What did Negan mean by this?

What did Negan mean by this?

Dat zoom out

is this a 90s comedy?

kek you can even see the camera shake when it reaches peak zoomout

that is hilarious


they're really pushing the meme factor this season

>Easy street starts playing
>"With Jeffery Dean Morgan as Negan"
>Camera zoom out

That's genuinely terrible


"Hot diggedy dog!"
*laugh track*

>that autistic zoom
It's like AMC is self-aware most of their audience is on the asperger spectrum

what happy days episode is this?

did this really happen?

>people will watch TWD

This destroyed me

Yes. Truly the pinnacle of cinematography.

Of course not.
90s comedies are qualitatively superior to this shit.

its honestly shocking how fucking bad that zoom was, there really isn't that many glaring cinematography mistakes in the Walking Dead, but this one was beyond bad, I literally groaned and had a slight look of disgust on my face when it happened

I thought amc was pretty high quality in terms of production :S

I thought this when watching.

Fuck my sides

That's how it was in the comic

>Comic had zoom out effect

Shit dude are we hogwartz now?

I personally liked the zoom out, had a comic & Tarantino feel to it.