Does anyone remember that hole in the ozone layer back in the late 80's? Good thing we took care of that problem

Does anyone remember that hole in the ozone layer back in the late 80's? Good thing we took care of that problem.

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we just b& the chemicals that make the hole bigger
It's slowly repairing itself

>Where were you when global warming attacked?
I was at home recycling, you?

Top of the mooornung to ya laddies!


hi there
i just want to say that lately i've been enjoying travel by airplane,a lot
i've always felt it too much expensive
but now i don't feel bad about wasting my money on things and experiences i want
even having some expensive snacks in the airport makes me feel good and free

turned out it was fake news

To many people hold to their money until death, never getting to experience what life, and/or god has given.

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Yep it's almost gone

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Isnt ozone a form of chemical? Cant we make a form of artificial layer?

Trump was right, he's always right

environmentalism is a farce. we've destroyed our planet.

we will continue to rape and ravage our planet until there is nothing left to take. and then we will find a new planet with new resources to destroy.

we are humans. this is what we do, it is how we have survived, and it is what we will continue to do until we kill ourselves or we are killed.

yeah, the problem is we need to get off of this one before that shit goes south.

We will be fine

What the fuck are you talking about? It was never "fake news", they could literally prove that the O-Zone was depleting and what was causing it. We immediately corrected the problem and now it's slowing repairing itself.

the problem is that there's like 8 billion people on this planet. we will face a plague, massively destructive war, famine, shortage of water or mass flooding before we find a way off this planet.

if we are able to get off this rock, it will only be the wealthiest and most powerful. they will form a new civilization and they will rule it as they please.

No we won't. We're already facing the consequences of climate change (droughts, floods, rising sea levels, extreme weather, etc) and it's only getting worse.

OH NO, nature is nature and that is scary!
Climate change is just what is gonna happen, but most of the world is working to fix this problem.
Being green is soon simpler than burning coal.

Nature is scary. It can literally wipe out an entire city and can end up costing us hundreds of billions of dollars.

But what we are facing is not natural. These disasters happen more frequently and more frequently thanks to human-driven climate change.

Droughts and floods can also ruin crops which can drive up the price of food or cause people to starve. And climate change is making them a lot worse than they naturally would be.

fucked up, meant to say "These disasters are worse and happen more frequently"

it's actually not gone, still there, roughly same size


Ozone is just O3 instead of O2

yes ozone is a chemical: O3 or three oxygen atoms together in one molecule.
helps protect us from UV radiation from the sun

lol numa numa guy would be proud of you

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>the world is working to fix this problem
the world will be just fine.
humanity is fucked though

This, and al Gore's environmental footprint is vastly larger than any of the fags on this board, the hipocritr.

Yeah i get that, but Im more trying to point out that it may look bad, I think this wont be a problem when we get old and wrinkled.
With every new generation, people are going to push green politics forward.
Also dank trips!

everything will be just fine.

our ashes will be buried under a mile of ice, our civilization will evaporate and our species will become effectively extinct.

but the planet will be just fine.

ozone is a mix of shit, but when scientists refer to ozone, they are talking about O3. Now the thing to note about O3, is that its constantly produced and destroyed. So its easier to simply curb our behaviors and uses of harmful shit than it is to mass produced a whole bunch of O3 which will be destroyed faster than we can make it. If we try to fix the earth without curbing our behavior its kind of like taking one step forward and two steps back.

You think this lowly of humanity?
Have you not seen the work people do?
Drones with good instructions can hard work even if he/she is retarded.

So how does the earth produce ozone?

that's what i said amirite?

>mix of shit
lol it is literally 3 oxygens: O3 instead of O2 is produced high up in the atmosphere out of regular ogygens

UV light from the sun gives energy to oxygen (O2) to break apart the two atoms, which then causes some of these individual oxygen molecules (O) to bind to already paired oxygen molecules to form O3. The same UV light from the sun also destroys this O3 and the cycle repeats. But also a decent amount of O3 is also lost to space.

humanity as we know it is definitely fucked.
sure, some humans might survive in some remote places, but there will be some serious drownings, deserts, mass migrations and wars coming

if there is one thing humanity has always been really good at, it's using our resources to create technology, then using that technology to kill each other.

Yes sure history is history, but we already have the doomsday weapons and we live.

we only have the doomsday weapons for 70 years, will we pass the 1000 years with those weapons?

I think we are.
Why would anyone want to desroy everything?
Also how in this bureaucratic world would anyone get that power alone?

if I make my own nuclear weapons, I don't need anyone's permission to use them.


tell that to iran, north korea, the chinese, russia etc

>Why would anyone want to desroy everything?
on a popultion of 8G, there are enough people that would

>this is what we do, it is how we have survived, and it is what we will continue to do until we kill ourselves or we are killed.

This is what all sentient races do... welcome to the galactic majority.

There are currently 18 active races trawlling the galaxy, and ~243 that haven’t left their home systems. We are one of the 243. All races consume resources from each system they visit.

it doesnt matter anymore, nothing does...most of humanity is fucking retarded and they are proud to be as such.

>tl;dr we are so fucked

You are one dude, What you listed are countries.
They have not yet bombed anyone.
None of them have enough to kill everyone (except russia)
I mean, if kim drops all his nukes, he wouldnt even get the whole californian coast...

Thats a nice thought, so why do we live still?
Why do people protest their corrupt leaders all over the world?

how naive of you

So what are you doing to fix it?
Sit on Sup Forums with the rest of these pathetic fucks?
Thinking that humanity can mount to nothing as you all fade to nothing...
You either become the change you wanna see or you can just sit here and spout your shit.

I dont think the chance is 0%, not at all, but I dont think its anywhere close to what people think in this thread
>Its all over there is no reason for anything waaa waaa

>so why do we live still?
dumb luck

you cant change the core of humans, it's been this way for a very long time, except the only thing is technological advances have outpaces our destruction...furthermore we are in a place where we cannot escape our fate despite our advances (or lack there of because niggers gotta breed, consume and shit on everything without any thought that doesnt mean black people it means...ALL HUMANS)

Are you really this dense?

also, as ashamed as i am to admit it i have given up on humanity as a whole...i've seen more instances of retarded than of anything else whether its local, providence, state, federal, cultural, continent or global.

nuclear war was one example, for some reason everyone decided to dwell on whether or not it's going to be the last chapter of humanity.

we are rapidly depleting our resources and creating an uninhabitable planet. it may take generations, but population growth is exponential and our resources (namely food, water and energy) are becoming slim.

>until we kill ourselves
But that's what we're doing

the fuck are you on about?

We got enough food, just not at the places its needed. How it will look in a 100 years dunno.
Water i cant speak of since I dont know.
But energy, its closer to teslas dream than it has ever been.