Be me

>be me
>huge sadboy, have constat depression for years
>had a gf of 2 years which made things brighten up a bit
>we break up
>depression strikes like lightning
>people keep telling me nice stuff and give me advice to get better
>none of it is helping
>listen to sad music to feel even worse
>thinking about ending it all

Why am I like this? When does it all end? Should I just kill myself?

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no user, you shoudn't

you should kys manlet scum

When I was younger, I always had a vision of myself doing stuff, but no longer do I have that vision or have anything to live for or strive to

Yeah I'm considering it for real

how are you planning to do it?
>I bet you couldn't even suicide properly

Thought about shooting myself, but getting a gun here isn't easy. The second option is to hang myself which I probably will do

explain "here"
you can get hands on guns way easier than you think

don't bro, so much shit to do. go do whatever you never thought you would do.

I'm from Montenegro, South-Eastern Europe, the Balkans