My friend wants to poison his neighbor's dogs with rat poison

my friend wants to poison his neighbor's dogs with rat poison.

he said he has had enough because they keep barking all the time. (he works night shifts at a factory so he needs daytime sleep)

what should i do, Sup Forums?

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Poision your neighbor.

now what would that do, user

Tell your friend to talk to his neighbor like a normal person

Your neighbor is the catalyst for all this trouble. Eliminate him from the equation, and all works out.

the neighbor is always the first suspect and vets can often ID poisoning.

Your friend needs to "man up" and speak to the neighbor as the first step.

When that fails, as always, they need to be calling city code compliance and all relevant aid, reporting dogs that may be abused or mistreated, reporting noise violations etc until they have enough pressure to encourage the neighbor to control their animals.

Earplugs are also an idea.

he has tried 2 times and said they are a bunch of nigs who wont listen and told him to gtfo

Welp, the ings have spoken. Poison him.

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They'll it was him then

>forcing yourself to wear uncomfortable ear plugs all day because of a couple of dogs

OP you need to find a super secretive poison

get some fucking earplugs or call the city for noise complaint

The dog would be the prime suspect. Perhaps you could plant the can/box of poison in the dog house. The dog will be blamed for the murder and taken away.

how the hell does corn, wheat and molasses kill rats?
and neither will it kill dogs


Why doesn't he just feed them chocolate, like a fucked up amount.

When officers or animal whatever comes knockin', make up a bullshit story that the nigs (being nigs) feed the dogs all kind of crap.

That, or just put crushed glass in some food. Doesn't show up on X-ray, and I doubt they'd slice up the dogs to check their cause of death.

Just my thoughts.

>severe internal bleeding
>nah, let's just assume the clearly young dog died of old age
>sorry, was just his time

Right. Any criticism on the chocolate part?

im assuming the powered corn cob will just swell in size when the rat drinks water and block up its insides

He'll just get another dog and still be an asshole. So your friend isn't much of s problem solver.

shoot it then eat the evidence
poop on lawn
dog never left property!

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Chocolate covered macadamia nuts will kill one quickly. Caffeine does too (especially coffee).

However, the niggers will just get another dog. If he wants to get peace and quiet he has two options:

A. Call cops and say niggers are abusing the dogs. Even better if the dogs are large, as the first assumption will be they're raising fighting dogs. Just say you hear growling and yelling late at night and they seem to have a new dog every few weeks.

B. Kill niggers. This is clearly the better option.

Apes should be banned from owning anything tbh.

any dog owner knows the signs of theobromin poisoning

Any dog owner, sure, but niggers?

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>join the atf

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>yo, doc, hol up, he actin weird, like, sleepy, drowsy, he shits everywhere and vomited a lot
>"any problems with neighbors or something, sir?"
>yo, that white asshole next door always yellin about my babies, they dindu nuffin and he yellin anyways
>"ah, ok. how looked that vomit?"
>there was some dark shit in there, why
>dog rushed to icu

they need to be severe niggers so they just shoot that fuckin dog
still they'll get a new one

Rinse, repeat until plan of occurs, making it seem like they have new dogs every week. Fight pit, etc.

Instead of poison, why not use sleeping pills to put it to sleep all night?

Make sure he does it right dipcunt, make the dogs eat something with the poison caked ON IT maybe like put some antifreeze on a fence with some bacon grease, I don’t fucking know just kill the damn dogs. Would kinda suck if they bought a new dog.

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Tell him he's an idiot.

Get dog poison instead.

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Tell your friend he's a worthless piece of shit who should an hero. Earplugs are a thing that exists.
I also work overnight. I sleep during the day using earplugs.
Your friend is a goddamn idiot or a psycho who just wants to kill dogs.

Poison those pos dogs

Can’t a man kill a dog?

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t. triggered angry pitbull owner who teaches his pitbull to be an angry predator then wonders why people hate pitbulls and pitbulls owners

Just put antifreeze in his water dish

Or leave a bucket in your yard full of it close to the property line



Poison him with rat poison... Those dogs are doing their job keeping the dindu nuffins away

Xylitol artificial sweetener. couple teaspoons will do it. Mix it in a meatbal

Use grape's

I'd probably do it. I grew up with dogs my whole life but my dogs didn't act like faggots and bark all day. That would truly suck. My neighbours dealt with a situation like that and animal control made them de-bark the dogs but the bark came back anyways so it really didn't do anything.

Just do it and make sure you ditch the evidence that day, like drive way out of town and get gas (pay cash) and ditch shit at a dumpster or something.

Pieces of a sponge soaked in bacon grease works on any size or breed of dog.

You can do a few things.
1. Call the police with a noise complaint on them. The first time they issue a warning, then they start charging the person 100 dollars or so per call. Call once a week.
2. Tell him just to throw something with a sedative over the fence or diuretic so the dog shits everywhere, but doesn't really hurt the dog.

The problem is that they will know it's him probably. If he didn't already comp,an he could leave an anonymous note that he will fuck with their house and cars if they don't stop their dog from barking.

You’re a fucking genius user

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Call the city and report it, they will give out fines that increase with each visit. My neighbor was up to $1650 for a visit and then he got rid of his dogs.

method of action? blockage? My dog chewed up up a raquetball and shit the chunks with some difficulty none the worse for wear.

You have a point but if you somehow pulled it off (my dog survived a few chicken bones in fact) then it would be untraceable.

>plan to poison dogs
>take poison
>poison neighbor