever recorded before user, and it is our fault.

You do realize that he is still correct right? Of the papers that took a position, most of them agreed that it was caused by humans. You are making us look bad please stop.

>everyone seems to think humans are masters of nature
>global warming isn't dangerous because its harming nature, nature will learn to survive and prosper again, humans are just inherently suicidal

Reminds me of an old testament proverb...something about not building your house on sand. Ah yes, the fool builds his house on sand.

Rare as fuck

Also. How did we take co2 ppm counts in the 1700's? I just don't understand.

It's funny as fuck because they renamed it climate change because idiots didn't get that there are temporary effects of global warming that don't necessarily fit with the title.

Melting ice caps can decrease the temperature of other regions, tides getting taller doesn't really sound like global warming but it is, and mass animal die offs and migrations

Jesus told a parable in which he used a house built on the beach as an example of materialism. We've known for 2,000 years that building your house right next to the ocean is a bad idea, and you expect me to believe that man-made climate change caused your pic related? The only man-made thing that caused that flooding is stupidity.

Why is the ice sheet in Antarctica literally a record levels? Does Co2 Make things cold?

You literally can't provide an exact source just a google page with a bunch of crap that is unrelated? The first study doesn't even support any claims made by you climate alarmists in the least.

Stop trolling, m8.

Because you're an idiot, you can get Co2 emissions from studying ice samples.

Just google co2 from ice samples if you're really fucking retarded

They find air bubbles trapped in ice that they're pretty sure froze in the 1700s. But it's true that the further we go back the less reliable the measurements.

I prove you wrong but you call me a troll. Get the fuck out you people are retarded.

Its in the geological record.

So what is Dubai? A house of card waiting for an earth quake?

Record levels of what? Gains?

Ohhhh I see! Because getting the co2 count out of air bubbles trapped in ice for thousands of years is reliable! Because we're using 2 different methods to count there's nothing that could be off by just a fraction of a percent?

>Of the papers that took a position, most of them agreed that it was caused by humans.

41 out of 4014 is most?

Are you a chick?

Heat is just a form of energy, it can easily switch into other forms to cause weird weather patterns like hurricanes.
You could have a very "hot" planet but weather wise it is cold because all that heat energy is temporarily tied up in odd weather phenomena

Because I have better things to do than spoon feed a retard.

Do you deny pollution too? Just gotta keep burning muh oil.

>There wasn't even a storm, just a tidal surge and rain.

fuck off you lying piece of shit

it was the biggest storm in 50 years

when are you going to stop telling this great lie about scientists? theres a large split in them some believe in man made global warming some of them dont

He's right you know.

Fuck will you people open a fucking science text for once
Climate is hard to predict. The fucking weatherman can't even figure out what next week is going to be like
What's easy to predict, however, is the basic scientific principles of what happens when CO2 absorbs light and when oceans absorb concentrations of gases based on partial pressures and all the other bad things that MIGHT contribute to major ecological fucking issues in the future due to the release of once trapped resources

Climate change is an inevitability both for warming and cooling. The issue has always been whether or not humanity has an impact in the process.

It's at the largest size it's ever been

Not an argument

dude tide lmao

>Page Not Found
yep good onya mate

This can all be Googled and the evidence points to us being the problem.

Deny it if you want, it's not going to make it go away.

Better things to do than learn the reality or actually learn anything about the claims you're trying to make? Shut the fuck retard you know nothing.

Rich beach bitch have to move

Oh noes what ever should I do? Start walking everywhere and use candles?

I'm not digging deep into this -- you'd just ignore it anyway if I did -- but Legates isn't a good source. He's essentially been bought off by ExxonMobil. Most of the scientists who claim to disbelieve in climate change have been. When all of the prominent scientists you can name who support your position have clear professional conflicts of interest, you have a problem.

He also signed this very scientific statement, pulled from Wikipedia:
>We believe Earth and its ecosystems — created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence — are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth's climate system is no exception.
So yeah, that's your guy. Excellent. What a great source. Good job.

Yeah, I know this is ad hominem. But I'm not actually trying to address the substance of your post -- like I said, you people always just ignore it when I do -- I'm making an entirely new argument, which is "Fuck David Legates."

new jersey just put their beaches back. since the hurricane a couple years ago. the company and dude i met doing it were making bank. real estate was skyrocketing. i have pictures, but they had signs that said no pictures and i told based dude, i wouldn't show them. can't risk a bro's job. now a bro on welfare, he's up for grabs.

CO2 levels increase plant live growth. So if you cut down ALLLL THE FUCKING RAINFORRESTS AND FORRESTS THAT EAT THIS SHIT UP, CLEARLY CO2 LEVELS WILL RISE. the world will live even better, guess what...

PLANTS GROW FASTER WITH CO2. you on the other hand don't.

so increasing co2 isn't going to ruin the planet, READ IT AGAIN REDDIT FAG. it will just end humans. possibly animal life..

but everything will keep growing fag. imagine, we are worried co2 is too high.. so we plant tons of trees, and suddenly co2 levels collapse.

FACT, concealed MUH dude WEED BRO grow ops use co2 to increase plant size growth and shorten time frames during flower.

GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX, its all about sun activity and natural cycles.

i'm more worried about hoodlums and thugs, than i am MUH CO2 BRO.

humans are increasing co2 levels by cutting down plant life and burning dead plant life.. but if you plant shit.. numbers will probably offset.



Look up what happens to plants with a 300, 600, and 1200% increase in co2 without other changes. The co2 ain't so bad, look at the crazy shit pumped in the ocean or the damage chemicals can do to the atmosphere. Regulation needs to be enforced with trade restrictions to get results. We have enough of a comfortable life style to advance science and civilization responsibly. . . But I still want to kill off anyone that can't survive without foreign aid and systematically reduce the population.

Its not like scientists are the fucking oracle, but for fuck sake they deserve more trust than the public gives them

You sound like an idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about
>just google it
>I'm right, you're wrong
>no I can't be bothered to provide you with any sources

I already gave you one source that proves you wrong. How many more must I provide before you kill yourself?

People were saying the same shit you said 20 years ago saying DC would be under water, well it isn't. Guess reality proves you wrong yet again.

>I'm not going to do my own research, just accept that I'm right!

This is objectively incorrect and a single minute on Google would show you this.

Every time I hear this claim I laugh, because it's not just wrong, it's so wrong and so obviously wrong that it shows the person spouting it hasn't put an iota of thought into their position.


It suppose to be summer. But ita mold cooler.

It has been hot for about a week...then it started to cool off....idk why...but i blame the sun rotation to be lower since earth is flat. When that happens the trees and building burn within reports.

Also i notice chemtrails hidding the sun and turning it red in a specific also it.was weird in the day time.

Not to sure if the waves is gunundersta hudge tide when the sun comes around even closer for a flood and range

If anyone watched nikola tesla then youll understand :)

The sun orbets and put magnetic pressure towardss the water to be pushed in any direction. Sounds silly but its true. Only liquid lose forms can be moved...thats why we have winds

Now i know you're trolling

Climate tards are the fucking worst. Do you propose we nuke Asia to oblivion? Because this shit is getting burnt no matter how much you whine unless you are willing to take that step.

Except Dubai rarely gets rain and the majority of it doesn't touch a body of water.

Fuck you, if I keep you hostage and piss in your mouth, will you need to piss just as often? Since your hydration level is offset by my yellow brew?
Take your 2nd grade education elsewhere fucking pleb

LITTERALLY, we can't have big f250s, but china is litteraly hate fucking the earth.. but we need to cut back.. THE SUN IS MAKING SHIT WARMER, NOT US. co2 helps plant life. FUCKING FACT. i used co2 in medical grow ops, my plants grew 3 times faster. although i wouldn't hang out in the room.

Literally retarded

dubai is done for. fracking just killed those fags. no more free money for the peasants.

The moon

I dunno about Sydney but in QLD the storms of the last few days which were "OMG 6 gorillion mm" were a regular occurance back in the 60's and 70's. The places people are building these days if you knew what it was like back then it's mind boggling. Beaches getting washed away? that's nothing new buddy.

>Aww honey,
we tumblr now?

No. It's agenda 21

No, tell me.

Do you even know the method they use to measure the co2 concentration in bubbles?

yeah can't be teaching our kids how to be SUSTAINABLE

that'll surely fuck everything up if people learn not to be greedy dumb robot fucks

Well right now we don't have ANY solution for the climate problem, if we can come up with new tech for clean reliable cheap energy then we'll save our asses a lot of pain in the future
Then china can just steal the information like they normally do

Could you be any more transparent in your attempts to avoid taking any kind of responsibility at all?

You wrote that "China is literally hate fucking the Earth," but that "the sun is making shit warmer, not us." So which is it? Humans have no role in it, or humans do but it's mainly China's fault?

And yeah, the failure of most environmentalists to demand responsible behavior from developing countries is inexcusable. The Kyoto Protocol was a travesty precisely because it had no teeth and let the countries that were the worst offenders just keep doing what they wanted.

>All the scientists are part of a massive government conspiracy because the government wants there to be global warming.
You clearly didn't read the study the 97% agreement meme comes from. Studies were cherry picked from 3000+ submissions. Most studies (real scientists) did not make a conclusion. 66% that is. So the board widdled it down to 73 studies or so that said yes. And left one in that said no. That's how you get your 97%

The thousands of studies that did no conclude were simply thrown away.

>what are storm surges

>climate problem

This dumbfuck can't be the only one in this thread who gets it right?

Thats because plants use CO2 in photosynthesis you dolt. This means we simply have to learn how to do photosynthesis too.

>if I pretend not to see it, others will pretend with me

Nah. Not that easy. Fuck off M8.

Here's another for good measure.

Moron, nothing causes climate change. The climate just changes bc that's what happens on earth whether humans exist or not.