Mexicuck just went full beaner

This isn't just basic beaner, this is God-tier beaner baka

Other urls found in this thread:

So? They're libertarian. The alt-right only hate them because they're Mexican and need an excuse to cover up for their racist intent.

>Rebuild '''''''our''''' country

Only thing you're building is a wall fucker.

Pretty sure that's just bait.

Must be a troll.

>America is just a social construct and so are borders.

wew lad

>been in America 15 years
>doesn't know Spanish
>donates to Sanders
Shill confirmed.

I am not sure anymore. You would think that "refugee wellcome" people were being trolls too but they are not.

I come from a country that has like 7000 soliders and has never invaded any country yet they call us "westerners who bombed poor syrians" . We also have 120.000 unemployed people in a country that has a population of 2 million and they think that "refugees" will help our economy.

Why would anyone shill for hillary at this point? Bernie has no chance of winning.

Because feminism and muh oppression?

I wouldn't put it past this spic just being astronomically stupid desu

Come on

>This our land
>reparation of african americans ans latino will never be given

America is dead, just like Europe, the third worlders we imported and who we gave them higher standards of living hate us with more passion than people we fought war against.

Fucking build it.

yeah it's fake, he was trolling

you'd might think so that he's a troll, but you'd be wrong.
People are so fucking stupid

Hope the rope's strong enough to bounce her back to mexico when she jumps her head into it.

aye senpai

if you dont understand that the "mexican" is some guy baiting retards you really need to get a helium tank and suck on it till you meet god.

you cant all be this fucking dumb can you?

>undocumented immigrant

GOD DAMMIT WHY IS THIS BECOMING A THING? I mean holy shit, this is 1984 levels of newspeak.

What's next?
Rape is now non-consensual copulation?
Thievery is now undocumented shopping?
Murder is post-term abortion?

>oh great it's gonna be another reddit cuck letting down his ancestors
>a wild mexican intellectual appears
>he unwittingly redpills the bernouts

Foreigners like this seriously just sound like far right racists using leftist rhetoric to accomplish their demographic invasions.

Rape is sexual emergency
Migrant is tanned German

>national debt meme
9/10 effort from the red guy

>like the brave people during the underground railroad

Yeah, they should create a secret system to help Mexicans get back to Mexico. That'll show mean old Trump!

I'm afraid not Miss Fishport

These guys are real and they vote, not legally of course.

I wouldn't be so sure about that fampai

Someone with a leddit account should tell that beaner it is cruel to let his mom kill herself, clearly murder suicide is the best solution for his family

He is right in something

Germanics have been a problem to the entire World

They must externinated

why don't they just get thier papers?

Probably just a troll desu not that people like that don't exist

Singapore implying radicals don't exist, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lawdy

Thats an illegal campaign donation, this is why Sanders is being audited for 33m in strange cash.

yes im sure an undocumented immigrant would go on reddit and start spouting obvious bait like
>we wuz americans
>we blacks and spics need to unite
>muh social constructs of race
>i bet trump pays no taxes
>muh sanders

this is bait. kill yourselves. the social construct line shouldve been the last straw for you niggers but nooo you have to make a thread about it

It's not bait. Mexicans are literal subhumans.

Obvious troll. If his parents came here illegally they'd be speaking nothing but Spanish in the house. So before kinder all he would know is Spanish.
Then he would still hear nothing but Spanish every day after school. And he says he can't go to Mexico cuz he doesn't know Spanish?

Didn't even read the rest of that post after that sentence.

>reparation of african americans
like a plane ticket back to africa?


>Will you please stand and defend us?
>Can I ask a simple question?

Got to love the rational and tolerant liberal.

Top kek

Don't be so sure
I'm The son of Mexicans that speak no English and was raised in a mostly Spanish speaking house (talked to sister in English) and my Spanish is terrible

If I wasn't a native Spanish speaker one might think my Spanish was good but since I grew up speaking Spanish it's pretty terrible considering
I can hardly read Spanish and can hold a conversation in Spanish but have terrible grammar

Are you dense? People say all of those things unironically and with a straight face, sometimes even on television.
>we wuz americans
This condoned anti-trump violence in San Jose prove mexicans have already taken over the southwestern states. La raza is making progress.
>we blacks and spics need to unite
google "people of colour" everyone's united against the scourge of whiteness
>muh social constructs of race
Reddit's favourite "scientist" literally says this
>i bet trump pays no taxes
these people are econmically illiterate they think 1mil turns into billions automatically and Trump was personally bankrupt
>muh sanders
yes, surprisingly people actually still do that too

We see these sorts of people everyday, often being glorifyed like that 4.00 GPA "undocumented" chick with NICE LEGS.

Did you guys just start shilling? I thought Hilldawg supplied you with a comprehensive guide regarding cultural marxism, memes, Etc.

Its most likely a troll, the username is VivalaBernieandJane.

here is the link

Although there are tons os chicanos that do indeed think like this.


>no one has a right to keep people out

Someone find this fucker and remove all his doors and windows


Yes, gotta love all those libertarian republics in Latin America. Why, just the other day I read that Venezuela is facing a shortage of food, probably due to the free market allowing monopolies to gouge the public. When will they learn?

I'm surprised the replies are unsympathetic towards him. I thought Reddit was supposed to be more liberal/leftist.


Post a link faggat, why censor their names? God you are a fucking cuck for giving anonymity to him.