Well anons, my wife cheated on me, any comments?

Well anons, my wife cheated on me, any comments?

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Tell hey u know. Get her into a 3 way when she begs you not to leave. Leave.

Pee in her butt, then tell her the guy she cheated with said she liked it.

kill herand get away with it as best as you can or pay a junkie to tbone her in her car to kill her.

Is she ugly?


Welcome to the exclusive club everyone’s a member to

His dick was bigger than yours. And you know it.

Yeah that could work. Tell the bum she's just passed out and let him fuck her. Then his bum sperm will be in her butt and he'll go to jail and you can collect NEET bux in the form of life insurance

Spotted the problem. Marriage, not even once.

Spotted the problem. Sex, not even once.

We have been with problems because I have to attend my ill parents each some weeks and she complains because she doesn't like my family and friends, she is always bloody minded and she got offended with everyone of my sorrounding so I think that she felt alone, even when I got separated from my friends, I stopped talking with thems and barely attend my family just to stay with her

Does it matter?
I suppose that I must accept that
Maybe yes, maybe not, but I have always been very good at sex
Probably that is the point, I born in other period where getting married was usual. Probably a mistake

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christ, is she bi-poler?

No, as long as I know

Not sure if she likes two dicks at once friend. Not sure why that is important.

>Maybe yes, maybe not, but I have always been very good at sex

Not good enough apparently.

Fuck her sister?

Kek, glad to see another oldfag


just a heads up

>you will never care about her the same again

its not bad, just dont expect it to go back to normal. They didnt even do more than texting but I just see them as a tag a long now, next fuck up they out of here.

>does she know you know that she cheated?
If not, hire a private investigator to gather evidence of her infidelity. Don't gather evidence yourself, you will be sent to jail. Her infidelity can be used against her as an example of poor mental health, infidelity is a common sign of many mental health disorders. (very helpful if you are fighting for your kids).

If your marriage is ending (any self respecting man would end it, seriously), you need to keep every correspondence you have with her, keep every bat shit crazy text, every angry email, every voicemail.

Keep all communications text based so that you can keep it as evidence, her screaming at you through the phone is useless, you need it in text.

If she asks to meet you somewhere during the divorce, say no, you need to keep everything traceable. She will falsely accuse you of DV if you give her the opportunity. The court will take her word as truth ALWAYS, burden of proof to disprove her falsehood is on you, usually through solid alibis.

Also, find a divorce lawyer that actually gives a shit, most don't, they'll smile and whilst making deals with the judge and other party. He'll tell you everything is fine because he gets paid either way, just more work to prevent you from being anally raped by the judge and your wife. If your lawyer tells you to take a deal, your first question should be why and if he can;t comprehensibly give you an answer that is logical and beneficial to you, tell him to eat shit.

Lastly, play it dumb on the surface level, if you key her in on how you are planning on pulling the rug out from under her, she won't be as self defecating (we need the baby to spit out it's dummy as much as possible whilst you remain calm and collected).

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And by don't gather evidence yourself i mean, don't follow her or photograph her and video record her, it is illegal and they'll lock you up.

PI's know the do's and do not's of the law, they'll document her activity comprehensively in a away that is admissible.

Real solid advice right here.
Thanks user.

Also, spending 1 or 2 g's on a PI could save you 10 to 100 times that much in the divorce.

Prove adultery in court and move on

oh fuck that just shoot her and say it was a nigger who done it

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Thanks for the help, for sure at the moment I will play dumb until I have the proofs with me.

>and she got offended with everyone of my sorrounding so I think that she felt alon
i think we have the real problem here. she is a controlling bitch and she didn't understand you and what you wanted. why did you even marry her?


Everybody commits mistakes

If you are going to divorce, i should have probably started with one major fact.

The divorce court is there to serve HER, not you. Do not expect anything even close to justice in familial court. They will piss on you and tell you it's raining and nobody will bat an eyelid. If you go in unprepared and expecting some form of fairness, you are going to have your souls ripped right out of you and they'll do it with a smile.

Sounds like my first wife - a real cunt. She hated my friends and family and then ran off with her Mormon millionaire boss to become his "other wife." I chose poorly.

Get rid of her. You chose poorly. First one's a mulligan, anyway, kek.

Kek, well said

Look up Sup Forums murder

My fiance cheated on me too. Kissed another guy at a party. I can't marry her now. I'm fucking pissed. So much wasted time.and I have to waste even more finding a fucking mother. Fuck bitches.

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Including losses on property, it cost me $47,351 for my freedom. She's the other dude's problem, now. I sleep well at night. That's alllll that matters.

Man, I want to be like you.

>finding a fucking mother
That's the dream, you could find a woman who could give you healthy and happy kids and be a family.

Or you could be locked in a job that overworks you to meet ends meet. Happy wife, happy life...

When you have the threat your kids being taken away from you, you don't want to rock the boat too much. Yes dear, no dear, of-course dear.

I think the latter is more likely than the former today sadly.

Sounds like you are going to be better off without her. It's like a get out of jail free card, you don't have to feel any remorse for leaving the cunt.

You still got shafted, i knew a guy who's wife was monkey branching to a rich dude and he managed to get her to sign off on taking almost nothing, even abandoning her kids.

Funny thing is the rich guy moved on to a newer chick soon after that.

If a woman thinks she's not going to have to worry about money, she's far less likely to fight for it, you just need to be diplomatic.

it's not really something i want to type into google at the moment

I'm living the latter now, sucks balls. My problem is I can't become castrated, so I won't submit completely, which may lead to the death of the relationship. If we didn't have kids I'd be long gone. There are good times though, so all is not lost, I just can't be arsed with being constantly scrutinized, it's draining.

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Yeah, I play the long game, though.

>My ex had a kid with her new husband, and he's pretty much retarded.
>My ex father-in-law kept me in his business because he thought the circumstances were bullshit.
>When we expanded the business I got my ex father-in-law to hire my current wife.
>I now have a wife seven years younger than the first and three good kids meme, we developed one business we own together, and are in the process of taking over my ex-wife's father's family business.

You took it upon yourself to put yourself in that position. Many men today, if they have a brain between their shoulders, look at marriage and know that everything marriage provides outside of healthy, functional children can be obtained without risking everything in marriage.

Marriage has never been so pointless. It was never about love, it has always been about family.

And now that family is used to keep men living as drone workers doing everything to maintain the status quo.

If half of all marriages end in divorce then most young men will have seen and have knowledge of it to some extent, this will make them wary of it hopefully.

Then there is the other half of marriages. I question how many of these marriages were actually happy, content marriages or how many of them were maintained simply for the help of their children (What adults would do).

Society may not appreciate you, but i do.

flawless victory

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why people feel the need of living with someone else in the first place

literally. i mean this with every fiber of being there bro. fuck. her. best. friend.

grow up retard

Well said user.

Unfortunately, many young people can't be told, myself included in my younger years. I recall watching a Simpsons episode where a young couple talk to Homer and Marge about how they can't wait to get married and have kids and they just burst into hysterics.

I felt the same way at the time. Fortunately for me, I really wanted kids and absolutely love being a dad, which is the most rewarding thing in life and this is coming from someone who has traveled around the World for the last 10 years. Luckily, I also love my job.

I take the responsibility of fatherhood incredibly seriously and will suffer anything to stay in my sons life, my cross to bear is a hypocritical wife who has a tendency to be a cunt out of the blue even when things are going well.

The fuckers I feel sorry for are the ones that didn't want kids and get stuck, they are hard work even at the best of times, combine that with a cunt wife and a shitty job and you are in serious trouble.