Girl in wheelchair approaches you on the street and asks if you want to join her and go to her place

>girl in wheelchair approaches you on the street and asks if you want to join her and go to her place

What would you do, Sup Forums?

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Go. She can’t escape.

>What do you do, Sup Forums?

Just roll with it.

Pull her off her chair and steal chair, They have a high resale value.

Two words: oral sex

I pay her to let me use her wheelchair, i think they are fun.

girl in pic? i go. thatd be oddly hot

I wheely wouldn't have an objections

Broken legs aren't necessary broken mind, so it depends.

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Anyone fantasize about being sexually dominated by a ridiculously strong woman in a wheelchair, getting aroused by the sheer irony?


What happens in the fantasy? Is she a literal amazon who only pretends to need a wheelchair?

She does need it, but she's so strong she can lift you with her arms alone. Because of her sheer strength, even out of the wheelchair she can overpower a male simply by crawling up to him.

Say no more, I got you

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Fuck her till she couldn't walk.

I have another fantasy that's similar.

Blind dominatrix.

I'm locked in a pitch-black room, that she knows the layout of. It's sound-proofed, so the only noises are the ones I make.

Thus she can always find me. She can't see me, but she's rich enough she can afford all manner of countermeasures to that.

The floor tiles make sounds when I step on them for example. Different sounds for when I'm in different parts of the room.

There are also silent air currents flowing through the room. Any place I am, she'll know even when I'm not moving. I am blocking the flow of the air by default.

That'll never happen to me. :(

I think she skipped leg day at the gym

Raw dog her shit hole

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She loves to play this game with overconfident, unsuspecting men.

say "Professor X why are you dressed up like a woman?"

Drink her bath water

All of my yes

I feel bad for her, and I'm sure she's a great person, but that's really gross.

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