Walk in on this

Walk in on this.

What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


turn two times 180° and walk out

kill all those dragqueens and drink a beer solo

Jizz my pants while they laugh and tell me your white ass can't handle this black pussy

I ask "may I fuck you" and hope they say yes

Put my cream in the coffee

ask who can cook up some collards

turn 360° and walk away

Wonder why my reflection isnt on the mirror.
Then sniff their asses and have premature ejaculation whilst sniffing

tell them their lingerie is racist

(it really does look stark and ufly)

Round those flat bellies and enlarge those tits.

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I like that

Call the cops

Black women are a fucking plague. Set the room on fire.

Walk out while simultaneously checking that my wallet is still in my pants pocket

Make them fight for my seed.

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Also, the impregnation order shall be pretty much from left to right.

When did we go from finding buns of steel attractive to buns of creamed corn?
Oh right... wiggers


Call the police. Tell them a large congregration of gangbangers is occurring.

Yes, because your penis would totally ignore that butt.

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then you would be facing them retard

And then the cops ask you why they're not armed and in their fucking underwear, lol.

Jesus Christ how did I end up in such a shoddily built McMansion where's the door


Whip out my dick and say "alright ladies, who here wants a better credit score?"

Hang every single one of them on a tree.

Attached: 1520011705068.jpg (600x600, 42K)

You disgust me.

Start eating ass

Oh boy, summer hasn't even started yet

Maybe put them in a barrel full of caustic acid.

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>trying very hard

maybe have a few nazi wannabes kill them with pitchforks.

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There is a depressing lack of breeding instinct in this thread.

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Give those queens a nice breeding session.

Call the zoo.

COLONIZE those thick sluts

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Tell 2,3,4,5 to go home and then make love to 1

Breed all 5 of em in one round.

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eat ass , cum in each of their holes, pass out.

First of all, why would I walk into the ladies room?

Secondly, I live in an all white neighborhood, so the chances of me actually being in this situation are slim to none, and Slim just left town.

Is it really so hard to invite five women into your home?

Breed five mutts I'll treat as if I were black myself. By leaving.