I think we can all agree that MEW would be the perfect choice for playing Ripley in the inevitable Alien remake

I think we can all agree that MEW would be the perfect choice for playing Ripley in the inevitable Alien remake.

I liked her in The Thing. I'm fine with her in any 80's scifi remake.

Hell slap her into the Escape from New York remake.

She doesn't look "tough" enough. Part of the appeal of Ripley is that she looks like she could kick your ass and maybe suck your dick.

she'd be the perfect choice to sit on my face desu

In what role?

>Flat ass

Yeah, she'll fit the part

On my face

too much ASS

>tfw you will never be this cuck

Her ass is the exact opposite of Weaver's though.

How did he do it bros

By having no self respect and being her pet probably.

extreme luck

Sounds wonderful.

we're anti-mew now, newfags

Knowing the best bulls.

for you

Thanks, you reminded me to download 10 Cloverfield Lane. I am excited.


literally built to breed

i need her pusy in my mouth!

>kick your ass and maybe suck your dick

>ywn be mew's pet

>flat ass



based pusyposter


>capatcha: chubb miner

well meme'd

muh dick



>as the next alien protagonist

>as ripley

I also hope that they do the characters the same way Alien did them - the way there really was no main character until the second half.

Does really the nu-male ((((((((""""""""boyfriend"""""""")))))))) got cucked when she was filming on canada?
Also how do you think he feels when she kiss other actors? I bet she cheats on him every time she has a chance.



cant dance for shit. shes good at stretching though

wow shes pretty gross front on