Fender custom shop Postmodern Stratocaster is the best guitar.
Ethan Martin
is there a way to measure db? what's a safe level to play at? i feel like sometimes i play too loud and my inner eardrum sorta get sore. but when i turn it down i feel like i can't hear all the sounds as well.
Parker Rivera
You're a fucking idiot.
Juan Campbell
David Brown
Why the fuck was the Edge let on along side Jimmy Page and Jack White? All of his riffs sound identical as well as having retarded looking guitars.
Michael Walker
I still want this!
Adrian Howard
Anyone ever used anything like this? Is it worth it?
Jackson Peterson
Because he's the guitarist from one of the biggest bands of the last 30 years. One could easily argue against Jack being there.
Anthony Smith
At least Jack White had something interesting to add to the documentary, The Edge had the most screen time and did fuck all with it.