Are Sup Forumstards the ultimate cucks?

Are Sup Forumstards the ultimate cucks?

Why o you fight to give more to people who not only don't care about you, but actively scam you out of your livelihood. You're getting conned.

90% of republitards are voting against their own interests, and the other half of the country has to fight twice as hard to save you from yourselves.

We vote for the candidate, not the party.

>poor is black
well atleast this comic is accurate in some way

You have us confused with people who vote for cuckservatives, moron.

Sup Forums is rich people board. GET OUT!

>black family with more kids than they can responsibly care for

checks out

>being this naive
If party affiliation didn't matter, hardly any Republicans would be supporting Trump.

Most of Sup Forums consist of poor NEETS that have been burned by the establishment.

It doesn't matter whose in charge, it's always going to be the same shit with any politician.

We support Trump cause hes honest about how corrupt everything is


sage this fucking slide thread.

>90% of republitards are voting against their own interests

You don't know what my interests are, fuck off.

Woah, blacks are the "poor" class? You fucking racist douchebag!

Sup Forums is national SOCIALIST board
not capitalist, you get out

And he isn't corrupt, huh?

i am voting for my own interests, you stupid faggot nigger. i'm not poor, lazy or stupid, therefore voting for the left does nothing to benefit me.

Fuck off poorfags. Die in the streets for all I care.

Trump loves the poor dude. People mock him for loving the poor all the time.

"I love the poorly educated", do you remember that? It's just "I love those who have been denied the opportunities to advance their learning and knowledge" stripped of liberal grandiloquence. It just means poor people. It just means the poor.

>a wild retard has appeared

They're only smart enough to see they're being fucked over when they're being fucked over by jews.

He's just as corrupt as they come, but at least he's not hiding it.

We're all in it to see the sjw, tumblrina and leldit tears

>"I love the poorly educated, they're gonna give me the presidency!"

FTFY, this is what he actually meant when he said that

>trump believes everything he says and doesn't simply say things to get the support of specific demographics

were you born yesterday?

>voting democrat is in your best interest
u wot m8
i'm not a refugee or a mexican

Who says you can't be rich in National Socialist society?

What an awfully bigoted comic :^) The racist left strikes again

>We're all in it to see the sjw, tumblrina and leldit tears

I am voting for whichever candidate gets us closer to purging liberals so I don't have to see another Horsey comic again.

>Why o you fight to give more to people who not only don't care about you, but actively scam you out of your livelihood.

You're probably thinking of Bernouts, who are destitute poorfags who throw their last pennies at an old white guy.

Why? So he can become president, and have the government step in and fire anyone whose labor is worth $14.99 or less.

Those earning $15/hr or more, on the other hand, will be taxed heavily to give to Pablo and Tyrone.

Talk about voting against your interests.


you are the canada of australia

Dubs wills it.

The truth about Trump is that his platform did not come first. It was vague and it is malleable. What you're seeing is his policy taking shape in real time. That's what it means to be a populist. The last thing Trump said is what he actually believes.

>rich guy makes the big pie
>government comes a long and takes 90% of his pie that he made and gives it to the rest of the table
>no one else at the table aspires to make a pie that big because if they fail the government will give them part of someone else's pie instead

You actually believe Burgers are voting for Trump because he makes a good president?

Fuck no, we're doing it for the lulz

It just so happens we have some low IQ Hicks going along with the whole cherade

Trump becoming president will be the greatest troll of all time

He got you guys... 3much5me lmao

people vote Democrat so their parents can get taxed to hell all in the name of "muh gays n blacks n shiet"

Underage, get out. Reported.

>wealth as a finite pie that can only be achieved by taking away from others, but not created.
KEK...liberal logic strikes again.


At least they don't have a Wall Street whore as a candidate.

Compare this to Hillary who has a rock solid, globalist, neo-liberal platform nearly everyone hates and is actually terrible for America and Americans, which she evades talking about and cloaks in weasly lawyer lies. For example, Hillary's recent foreign policy speech in which she lambasted trump and did not tell you what her foreign policy is because if she did, you'd hate it.

Announcing reports is a bannable offense. Reported.

Man, that is one uninspired political cartoon.

Burn in hell you cognitively dissonant cuckaroach.

Clarifying the rules is not allowed.

This is what no one really seems to get. No one in their right mind woke up the day after hearing DJT was running, and immediately thought that was a good idea. But when you think about the grand scheme, even though hes probably getting dick from jews, this is necessary. The time isn't for fighting back against zionist shitheads, but for building an army to do so. Ain't gonna happen with no guns and more corporate corruption. Trump won't stop this, but at least he doesnt have a record of it

>I'm not poor, just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire!
You're not fooling anyone.

>le voting against your own interests meme
Between Trump, Hilary and Bernie lets see who's going to dick over the public the least

>created thousands of jobs, has done some shady business deals in order to make more money, openly shit on things that go against the general public taxpayer's interests( iraq war, called out bush for WMD memeing, illegal immigration, globalization, anti protectionism markets in America)

>killed a few dudes in Benghazi, flip flops every election, openly shared classified information, has taken massive donations from nearly every bank, has a firm grip in the media with donors in nearly ever MSM outlet, openly lied about deals with private donors

>Senator for 25 years yet claims to be non establishment, literally did nothing aside form rename a post office, openly advocates for globalism, shits on wall street, advocates for single payer systems by using false statistics based on optimistic speculation, held his first job at 40 years old, openly campaigns against American nationalism

hmmm I wonder which one is better for a nationalist conservative board

Fucking hell son, your underage is showing more and more.

In economic terms most of Sup Forums are good goys


And in the process of our collective hivemind and memery, we were able to cause the whole GOP to lose billions of dollars in campaign funding by pushing Trump online which seeped into real life.

It's ironic that no one gives us guys at Sup Forums credit for being the heroes that we are.

This community literally disrupted the whole GOP party and made them collectively lose billions of dollars using Trump as a Trojan horse.

When the fuck did any community do something as epic as that?

yeah "the rich"
Maybe you should focus on "the powerful" instead.
Tax reductions on all mean less centralization of power.
These people only make money from your exchanges with them.

Post the kike edit, I know there's one somewhere.


Newsflash dipshit, no corporation has ever taken a cent of my money without my permission EXCEPT with the government's help. I want less government corruption, which means I want less government, period.

You, on the other hand, are jealous of more successful people, so you're willing to beg the goverment on your knees to raise taxes on everyone, including yourself, so that at least the big bad bankers don't have as much. Except, as you would know if you weren't a retard, taxes don't do shit to the rich. They will simply recollect your money through corporate welfare, which you will vote to give them because you're voting for a party of Banker-owned criminals, because you are an emotional retard who is driven by naked envy instead of reason.

The Republicans aren't much better, but lower taxes are lower taxes, period, and every step towards me not having to pay for Tyrone anymore is a step worth taking.

Additionally, the Liberals want to steal my weapons, and I don't vote for thieves.

Now that I have completely destroyed your argument and humiliated you, I look forward to reading your pathetic attempt to skitter out from under my boot and call me a bootlicker.

Are libtards the ultimate cucks?
Why o you fight to give more to people who not only don't care about you, but actively scam you out of your livelihood. You're getting conned.
90% of democrats are voting against their own interests, and the other half of the country has to work twice as hard to save you from yourselves.

Trump crashed the GOP with no survivors. He takes the dick from merchants but he was literally the best candidate you can vote for, even based on this issue alone. He basically walked in the neo con GOP and fucked them up the ass while their wives watched.

He crippled Marco "the GOP is my dad" Rubio and completely fucked Ted "I severed almost all of my ties in the government to run" Cruz

Everyone else he's either steamrolled or they dropped out so they wouldn't have to deal with him

What a fucking retarded asshole that Horsey is, of course the poor are going to be single mothers (failures) with kids (proof of failure) and the rich just have to be a white man.
When will the cancer that is the left be finally wiped out...

Horsey is a racist dumbass.

Nice troll face you low test beta. Your autism is showing btw

And when DT wins it doesnt matter what happens next. We were all able to destroy the GOP party for generations to come while causing all of Tumblr, Reddit and every single liberal to be butthurt in the process.

And if DT actually is a good president then it's the cherry on top of it all.

Less so than Clinton. Also less of a warmonger. Don't get me wrong, Clinton is going to win. So just remember all you shits who think you're doing the right thing in stopping trump, YOU own it when the US is at war with Iran at Israel's behest.


>no fathers to be seen

thanks for posting the original, im tired of all these left wing attempts at trolling

You mean when the US is at war with Russia at Clinton's bank accounts behest.

>implying there aren't more poor whites than blacks

Difference is that the poot white people don't chimp out at the drop of a hat.

Kek. Divide and conquer. Not falling for it.

>The Tews

>now knowing about Tews and Grabblers

>When a cuck brings up the bankruptcy argument

sad the gook goy

You're thinking of Bernie and his economic illiterates, or Hillary and her tragically uninformed and mental gymnast apologists.

A lot less than everyone else running. Trump doesn't have a body count as his feet, the rest do.

>did not tell you what her foreign policy is because if she did, you'd hate it.
She demonstrated it years ago, and everyone hates it.

>implying the democrats aren't doing the same

OP is a faggot

Fucking this. I will be laffin as the world burns at the hands of "the safer choice".

>getting crumbs

How about the middle class passing over half of their slice to the poor while another pie is being handed to the poor?

I love how well people like you have been programmed to respond with "hurr durr the rich voting against your own interest hurrr" at the idea of having more freedom, when there are far more liberal billionaires that pay no taxes who want to keep raising them on everyone else than there are conservative billionaires that want to lower them on everyone.

Pretty much the only reason I'm not an hero. We ain't going to win this thing but I want to see the looks on the faces of the libtards when they see the reality of their utopia free from the scourge of fucking white males.

Materialist take a hike.