How hard is it to adopt children in the US? I don't think I'm ever going to get the chance to have children of my own

How hard is it to adopt children in the US? I don't think I'm ever going to get the chance to have children of my own

And can you pick the age you want her to be?

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it costs quite some cash bobby

lol. Look up the story of Masha Allen you sick, twisted fuck.

Depends, if you are a single male, literally impossible.

What if me and a buddy just pretend were gay?

Just go to Wal Mart and pick one out to take home.
happens all the time

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You're gunna have to be gay for random yearly checkings by the social system

foster, dont adopt.

This right here. You can make money fostering kids from the state. The moment you adopt they stop paying you.

plus they're used to being abused.

what's the difference?

Do you still seriously find jokes aboiut pedophilia funny? You pedos are always fucking immature assholes

>Look up the story of Masha Allen you sick, twisted fuck.

And that you know about this makes you not a twisted fuck?

That’s why they do it.

It was all over the news 15+ years ago. You couldn't have missed it. She was on fucking Oprah.

Depends, if you want a nigger there are plenty of pickins.

>15+ years ago.

15, eh? No, I don't remember it. But you do?

Who's the twisted one?

>She was on fucking Oprah.

Wait minute here. You watch Oprah?


I know. Over 9000 penis's.

Why is it socially acceptable to find 18 year olds sexy but not 12 year olds?

Because 18 year olds are more physically developed on average.

They have both already hit puberty though

Because twelve year olds are annoying as fuck. Anyone who wants to date/fuck with 12-18 year olds after the age of 25 are weirdos.

BTFO pedo faggot

Looked into adoption a lot when my wife and I were trying to have a kid. Its not difficult to adopt, if you are married, stable, and have decent income. However, its like anything else in life and you are going to get what you pay for. The spectrum runs from free to around 100k. The low end are kids that are older with social and developmental issues. The high end will be a perfectly healthy baby from a mother who did everything right durring the pregnancy. It is very hard to adopt as a single parent, albeit less so if your a female. Thats usually a huge red flag.

Adoption is for life. Fostering is like: "hey ill just take care of this kid for awhile until someone else wants him/her."

Plus you can get paid for being a foster parent.

all the pro pedos go the foster route for sure

The money is supposed to be used on the child for food, clothing, education, and entertainment. But yes, shitty foster parents skimp out and keep most of it. Thats why you see people with multiple foster kids. Each one brings income.

I knew a couple that would constantly have teenage foster kids and would make a lot of money doing it.

Yeah I've seen that. Buy a huge house and have foster kids end up paying for it.

Wow that sounds really shitty for the kids

How do you keep the kids from talking?

Plus the kids clean it, do the yard work, and cook your meals as their "chores." You can always call the police or the foster agency if they refuse. Really its like having slaves.

No wonder so many foster kids come out the end damaged as fuck.

I knew one girl that had been continually molested from the age of like 8 on in foster homes. She was really pretty.

The 'good' homes were the ones where she was doing a bunch of housework.

Im no expert. I just have to deal with the blow ups at the homes sometimes. Id wager the amount of good homes where the people are honest and care about the kids is really low. Maybe below 20%. Most are just in it for the money and dont want to work, so this is how they make money. The state and the agencies just look the other way because its the best that they can do, or they just dont care anymore.

>The state and the agencies just look the other way because its the best that they can do, or they just dont care anymore.
This is exactly the truth.

But is being a weirdo really reason enough to ruin someone's life?

Square away all feelings for a second, it was socially acceptable a little over one-hundred years ago to marry and start a family with, a girl from the age of around 12 on usually. Keep in mind the husbands were usually a good 5-10 years older on average as well, meaning she was 12 and he was 22.

The real problem one could suppose is that in the modern era where women have far more options, it's unfair to in essence rob her of her freedom as an adult with arranged marriages as a child. A hundred years ago it would have accomplished two things: offered the girl a level of security into her adult life, as looks do deteriorate with time and it absolved the father of the financial burden associated with having female children at the time (essentially feeding and clothing them when they often did nothing but dote around looking pretty--much like many of them do now, I might add--whereas male children were put to work in the fields, or went to work to learn their father's trade adding value to the household. It gets a lot more complicated than this--women had their value to the household as well, but it was often through hypergamy, another problem plaguing society today.

tl;dr it's not cool any more because like, rights n shit

There also wasn't as much to learn 100 years ago. Everything you needed to learn about on the farm could be learned by 10.