Can we all talk about how evolution is a religion that believes that you came from rocks but has a hard time believing...

Can we all talk about how evolution is a religion that believes that you came from rocks but has a hard time believing that all dogs came from one pair of dogs on the Ark that Noah built?

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If evolution was science you could create living organisms from chemicals, elements or rocks. Since it can't, you believe in a false religion that has nothing to do with science. You have been deceived.

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Has any human ever created living organisms from chemicals/elements/rocks? Have they ever observed it occurring?

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Science means you can repeat it and observe it occurring? Have they repeated the process and observed it?

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There is cosmic, chemical, stellar and planetary, organic and macro evolution.

Cosmic = big bang origin of time and matter.
Chemical = origin of higher elements from hydrogen
Stellar and planetary = origin of stars and planets
Organic = Origin of life
Macro = Changing from one kind of animal to another

You believe that inorganic matter became organic matter and life occurred then eventually apes and us. You believe you came from rocks.

I love how when it comes to this shit everybody acts like a scientist, yet any other time you're just trap loving faggots.

Get over yourselves.

Evolution is false because it says that one kind becomes another kind yet that doesnt happen. Cats and dogs are two different kinds but you never see a cat turn into a dog. A dog becoming another dog is mutations not evolution. Learn your own religion retards. You believe you came from rocks.

You believe you came from rocks. Evolution is not science because you cant replicate it and observe it. When has man ever turned chemicals into a living organism. When has he ever witnessed it? Your religion is billions of years solves everything... like road work.

I'm guessing you're all american?

If you believe in evolution you believe that all life on this planet came from rocks. The rock that was formed from the magma planet after the big bang. You believe everything came from nothing. That is religion not science.

The only way it is scientific is if you can create living organisms with chemicals and elements from the periodic table. All else is religion. You have a belief. Since you are liberal you use the word theory instead of religion.

You believe you came from rocks. Inorganic material become organic material and life occurred and then down the line apes and us. You believe you came from rocks dude. Seriously wake up thats what they told you. You came from rocks.

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frankly if you think humans are smart enough to grasp it in either case, you're part of the problem

Spoken like a dumbass who doesn't know what a genetic bottleneck is.

We and everything else would all be dead if we were descended from "a pair of" anything or just Noah's family, you dipshit.

Attached: Christian Ignorance.jpg (1280x640, 186K) you think it's cool to say That? Not sticking up for women here but I'm just talking about just you saying it.
Do you think everyone one here goes "aw shit this guy is badass. I'm sure he s really raped multiple girls. Wow let's all applaud him. He s the cool guy of Sup Forums now."

Try hards like you are embarrassing. Can't even stand up to your own mom and here you are talking about raping people lol

Those models for early life development were created way back before we had modern technology to monitor life growing inside the womb.
More recent studies have shown that different life forms look different at certain stages of development.
Ask any knowledgeable biologist studying gestation in humans and they will say that human babies do NOT look like those shown in the chart.
Your reference is taken from the mid 1900's before we had the capabilities of monitoring developmental life accurately.

Wait...that's EXACTLY what Christian dogma also teaches: That man was created from dirt.

What's your objection again?

that video is mutations not evolution... retard.

Evolution is mutation over long periods of time...retard.

>Ask any knowledgeable biologist studying gestation in humans
So not you, ok I'll ignore everything you said


>is mutations
>not evolution


God created the heavens and the earth. Then he took the dust that he just created to make a shape of the body. Then he gave it life by breathing into its nostrils. Genesis provides more indepth.

Christianity is a control mechanism.

Mutations is one kind remaining one kind

Evolution is one kind becoming another kind.

A dog becoming a cat would be a kind becoming another kind.

>not seen
>one time
we can see changes in humans just from 3000 years ago

how drunk is this

So...created from dirt...with MAGIC.

THAT'S your "more reasonable" explanation.

Dirt + Magic = Human

That's what you're sticking with?

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Maybe you should look at your own bullshit as skeptically as you look at everyone else's.

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so is evolution

So you agree that you were made from rocks?

No, it's a process describing gradual acclimation and adaptation to environmental stresses.

See in the video the ecoli went from being an ecoli that couldn't resist the antibiotic to one that can. Evolution of a trait (antibiotic resistance) that did not exist before a selective pressure (the antibiotic). Learn2biology Learn2genetics

You just have a lack of knowledge.

Scientist have been looking at this issue. In labs they have created protiens from nothing more then water and sparks of electricity. These protiens were the basic building blocks that may have put it all together. The earth at one point was full of lightening and very bad rain storms. these conditions were the conditions they mimicked in the lab. The got protiens. Proof them wrong and we can buiod a better model. That is the scientific way.

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Ya'll niggas posting in a troll thread.

it took more than pure water and electricity to start life

it's not even possible to do it in english, it translates to it's a thing, and it has more dimensions than the brain can convert into language. which is only how one part of the brain works

I agree that the precursors for life on earth came from dissolved minerals in water. That INORGANIC compounds bonded with carbon atoms to form the first self replicating molecular structures. And that eventually, those molecular structures would become the basis for all life on earth.

So yes, in the crudest form, all life came from rocks.

The coolest part is it didn't require a magic sky-wizard to make it happen. Life is just a thing that happens in the universe, when the natural conditions are right.

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Please show me exactly where the theory of evolution makes the claim it is a religion that believes men came from rocks.
What's that? You can't show me because your claim is just some strawman bullshit you pulled straight out of your ass?
Yeah...that's what I thought.

Don't worry God will show up any second or jesus and show us the way

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what, that's why pronouns exist

religion is a hoax.

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ITT: fedoras circlejerk with other fedoras

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I know the truth, everyone is pretty much wrong. If you actually seek enlightenment, I will answer you specific questions about our existence and the society we currently operate in.

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b8 thread is b8, no one believes in God that is under 60 years old and isn't mentally disabled

Star, all atoms in the universe below the Irons atomic weight (including iron) were forged in stars

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Can we talk about how shitty bait this is?

She's being a bitch again I think...

yeah she likes to pretend that that's her vagina nd you shouldn't look at it

Let's get some definitions happening to break down what you're saying, because I wonder if you understand what you're even saying.

I've talked to preachers leaving crap in my mailbox, and whenever the definition of god comes up they go silent.

The word god means, omnipresent being, to be everywhere and a being that is alive which is a contradiction, impossible.

I'm not saying I know how life started, but to suggest an omnipresent being is nonsense, and the only reason you sell it is because you don't know that it's rubbish

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Did you know that The Bible only mentions abortion once, and it's teaching you how to perform one?

Ask your Priest or Sunday School teacher!

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Yea, yea. But AFTER that part.

what r we going do for 200 post

If singles this bread knows all the answers.

>comprehensive fallacy a.k.a. a lie
but nice try

Be even weirder if I said yes and got quads.

well I'm gonna go poop and shower then

Low quality bait
>sadly high quality catches

>well I tried

I know I was just adding in so the troll would realize/consider that our atoms and the rocks atoms didn't start here on earth either

Stupid fedoras, believes everything that their lord and master dick dwakins says

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Can you guys just stop arguing and ask the bread questions? He said he knows the truth, and it'll be more entertaining.

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I'm not seeing the Frost Giants Odin took care of, what has Yaweh done for us?

where's heaven

cats and dogs have a common ancestor. They don't turn into each other. Their species separated over time.

What about foxes

Don’t feed them bro

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>why, those have $0!!?

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I know this is bait.
but if it isn't.... are you fucking retarded??
You cannot interpret a text if you think the passages of the bible are literal historical accounts. They're actually metaphors to transmit ideas/moral values.
Don't take me wrong, I like the bible. But there's not a single literal account on it. They're all metaphors.

>post pro-evolution image
>post anti-evolution message

Tahnk God for the person who said I wear a hat

I'm kinda sad no one had questions for the all knowing bread... too many newfags nowadays.

Just imagine if this dope could invest this much time and effort on something that was actually worthwhile