What's the best Death Grips album and why is it Bottomless Pit?

What's the best Death Grips album and why is it Bottomless Pit?

Why do you think Bottomless Pit is the best Death Grips album?

because it is?
more raw and hardcore than any other dg project

Underage. Listen to GP or NOTM or don't listen at all.
I've also started reading a PDF of How to Bomb and it's really amazing.

>what is gov plates

yeah im skipping the filler tracks btw

It's Bottomless Pit because it objectively is Bottomless Pit.

Gov plates is a close second tbqhfamily

shithead, GP and NOTM were subversive to NLDW and JD so don't even try fucking nu-male

You're in for a treat then because GP has no filler. And if you say Big House is filler you'll reveal your hand as a fantanodrone.
NLDW is good but JD is too close to nu metal for me.

ooh buddy you misspelled exmillitary, easy mistake to make :^)

bro cause GP is a filler album? what do you mean it has no filler the entire shit was filler

>picks the least experimental out of all their discography
good album, not their best

oops sorry except YMTHLYFYMBIKWHRLYF...

big house is ok but feels like a wheel is just so fucking annoying to me


just call it pillbox hat jesus christ

Either you don't know what those symbols mean or you have really bad taste.

why is /r/mde everywhere

GP = NOTM > BP > Steroids > everything else imo

This is the wrongest post I've read on this whole site

Yeah op confirmed recent DG fan. Best is TPTB with Notm being the better half.

BP is great but not nearly as boundary pushing as their period from NLDW to JD

It's the only good sub

good taste

Other then Hot Head BP is their least experimental. It's just a cleaner version of the Money Store. The first two songs are the only really out there shit, granted Hot Head is one of fhe oddest songs in thier catalog but that doesn't excuse the rest.

Can we all agree that while TMS is good it’s extremely overrated and might be their most boring release with the least standout tracks.

I agree to an extent, I listened to it for the first time in over a year and forgot how crazy the production is. I think in comparison to their other work after it's overrated but for 2012 and only Exm before it, it's pretty progressive.

exmil is even LESS experimental than BP

Steroids by an overwhelming margin because it's not as annoyingly repetitive as their other stuff while it's also got a ton of variety in what it offers.

Have you not listened to exmilitary? its objectively got far more raw production
why tf do you comment in a dg thread when you know shit all about the band?

>what is gov plates
3 good songs with filler in between