I need your help/advice Sup Forums

I need your help/advice Sup Forums
I tore the skin on my penis while smashing some chick
Should I go see a doctor in the morning ???

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Yes you should jesus that's ugly

Attached: your dick is small.jpg (1280x739, 106K)

1. Let Maggots infect you
2. Take video and post to Sup Forums
3. ????
4. Profit

if dubs do dis

she had nails in her vagina ?

how fucking dry was she?

You'll be fine dude , it happens to a lot of people.

My small dick really isn't the problem here

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You are fucked.


bleeds like a fucker at the time the though doesn't it

That should have been a hospital visit,

How long has it been since it tore?

Fuck yeah I pulled out after feeling the tear looked at my dick and there was just blood uzzing like a mother fucker
So this has happened to you as well ?

c'mon OP you tore that in a dude's ass.

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Yeah, went to brown town on your mother, she was such a slut.

I tore it around 15:00 it's now 00:42

Miss me with that gay shit bigger

your dick should be your #1 priority.

I'm curious how this would even happen

long strokin' due to small cock

Na just small when soft

purple = necrosis :)

Sore cock, don't fuck with it.

post HARD cock!

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why are you still posting???

med fag reporting in!
Go to the fucking hospital.

>I tore the skin on my penis
yeah, sure you did

It's fucking past mid night
Is a hospital visit really nesasery

unless you're going to sew that shit up yourself, you should probably go to someone who is trained to do so. you don't want so shitty scab or scar on something so sensitive. wrap it is gauze and seek medical help.

depends. how important is your dick to you?

med fag again.
An infection on that part of the penis could result in permanent loss of sensation.

Use a material a bit less abrasive than steel wool for your makeshift fleshlight next time.

Seeing how retarded you are, you deserve to lose your dick and never reproduce again.

Guess I'll be heading to the hospital
Thanks for your advice

Just put Vaseline on and don’t fap retard it’s just peeled skin it will heal in a couple days for fucks sake

If you had that on your finger would you go to the hospital or just slap a bandaid on it?

Obviously keep an eye on it. If it makes you feel better go to a doctor. Don't agitate it to the best of your ability and use nonperfumed soap very gently until it's healed

post pic of stitches when you get back.

They will just put neosporin on it and tell you to keep it clean

Don't do it, let the natural selection take its course.

>my. first time... when see a glitch

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Stitches for what? There’s not even any cut or laceration to stitch.

Happened to me twice with my ex, desinfected with h2o2 every few hours and after taking a piss, dried the dick really well after the shower, after a few days it was back to normal (though i do have a scar)

leaving an open sore on a penis doesn't sound like a good idea.

You were just masturbating, weren't you?

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OMFG, they will sew the ends of the tear you colossal moron. you can't see the fucking tear on his dick?

dick in ninja blender.

It's not a soar unless it's infected. It's simpley a fissure.

i don't take medical advice from someone who can't spell.

If you didn't warm her up to her natural juicy state, then you needed some lube.

Looks like semi bad case of simple chaffing. No fap for 5 days, and it'll heal on its own.

med fag again. Guys please read the post. He said smashing some chick. meaning he had unprotected sex with some girl this could mean someone he doesnt know. Normally you can avoid STI's just by pissing them out or the STI takes time to take a foot hold on the person. BUT because he has and open wound hes going to need anti biotics, to prevent infection.
TLDR, your dick is very important and your body will over react to protect it, reproduction is the most important part of evolution.