Palm Reading
Post pictures of your hands
I'll give you my interpretation
>for the moment
Palm Reading
Post pictures of your hands
I'll give you my interpretation
>for the moment
am I gonna be famous
is the picture flipped or is that your left hand?
If you want.
You started in the land of time with a mountain of Gold and over your lifetime you have worked wonders. You are in possession of an extremely powerful X-Factor and a bigger and realer mountain of Gold awaits you. Should you choose to claim it. My advice: Don't change but by your own accordance.
Left hand. Should I post my right?
Here is my right hand user
if you want.
The world is obviously yours to take
You see love as it's own reward.
Your afraid that money will run out as the nature of love is fleeting. You fear going for it will make life fleeting.
You have a normal understanding of your past
about history
it pops up in your brain like a highlight that's been processed for useful information
that you can use in your day to day life
it's efficient
you're well versed in the understanding of love
anyone that could tell you or meme that could say something about love
it wouldn't take you long to assess the validity of the statement or meaning
you have a big penis
your penis is something you've nearly always thought about
the girls you've been with don't remember you much
but they remember your penis
your penis is a world wide star
aliens are interested in penises like yours.
Damn you are right about most parts
take my word for it about the aliens and their need for alien sex
But you're white
you can never be an intergalactic diplomat
you'd lose all of earth right under your nose.
you couldn't pick up a trick to save your life
Here's my meat glove, tell me your secrets
You excel at honest money for honest work
Like a normal person
your brain processes your past
to give you bite size deliveries
on what to do next
or about what you face in the present
through good deeds in dreamland (throughout your time as a ghost) you earned good parents
whether or not you got those parents
is not clear to me
you have two pathways of luck
running parallel at all times
you are always faced with two options, opportunities or posibilities to make money
deciding which one to follow
is a monumental task
one which you should never try to analyze
but go for both at the same time
and don't change paths
even when shortly down the track
you see a better starting point
it's important you stick to what you know
and only start on the new path when you already know it's length
root to tip
as my advice to you is this
make money off of what you've made money on before
there will be a time when you can chase the mountains
but you're young
you haven't developed
an x-factor
you're pretty normal
Holy fuck you're a horrible person
you rape and pillage the earth
for gifts you don't deserve
you love movies
you're a creep
that specializes in incest
you're horny for all your sister's and their friends
you've spied on them
you're a bad person
you should probably KYS and start again
You don't know much about Space
at least not growing up
but you will
to catch the prosperity falling from the sky
you need to be completley still
I need a better picture
one with more details of the creases
you're a good person
that deserves a rocking sex life
No sister.
I would probably rape and pillage the earth if I had the resources to do so though.
This one looks a little better. One of the few things I enjoyed learning about as a kid was space.
female relative?
and yes I believe you
who the fuck believes in that shit
And cut your nails, this is ugly as fuck
alright it says you've touched space
I don't understand what your penis has to do with space?
But there's clearly a connection
it's important for humanity
or the ancetors wouldn't have drawn it on your hand
Your pathway to fun is a one way road
when you get there
you have options
you often find yourself going offroad to have fun
going against the grain
and taking shortcuts to have fun
even though you know it won't last
is a well versed pathway for you
you are building up a psychological wall against having fun because of your shortcut past
but if you need to take the main road to fun
be level headed
take up quiet still sitting and thinking
analyze what your penis and hands have to do with space
make moneyff that which worked for you before
and all will be well.
Also you're touching of other planets has been positive.
What have you got to lose?
>post your palms then
Both my hands fucked atm ones wrapped up would slightly damaged palm still work?
I'm not into incest.
But I'll agree that I should probably KMS and start over.
Ayyo I don't know if you're just playing the odds and working the psychology of Sup Forums in order to cold read this, but fuck you man cause that whole thing about fun is true.
Deny deny deny
But you're willing to admit you're a horrible person.
as long as the picture is a good for creases
mom's spaghetti
Incest porn has the best stories, SHUT UP!
Good person
a Superman... if you will
you've helped nudge an interstellar object out of the way of Earth
saving it from imminent destruction
By the Gods of Ancient American Native Law
the Earth is yours
But join the Club mate
I want them to point Nuclear Weapons at Asteroids instead of each other.
The world is yours
Please do me user
Good nudge
the world is yours
Thanks you guys
I don't feel so lonely anymore
Close enough. Fell off a loading dock like an autist at work best hand i have
It's a bit blury
takje another picture and keep your hand still
Is that a syringe?
You have many prosperous
auspicious pathways in your life
they all sort of happen at once
you should spend your time preparing for one of those times
you're a particularly good person
I wish you well
looks like CPU coolant
btw they all go in different directions but start off together
Is it the same thing for both hands or do u get different readings for each one
different hands
different info
Could u read this one too then
Yes, full of thermal paste.
Sometime I repair laptops for Dell and they send me thermal paste, but I never have to use the whole tube for 1 cpu, so I got like a dozen laying around.
dubs check'd
you'd make a great space ship pilot
d/l a space game and start practising
try James Boag's beer
I sold a spaceship to build the factory
The image was too high res so I had to screencap it to post
AZIZ MORE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a few years ago after an accident
Read mine bih
You work hard for little in return
what frustrates you is that you think you're a perverrt that seeks money from looking up girls skirts or something
you have many pathways to work
a mountain of good deeds from previous lives
you have a mental illness
you're incapacitated
on meds
you don't work
you piss time away
you're depressed
and have agrophobia
that is you're afraid of people
if you worked out
and got a job
you'd be fine
How about me?
>look here
OP here
I'm tired of doing this
going AFK
Dude...a couple more pls, mine is ..IMG....748.jpg
Really curious about this kind of shit!