What's his problem?

What's his problem?

And why he looks like a fatter younger version of Kevin Spacey?

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>he looks like a fatter younger version of Kevin Spacey?

You mean an older fatter Bill Hicks.

>be alex jones

>Fake moon landing Lmao
>Le 9/11 is an inside job
>We are living in orwellian society controlled by our shadow overlords XD (arguable?)

Did he or anyone who watch his video actually believe what he said? Or he is actually a master of ironic meme?

He's right about the moon landing though.

you cant prove the moon landing was real

is that some Captain Hollister? LISTER, HAND OVER THE FUCKING CAT ALREADY

>alex jones

Alex Jones for press secretary


He is patrician

What is known about his childhood? Has he ever seen a psychiatrist?

This if only for the righteous keks that would result. I'd love to imagine the rest of the white-house staff continually pranking him into thinking there is deep-conspiracy shit going on all the time, like that they planted a probe in his brain while he slept or something.

He's a Koch Bros. shill and a snake oil salesman. Nothing to see here.

If the moon landing was fake, the soviet union would have revealed it to the american public so they wouldn't have lost the space race

Who else watches him just because of his voice and belives everything that he says is bullshit?

George Carlin > Bill Hicks.

Just my opinion desu

How the hell does a human being sound like that? At first I thought he was doing a character while on screen, but then I realized he would be in pain every second of every day if that wasn't his normal speaking voice.

You can see the landing site from Earth.

What a hilarious disaster that would be.

You either die the hero or live long enough to put flouride in the peoples' water.

>failed normie
>probably small dick too

Infowars is probably the only reason he hasn't killed himself yet.

>>We are living in orwellian society controlled by our shadow overlords XD (arguable?)
Nigger, didn't you see what's happening in South Korea?


>What is known about his childhood?

Nothing, because there's no record of "Alex Jones" existing before the late 90s. Because he's Bill Hicks.

The funniest part about this guy is him claiming he's only 42

He knows the truth about the fish people

That weighs heavily

>implying he isn't Bill Hicks

How will this work when he's now shilling for Trump?



That's a good question. He's gonna have to find a new scapegoat or turn against Trump

He ran all his drinking water through poorly manufactured anti-fluoride filters that gave him mercury poisoning and drove him mad.

I really don't understand, if that is Bill Hicks, how did he go from timid socially liberal comedian to conservative on every topic, and loud but hilarious.

I don't think I've ever even heard Bill even pull a voice like Alex.

>Because he's Bill Hicks.
He's quite clearly Will Sasso.

I mean, did the NWO lose its power now that Donald Trump was elected?

His listeners are really the least critical bunch out there.

Hes a big guy

The NWO isn't going anywhere anytime soon

Probably from chain smoking

For jew