Damn, dylan roof's sister is pretty hot

damn, dylan roof's sister is pretty hot
got arrested for saying she hoped the walk out fags would get shot

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Well that's a fucked up thing to arrest someone for. Hope she wins a civil rights lawsuit.

But no, she's not hot. Looks like trailer trash.

>Roof, 18, showed up at A.C. Flora High School in South Carolina with a knife, pepper spray, and marijuana. She faces weapons and drugs charges.

What a happy family.

yes but those were discovered because she was detained and searched because of the snapchat comment

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Your a fuckin idioT OP. If your gonna hate on a diff country. Atleast use correct facts. Fuckin small dick new fag.

Would do

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Ha ha
>our girl

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her saying that she "hopes" people get shot is clearly an expression of opinion..

Dont give a fuck who she is, her first amendment rights have been trampled on.

>Make threatening comments
>cops investigate
On school grounds no less,

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atta girl

"i hope they get shot" isn't a threat

hate on a different country? the fuck you talking about
im in the same country she is.


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That depends on a lot, anyone on school grounds is subject to search for any or no reason.
What would happen if she was planning something and they did nothing?

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Does she have any nudes though

Why does she think only black people dislike gun control?

It's kinda funny because people like her brother are the main reason people don't want guns in this country anymore.

that they're legally allowed doesn't make it right. and there was nothing to indicate she was planning something, because there was no threat.
and quite honestly, given who her brother is she should be allowed to carry weapons since im sure she gets routine death threats

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>anyone on school grounds is subject to search for any or no reason.
the standard is called "reasonable suspicion"

>have hopes and dreams
>get arrested
What the fuck is this world coming to... Sad!

>durrr sister of a shooter talking about shooting with all the school shootings happening
>hurrdurr why are they doing this too her :virgintears:

You people defending her are fucking pathetic. Lonely virgins

What’s her Instagram?

ah yes, arm more violent, crazy people from a violent, crazy family. thatll keep us ALL safe. can you go back to Sup Forums, we get it, you wish someone shot up more schools and churches

I cam here this morning specifically for pictures of her...and this thread was the first one that showed up. Impressive Sup Forums

Fucking kek

she's done nothing that should result in being stripped of a civil right

and apart from my support of the 2nd amendment, i'm fairly far to the left

Kill yourself today, cocksucker.

here's her with dylan when they were kids

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It may work differently in Cuckistan but here in America we're supposed to have two things called "freedom of speech" and "right to bear arms." This is how tyranny starts, first you take away the people's right to defend themselves. Then it's censoring speech. Next thing you know, they control what you write, what you see, what you hear, what you do, how long you live... If you think this is anywhere near okay, you need to kill yourself.

you're the one who's a disgrace to the founding principles of this country, supporting destroying a civil right without amending the constitution to do so.
so kill yourself NOW, faggot

True fact here.

>she's done nothing that should result in being stripped of a civil right
As an adult, she came to school with
A. a knife
B. pepper spray
C. weed
All contraband
LMAO I hope she rots

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protect her anons in Dixieland

>freedom of speech
>right to bear arms

The fact you said those 2 makes you completely fucking retarded and proof of your shitty education.

>hurrdurr i have a right to bear arms so let me bring weapons into school durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>I can say what i want so i'm going to yell fire in a crowded night club durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

a girl that almost certainly is constantly bullied and receiving death threats, simply due to a family member, has items clearly defensive in nature
and a harmless plant that's already legal in several states and virtually no one thinks should be a felony

>confirmed for not knowing the amendments

Jesus, Sup Forums has spent months taking the piss out of the U.K police for doing this. Now it's a thing in the United States of Mexico. Enjoy your downward spiral.

You're so edgy lmao I bet you feel good about yourself. So just and pious. Niggers must hang.

>taking someone's words and twisting them into insane hyperbole
I think you might be the retard

wow, thats almost kinda sad. Imagine being those parents.
then again, the parents have to be doing something wrong if both of their kids turned out like this


The constitution is clear, buddyboy. I don't know what you're being taught in your liberal schmiberal schools but it's objectively wrong. We have the right to bear literally any arms literally anywhere, look it up, and yelling "fire" is different. People will panic and possibly hurt themselves trying to get out of the building. No one, except maybe you emotionally, is hurt by the opinion that someone should be shot.

Sure, kid.

nobody is falling for your trolling

The downward spiral has been happening for a long, long time already. I wonder if we could go back and ask someone who was around at the fall of the Roman Empire if they could feel it coming. My guess is that it was not abrupt, of course, but felt pretty much like it feels like now, here. I've played Fallout games, so I'm all set to roam the wasteland.

well unfortunately courts have ruled that lots of places can ban guns on the premises; schools are one such place

also the yelling fire thing is something said by someone with no actual legal knowledge of first amendment law

Bunch of faggots in this thread debating gun control when the only thing that matters is if she has nudes. Fucking newfags piss off to plebbit.

>We have the right to bear literally any arms literally anywhere
except you dont, dumbass

>We have the right to bear literally any arms literally anywhere
NO you don't.
District of Columbia v. Heller law.cornell.edu/supct/html/07-290.ZS.html

>We have the right to bear arms anywhere

Demonstrably untrue. And have the rights granted by whom? The Constitution? The Constitution is changed, amended, updated, interpreted differently, all the time.

It's a weird time to be an American.

Make a bad joke or dumb threat online, cops will swarm your house.

But stockpile weapons and ammunition and nobody so much as cocks an eyebrow.

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well the gun control debate is keeping the thread alive, hopefully until someone comes through with the nudes

Yes, the courts, sadly, can be corrupted. We need to take back our fucking rights before they make their move.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Look it the fuck up. I don't give a fuck what some Columbians said, it does NOT override our God-given rights. If you think the Constitution can just be written over with a crayon willy-nilly, you can get out of my face. And my country. Go to some third world shithole if you don't like having rights.

Only as it relates to a WELL REGULATED militia.

Oh lord, it's one of these retards

>The Constitution? The Constitution is changed, amended, updated, interpreted differently, all the time.
and if people want to take away the right to bear arms, amending it is exactly what they need to do, not handwave it away in a manner that will almost certainly wind up as precedent for stripping our other rights

at the time of the founders, owning your own gun was a prerequisite to joining the militia

>are you kidding me? are you some kind of fucking bigot? you dont like your rights taken away? did you really just- i cant even right now! my wife told me to tell you youre rarted! X(

>god given
fucking americans

that's the language used in our founding documents.

its retarded. it was given to you by the blood of patriots who fought for independence. not from 'god' or totem spirits or some tik balang.

>kin punishment is okay
you belong far more on pol then you would think

>our rights are privileges not rights lets just vote them all away to protect our feelings before we die
Fucking... whatever country you're from. Doesn't even matter, you're not relevant.

the idea was 'these are mans natural rights, and the government has no right to abridge them', which is far stronger than 'these are the rights hereby granted to your by your ruler'

We get it, you vape. Take off your fedora and cape, young warrior. It's just an expression. All the real Americans recognize that patriots fight and die for our rights and that it's a massive insult to them to even think about adjusting our right to bear.

read some john locke or something, retard.

It's the same tired, typical over-reacting they always do. Nothing gets changed until a bunch of people die, then they go WAY overboard in the other direction. Like that's going to work. It's ridiculous. Everything is dealt with in black and white binary. There's no "gray areas". Zero tolerance policies are horse shit, and only make it people don't have to think too hard. Black and white, good or bad, with us or against us. It's all fucked up.


>and marijuana
not much trad in that thot

lol Sup Forums

Oldfag here
a girl and I made up plans for a bomb to blow up our school
we were just joking around, of course
before Columbine, nobody gave a shit about those kind of jokes
it sucks that now days, a little 6yo kid can get expelled and hauled off in handcuffs by police just for making his fingers in the shape of a gun.

Who's trolling?
Every nigger is the enemy

I would marry this girl.

They had no right to search her.
There was no threat.

Also, considering who she is, the likelihood of another student, especially a filthy nog, trying to attack her is very high.

I've been in dozens of fights with filthy fucking nogs. Goddamn they're stupid animals.

Id love to rail her and as she cums yell “take my lethal injection”, cum on that sad white trash face and laugh as she thinks about her brother/lover rotting in terre haute

Look at Mr hasn't paid attention to scotus over here. That hasn't been true since the 90s