So what happens if they leave? Does it start a weave of shit that eventually dissolves EU? Do we make Poland+Baltics state union to stay relevant?
Literally nothing will happen in either case.
Here's what happens if Britain leaves.
>britain is one of the larger contributors
>brits leave
>financial pressure increases on remaining paying countries
>dutch leave
>pressure increases further to the point where it is not tenable any more
>all paying and anti-immigration countries leave
>turkey joins
>some other arab shitholes join
>United States of Eurabia founded
We'll probably have to fight Germanistan again in 20 years, when the majority of the native population has successfully been replaced. They're at 25% now but the birth rate for non-Germans is so, so much higher.
About 50% of the Baltic population live in Britain and they're going home in body bags after Brexit
Just to clarify further, the EU is now telling every member country they need a LOT more money to handle the "refugee crisis"
The two of us leaving would reduce the budget by 18%, making it unsustainable.
They won't let us leave, it's never going to happen.
If we vote to leave, they'll offer us a new deal, with new terms & our government will accept. Boris Johnson already said this was about "negotiating a better deal".
There is no democracy in the EU, it's a dictatorship that 99.9% of the population haven't awoken to yet.
The EU collapses. Simple as that. There's already a lot of people who want out and a Brexit only fuels that.
The EU will never allow this to happen, so the brexit vote will be rigged to hell and back. If we're lucky, they go so heavy handed on the vote rigging that it becomes painfully obvious even to the normies what happened.
The EU architects can't have EU nation states attempting to leave right now, before the EU army has been created and the EU member state armies disbanded. Once that has happened, there's no worry of anyone ever leaving the EU ever, if they try their politicians will be swiftly rounded up, executed, and the country occupied by the EU military to "restore order".
The brexit is basically the last chance Europeans have of remaining free from an unelected tyrannical pan-european government that's deadset on demographically replacing the entire white population. If not even stooping to outright violent genocide/sterilization.
Don't worry, we really want them to come back and it seems like Baltic imigrants are the good kind, seeing as you have insane problem with pakis, africa and slavs. One would think you would actually apriciate quiet, mostly law abiding (the drunk driving bullshit is weird, but true) imigrants who don't really bother others that much...
I've been telling people the NO to ukraine referendum has already been dumped by the government. They tend to get very angry, even if they didn't vote or votes YES.
Damn, this is literally what I've been thinking over the past 2 years.
I don't even think it will be 20 years where there's war with krauts. More like 10 and Germany won't be majority muslim of course. So well be fighting Globalists; using krauts and mugshits to fight the more nationallist countries.
Germany, Belgium and Sweden will ally into one European state.
I also predict a USA breakup, with the flyover states declaring independence as USA turns EU socialism tier.
Even if the votes are rigged, the country seems to be getting redpilled enough to vote in a eurosceptic government.
Nah, Germany is first going to have a massive civil war like the likes of Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc have seen. You can't find a war with millions of enemy combatants within your supply lines.
Then there's the recovery time from that, in which either the world strikes first or waits for Germanistan to recover enough to attack.
>If we're lucky, they go so heavy handed on the vote rigging that it becomes painfully obvious even to the normies what happened.
The normies would probably celebrate that shit, because the Juden had them so jewed they don't know what's best for them anymore.
Take the decision out of their brainwashed hands and crash the EU, with or without the normies' consent.
They'd never allow them to leave.
Whatever happened to Boxxy isn't she dead or something?
They will take 4-8years to finalise the exit
In this time they will import more immigrants and give them right to vote slowly
In 4-8years the referendum is going to be retaken and you will be left IN.
She is a popular youtuber now
If they vote to leave, the leaders go "well shit, we don't know how to do that" and then make up excuses for not leaving.
But maybe some of the clever ones will leverage the expression of public opinion toward realistic and useful changes.
I wish I could be a popular youtuber but I'm fat and ugly and not funny and completely uncharismatic and not very smart or clever and not good at anything.
Seems like that doesn't do much to stop a lot of people.
>I also predict a USA breakup, with the flyover states declaring independence as USA turns EU socialism tier.
The nice thing about that is it basically guarantees a win for the independents.
The east and west coasts would be completely divided with no easy means of travel between them. The interior of the US has a huge number of natural barriers protecting it from both coastlines.
The end result may just end up being a stalemate. Probably most of the fighting would be naval warfare as the independents fight to secure waterway access in the gulf of mexico. Quite possibly also a war between them and mexico, but I think it's more likely they would ally.
There's also a distinct possibility of the pacific northwest states (And maybe even provinces) joining with the independents before (or more likely after) things have settled a bit, which would then give access to the pacific as well as the atlantic and provide a means of attack south along the western coastline while avoiding most of the mountains.
Man I kind of want this as a europa universalis game now.
Gernanistan would be Germany again after the civil war so where is the problem?
I've only ever met 2 Lithuanians and one Estonian. Never a Latvian and that was at uni on a medical course. So already a step up from the Polish plumbers or Romanian welfare drain.
Don't be fucking stupid. We KNOW the Austrian election was rigged with 500% voter turnout in some areas and yet nothing has happened. Same will happen here. People really don't like democracy nor care for it.
Assuming we are allowed to leave you mean.
Hahaha no, it would not. Right now, Germany has 20 million non-Germans and 60 million germans. The 20 million non-Germans outbreed the 60 million Germans by a large margin.
This will only increase exponentially as time passes. That is not even taking into account the millions of refugees on their way now.
Thanks. We have the leading medical school in Eastern Europe in Riga, so that is no wonder, people just spend their 8 years of education here.
They will just delay it with as much paperwork and bureaucracy as they can.
Even if we vote out, we're not getting out.
Not without a fight anyway.
Still, it would be best if we could keep in touch with the Germans. After that whole thousand reports of sexual assaults new years by the Muslims, I believe the first people to stand up and fight would be the male German civilians.
They'll probably see increased support against the EU from neighbouring countries and the eastern Europeans.
From there their own movement will move west.
It would also incite others, in other countries to form their own rebellion, and in time when other anti-EU groups have expanded, grown and migrated, they'll likely meet and merge to collaborate against the socialist EU.
In a sense, there wold be to European unions then. The current socialist left one that is in power now, and a revolutionary right wing one prepared to fight against having a tyrannical dictatorship forcing its opinions and beliefs onto us.
if we leave then we will have to renegotiate to get access to the single market . the deal we will get is likely to be terrible because the eu wont want to encourage leaving and we'll have very little leverage against so many other nations
I get that but Niggers are of a low fighting value because of their IQ and do you think your minorities would remain silent while their black brothas fight da evil opressors in germany? I dont think so.
It depends when on when the fighting would start, if it started now they would not stand a chance if it was germans vs non whites. You also have to remind yourself that a lot of these non-Germans are east europeans like polish or russians who ofently are not that cucked.
The only important question is would the army and police side with us? How big will the amounf of traitors fight alongside the niggers be?
Do you think we would win that? Taking in acount the fact that Baltics are not that strong and the only sane country with some power seems to be Poland.
And apparently has nudes
Yes, we've all seen it, you pathetic cuck.
I'm pro EU and I want them to leave now, this shit has been going on way too long. If EU is so weak that it can't stomach a member leaving so be it.
Britain will get pummeled with clue sticks though, why anyone would think they'll get anything but a thoroughly rotten deal from EU is beyond me.
>Belgium allying with Germany over this
Don't conflate us with Brussels' European zone, you fuckwit pom.
Great I hope the UK and Netherlands jumps off the sinking globalist ship. Your statement about having to fight Germany is more than likely true. The "peaceful and innocent" refugees will chimpout when the gibs are reduced or cut entirely.
Isn't this just the time to be alive? Only if you euros can get the fuck out of EU, we can save Germany... again...
You basically admitted that the EU is a bully supra state which uses threats, fines and exclusion to take our freedoms.
Wow I really can imagine how that will make the brits stay
>you admitted
>bully supra state
cry moar faggot
The voting results will be fake and gay. Brexit will sadly fail.
Nothing good ever comes out of politics, democracy will always be won with civil war. You play by the rules of the politicians you will always lose, they've already planned for everything just because they have the power, the time and the money to do it. EU will be the most technologically advanced empire, I don't see how it would be overthrown if it's put in place. Good news this probably won't reach me during my lifetime. Honestly, what can you do? These people LIVE to seize control of the world and have enough money to buy out the smartest people in the world to help them do it. They've already infiltrated pretty much every aspect of our lives, it's over.
>I also predict a USA breakup, with the flyover states declaring independence as USA turns EU socialism tier.
not gonna happen you deluded euro faggot
I smell an English