What's up with this soyboy and bugman meme? Please explain the new hip and secretive Sup Forums lingo

What's up with this soyboy and bugman meme? Please explain the new hip and secretive Sup Forums lingo.

wanna touch my butt


It's just new terms for nu-male. Leftists are baffled because they cannot into memes

>Sup Forums lingo

why don't you go watch some john oliver and forget about it

i mean "shit post-psychotic break sam hyde says repeated like a tween who saw south park for the first time" is pretty Sup Forums

Sam has never used these terms.

I have nudes of her, so it isn't.

Soyboy means basically an herbivore, man. A guy who has opted out of "the game", or who is deficient in testosterone. I'm guessing bugman means more or less the same.

Though it's used pejoratively, the instinct to ridicule does function to sustain the species. Personally, I don't need to procreate. My bro sires 3-4 bastards every year, our duty to our family name is done.

>Personally, I don't need to procreate
Your ancestors managed procreate for millions of years and now you're the loser that isn't going to pull it off.

post them cunt

Sorry not risking passing on manic depression

Don't apologize to me, apologize to your ancestors.

It's classic alt-right beta male projection

at least half their life would be good

What about his other loser ancestors that never passed on their genetics

They were nazis they'd get it

who is this

here you go user


Your ancestors go back millions of years. They managed to survive plagues, wars, famine, natural disasters and such to pass on their genes. Now you can't do it because you have sad dumb ass disease.