ITT: We can't figure out what this thread is supposed to fucking be

ITT: We can't figure out what this thread is supposed to fucking be.

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I dunno, I'm pretty sure the theme of that image is reptiles in court.

here's a lizard on a volleyball court

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bumping this thread to help us figure this shit out

Bumping with court magician lizard, just in case.

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bumping for interest

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alright so judging by the posts so far we have a cobra judge, a volleyball lizard, a magician lizard and uhhh..... Snake Plissken.

I think this thread is somehow related to reptiles and sports, or courts, or something that rhymes with both of them

Maybe this picture might help?

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scales of justice? :)
I'll show myself out

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Don’t be a fucking moron, he posted that ironically. This is an Alcoholics Anonymous thread:
I’m Michael, I’ve been sober for almost three years now, and every fucking day this month I’ve wanted to go buy a handle of vodka and get drunk.
I work in programming management nonprofit for at risk youth, which basically means I spend 60 to 70 hours a week dealing with the worst shit situations humans come up with, and for the past three weeks our 12 person team has been down to 9 AT THE MOST. One day last week we ran programs with three fucking people. Today I ended up doing my job, my bosses job while she honeymoons, a coworkers job while she was on vacation, another coworkers job because she just left for a different position, and one of my subordinates job because she just flat out said that she wasn’t coming into work, and frankly we are about to fire her. That’s too much fucking work and I really, reaaaallly wanted a drink when I came home at 8pm. But you know what, I’m proud of what I do, and I am not going to fuck that up by getting drunk again.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

oh my god look at the crest on that motherfucking shield. A fish! and what do fish have? scales!! and what do reptiles also have? scales.


How many letters are in the word "scales"? 6
What's the number of man? 6
What letter does Scales and Six start with? S
What do hispanic people call each other? esse (S-A)
What does SA stand for? Something Awful
When was the last time SA was good? 2008
How long ago was 2008? A decade

This is a thread about decades

1/10 not enough meat
4/10 more meaty
7/10 good skin tone, would aryan supremacize
0/10 fucking let my people go you faggot jew

Or is this a thread about desperately, pathetically trying to connect the dots together into some vague semblance of a cohesive plot, when in actuality it's all just a big, empty bag of nothing?

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OR is this a thread about something that started as nothing but has now somehow got political for no fucking reason?

Maybe this is a thread about doubt?

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No asshole, that’s just normal everyday nihilism

I'm not so sure.

the one thing I'm sure of is that this thread is not about doubt

Or, maybe it's about all those things - questioning the nature of reality (happens in politics as well as in philosophy), doubt and self-doubt, the sense of helplessness, the sense that nothing truly matters - because these are all the things a person must confront when they're forced to contemplate their own death.
So is this thread possibly a thread about death?

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All of those things were covered in their entirety by Seinfeld so really, this must be a thread about Seinfeld, right? I mean, there was a scale somewhere in there.

Makes sense to me.

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NOOOOOOOOOOO!! Throne-Emperor! Why can't you hear me?!

You must kill the Tau before it's too late! They will destroy us all... Send the Ultramarines to save us! THEY ARE OUR ONLY HOPE!


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Wait, wait, user, you're definitely onto something because, in that one episode where Elaine was dating Tony the "mimbo" you remember, what activity did Tony like most?
To SCALE mountains.
And AND Elaine was upset because Tony hurt his face in an accident while SCALING a rock wall. So it all fits.
Folks, I think we've got a winner.

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If that's the logic we're going with, isn't every thread a Seinfeld thread?

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now that you mention it, that can't be right....

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But suppose you were to post a de facto "thread about nothing"
Wouldn't it then automatically become a Seinfeld thread by default?

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oh shit, maybe the trips are right

This thread is about Shrek

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Is it though?

Dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer too.

But how do I know whether or not I want to know the answer to the question if I don't know what the answer is yet?

Nice trips.

I'll agree that a thread about nothing is automatically a Seinfeld thread. This thread is about something though; we just don't know what.

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If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

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those look like dog ears

Hi, my name is Samuel, i've been clean for 2 days now and uh... well.. its hard... ive just lost my wife and kids to this asshole named rob who lives next door and i hear him fucking my wife every night and my kids they... they just... ah fuck * pulls out a bottle* fuck this im getting plastered

Samefag but chuckled anyway.

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maybe its a meme of the month thread! heres my meme

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The other two are mine.

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How do I know whether or not I have to ask the question, if I haven't asked it yet because I don't know whether or not I want to know the answer to it?

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Funky mothetfuckers are not supposed to go

A lot of profanity op.
Tsk tsk

this thread is about Jeff Goldblum

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ouch. fair.

whatever this thread was about, it was a good thread. I feel like we sussed out a lot of really important issues here.

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Salute your Kaiser!

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