The president doesn’t care about females or minorities. Is anyone surprised?

The president doesn’t care about females or minorities. Is anyone surprised?

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Why should anybody?

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Isn't that why the tards voted for him?

I swear liberals are the least funny people nowadays. Fags.

Shut up you whiny cunt, no one cares about ‘minorities’. You’ve played that card too much and it’s no longer effective on the bulk of society. Just like the gender bullshit, you’re now just seen as sad little snowflakes.

I take it the Republicans are the Mommy, because they're getting fucked all the time.

Honestly, women are the most violent type of people, if they don't get what they want they yell rape and attack a man, all because the system rewards whores....

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the fact you have to tell so many people to shut up on a daily basis is proof in itself that you're just a yes-man for a guy that's unanimously disliked and sinking.

By “minority” I assume you mean ethnicity because not caring about the minority is how democracy works.

They don't care about him either....they made that clear. I don't care about minorities. They have as many opportunities as I do in this day and age. As far as women go...they do too. If you put forth effort you can have whatever you want. Nobody hands you shit in life. I'm voting for him again. He is helping the hard working people not lazy rejects. America is greater than it was two years ago. You could argue that all the libtards are unhappy.....well nobody cares anymore. They played that card too soon and too often.

still salty huh.

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Why does everyone keep calling them minority? I’d say there’s more variations of brown in murica than full blood whites.

That's ridiculous, Trump just appointed America's First Female War Criminal to be head of the CIA. #YAAASKWEEENMAGA

No you would think that. There are lots of white men left...and always will be.

Because they're

Thats why i voted for him

well actually he doesn't care about the majority either.

He also doens't care about the middle class.
So if you're not a wealthy jew fuck you.

What else?

No sir, the president doesn't care about anybody that isnt in control with him. Whites, blacks, men, women. This is the same for every other president in history and every member of Congress

The president doesn't give special treatment to women and minorities like the Democrats have spoiled them in to thinking they deserve because reasons.


which president?

White men who get an ancestry kit and realize they’re part Native American or black.

>Is anyone surprised?
Does anyone other than females and minorities give a fuck?

which society?

>The president doesn’t care about females or minorities.

neither do i.

>which society?
White middle America

So now we circled back around to this really need to pick something and run with it. It’s like plinko everyday to see what’s offending everyone.

and you cucks are the losers watching jerking off your little tic tac

Native American ancestry here. Pale ass cracker. Also European....when you add milk to coffee it makes it whiter.

>WAHHHH The president doesn’t care about females or minorities.

No president since JFK ever gave a fuck about any american people. shut the fuck up.

Maybe the wrapper gets whiter but you can’t hide the savage inside, just add whiskey.

and when it falls back out of "style" to breed outside your race it will get whiter. i mean the whole talk of black pride will do nothing more than make white pride grow. had they went for cultural pride. i.e. pride in America like Trump wants then it might make a difference.

Fuck just go to an indian res. Basically a third world country with casinos.

So? The one-drop theory of race went out with slavery.

youre mom was my slave last night

Necrophile much? Or just this one time?

>one drop theory

Don’t be mad cause your great great grandad was a nigger.

A lot of women voted for trump minorities voted for democrats cause they thought that’s whats best when in reality it isn’t and those who realize it is are successful but those who don’t arent as successful so when you say he doesn’t care about women and minorities it just sounds like you don’t like him so your being toxic to make others pissed so maybe next time goto Sup Forums and then go there I don’t goto Sup Forums to get in a political debate... cunt lip

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why should you care about females and minorities? wanna become sweden 2.0?

I solute you my nigger

no president cares about anyone

Emperor Trump is living rent free I see.

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All my ancestors were Mormon immigrants in the 19th c. That's the knowledge that genealogy culture gets you.
It's not personal. The one-drop concept is just stupid these days. Well, ... unless you want to bring back slavery.

He thinks he can boss her around more easily.

Says the guy who KNOWS he's a savage and won't express any of his poorly sourced and concluded opinions in public out of fear of ridicule.

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oh, the fucked up society where people think someone is worth more or less based on skin color

He doesn't care about the white nigger south either. Are you surprised?

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He doesn’t count female minorities when talking about female voters.