Michael and Barrack looked good together

Michael and Barrack looked good together.

Michael can palm a basketball and always beat barack 1-on-1.

They will be missed ;_;

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Drumpfsterfirekins are so fucking disgusting. Have fun with the next 70 days of protests before the electors put Hillary Clinton in office, assholes.

Is this shopped or is obongo a manlet

Not every president can be a big guy like Trump


>big guy like Trump


Michael is just an amazonian

>before the electors put Hillary Clinton in office, assholes.
ha! corrupt old lady? no, congress will not allow this. sorry m8. go shill for your mob boss elsewhere. not on my Sup Forums.

>Putin is a manlet
This explains so much.

>this is Sup Forums's hero

Killary Rotten Klanton already ceded
>reddit education

all great men in history are manlets. not even joking.

>Michael and Barrack looked good together.

You mean Joe and Barack?

I will miss Obama, even if Trump might be better than Clinton, there is no way he will be as good as Obama.

Obama was good at droning foreigning countries and spying on Americans. I sure as hell hope Trump is not good at that.

He will be better than Obama at that.

Keep telling yourself that, shorty.

i would fuck the shit out of michelle, i don't give a fuck

>all of the bitter, power-hungry, complex-carrying dictators were manlets


Obama was nothing great, but he was a hell of a lot better than Dubya.

Goodbye Obama, you weren't the greatest or worst president ever, but history will look at you kindly you big eared negro.

Dems wanted Obama elected more than Republicans wanted Trump elected.

This was an election about the lesser of two evils, until we get a candidate that can actually unite his or her party, continue being scared about what your government might do.

what i would give to take joe behind the gym


I am not sure how great Trump's track record will be, maybe better because the government won't stop blocking him, but likely far worse due to the people he has chosen in his cabinet.

At least we avoided WW3, but I hope he doesn't get a second term.

This is a christian imageboard, delete this post

If Joe had run against Trump, he would've won easily.


All pathetic manlets.

I wrote in Obama for POTUS this year and I know millions of others did but the media is not reporting it

Rigged system

Same with Sanders, or probably anyone who wasnt corrupt.

Obama would've demolished Trump.

Would've been a landslide.


I doubt the Democratic party would've let him run, Hillary owed them too many favors.

>Republican majority house


That and also his son passing away this past year or so.

Probably because even if 100% of the country wrote him in, it wouldn't be counted since he's already served two terms.

If joe had ran with Obama as Vice pres (if that's even legal) it would've been a landslide, but nope, it was Hillary's turn.

I think Sanders would've lost. All Trump would need to do is call him a socialist and it's all over

Joe would've been a cool President

The white working class doesn't give a shit about policy. All they want is charismatic, "down to earth" guy to come down and get on their level. It's why Bush beat gore and Kerry, Obama beat Mccain, and Romney, Clinton beat HW, and Dole, and Trump beat hillary.

He wanted to and that is exactly what happened.


>If joe had ran with Obama as Vice pres (if that's even legal) it would've been a landslide, but nope, it was Hillary's turn.

He doesn't even need to picked Obama, he could've gotten Sanders or Elizabeth Warren and still win by landslide.

>charismatic, "down to earth" guy
That describes Biden even if he's actually a piece of shit.

Every fucking time.

Bush didn't beat Gore by working class votes

If Hillary had picked Bernie as VP she could've actually won, not by a landslide, but she would've.

She had to pick boring tim kaine.

True. I just want them to stay best buds in the White House

I don't know man, all these polls and charts said there was no Hillary could lose. I just feel like Bernie appealed to a very vocal minority and would've turned the average person in the center away

Biden is more of a down to earth guy than Trump. Plus he was a Chad.

If the democratic party could find a way to clone multiple Obama's they'd never lose another election.

>Pick a shitty VP because you think he'll get you Virginia
>Entire state actually despises him

How did she spend so many decades in politics while being so bad at it?


Obama won because he is a great speaker, charismatic, inspiring and popular.

People don't realize that it is those qualities that win parties elections.

People don't respond to facts and policies, even though they say they do, they respond to emotion, how the candidate makes them feel.

FDR did that with Democrats, JFK did that with Democrats, Ronald Reagan did that with Republicans, Obama did that with Democrats, and now Trump excited the Republicans.

It's all about who's inspiring to you and someone you are passionate to vote for.

That's probably her biggest mistake.

But I wouldn't have been surprised if some Berniefaggot would've tried to kill her so Bernie could've taken her place.

This. Why are drumpftards so sexually threatnetend they didn't elect a woman president?

Hillary was not going to pick someone that looked better than her as a candidate. Kaine looks so weak and ineffective that he makes her appear as a strong leader.

>he is a great speaker
uuuuhhhh uuuuuh uuuuuh uuuuh uuhhhhh let me be clear uhhhhh

No she didn't pick Bernie cause she thought she was entitled and strong enough to be elected. That and she felt she wouldn't have gotten along with Bernie's ideology of sweeping change and going against the establishment to make things better vs her ideology of incremental change and working within the establishment to make things better.

Obama got people by CHANGE

Trump got people by MAGA


for a 1964 photo he really had a contemporary style

Its easy to be on the up turn when the nation suffered the worst attack on US soil in history. That had far reaching economic damage that was being cleaned up toward the end of the Bush administration. Plus the housing market crash... that also had nothing to do with the republicans.

Eat shit.
