Do you agree with the notion that all women never fully develop after the age of 13 or so?

Do you agree with the notion that all women never fully develop after the age of 13 or so?

I mean, think about it. They lack all common and logical sense about most things.

Except when it comes to feelings. Which is why they're so good at manipulation and why a loving girl will make you feel really good.

Can any femanons confirm this? Do you feel like at some point you stopped being smart when you were younger?

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And I am saying mentally developed.

bumping for pizza

Also how one do does the when you talk to one and feels just lost way back??

Also if any of you psychologyfags can confirm it would be great!

Post more pics like this

You have to post pics like that to get replies for this thread

bumpin this shet

There's women with higher IQ's than you, Scientists, Lawyers, Doctors, women pulling in seven figures completely independently.

So no, I don't agree with your hypothesis. I would agree that most instagram whores and sluts you jerk off to never develop past age 13.

Post moarrrrrr picssss

disgusting cunt

but also bumping for pizza.

i also, would like some more pics please *British gentlemen voice*

During puberty women develop different than men do. Men are usually better problem solvers, women have different talents. That's why when we compare the IQ, or problem solving capabilities, men are more intelligent. Women are made to take care of and raise children, which is why they are stronger emotionally.

You can't just say they are not as developed, they just have a different purpose.

But what if those females you guys talk about are actually with a lot of male hormones on the inside so it like makes them less female?

Cause think about like the very "real" type of female. Doesn't like to get her hands dirty. Likes nail polish and pink things. Wants to get taken care of, doesn't bother too much with anything.

Sure there might be males like this, but they are a minority and it's mostly their estrogen making them that way.

So why do women have rights in the first place? It should just be that the ones who want to be lawyers have to refer to themselves as "He" and be males so they can work these professions?

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oh the sweet obesity, how it sings to me
its enough to make a man sick

Why do you insist on dealing in absolutes? There are women with more independent lifestyles, that doesn't make them less female.

No they just are fully matured by their mid teens.

Something like 75-80% of women are maxed out both biologically and emotionally but about 15/16

And for men it’s more like 19/20

Generally speaking most women retain the maturity of a teenager forever, about half of men also remain emotionally and intellectually trapped in their teenage/20 something mindsets.

Why do you think women need me ? And even then the vast majority of society is working class and poor plebs

Needs some sausage

I stopped rapidly developing at around 22-23.
Of course, the personality is constantly developing, but that process is strong. The periods of most rapid development were from about 14 to 16 and from 20 to 22.

I guess I was lucky. In my childhood and teenage years I wasn't forced to do chores (when I needed, I learned the whole routine quickly, because I'm conscientious), I wasn't interested in makeup (which takes about two hours of your time every day, if you combine everything), I'm a mild Aspie so i wasn't interested in drama and the snakepit that is called 'having many girlfriends'.

I guess it depends on the parents. If they raise a girl to be a baby making machine that is interested in makeup, clothes and intrigues, no wonder her mental state is different from that of a boy who's encouraged to be active, to have interests and to make money.

I'm not going full SJW here. I have learned how to apply makeup, I've seen good examples of style growing up and know how to dress myself, I cook pretty good (I also learned that when the need arose), I believe a woman should be able to take care of the household and make a home.
But buying a girl her first makeup set at 12 and buying fashion mags instead of Scientific American isn't going to encourage the development of a fully-fledged personality.

I was extremely lucky to have good parents. The more people I see, the more I realise that I was but a lucky exception. I realise that had I been born in a different family, I might have grown to be a standard issue hoe, albeit a bit more quiet and with less bipolar issues.

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I want more pics!

>common and logical sense
should pick one not both...

*the personality is constantly developing, but the process is slow.


The only thing that makes a female 'real' is being able to birth children. All that other shit is just stupid social norms and religious bullshit insisting that women are to be subjugated.

My wife wears no makeup, does no girly shit and doesn't care about social norms. But her desire to ride my cock and get filled with cum is truly female.

i wouldn't say all or most of them but those who give themselves to live by appereances

>came here to troll
>actually got a very good articulate answer that was interesting to read
>no longer want to write edgy provoative things

Thanks for killing my thread.

Gender is not interchangeable. It is not a social construct. Women have different physique, different physiology and different capabilities than men. Saying their minds are the same is just plain stupid and illogical.

Same goes for race btw

Don't know about the "social conditioning" theory though.

If toddlers were so easily influenced by their parents, we wouldn't have any female lawyers or doctors.
I think it's more complex than that and biologi probably plays a bigger role than "Oh what a sweet little girl you'll grow up to be!"


would you agree that men have a tendency to put women down because they can tell that women are prettier, more creative, more socially and emotionally skilled than them and it makes men feel inferior?

Hmmm not so sure about a couple of things.

>socially skilled
I don't think there's any gender difference here. I have seen both outgoing and shy people of both genders. It does not matter at all.

Not so sure about that one but I'll let it slide cause I'm not gay so I wouldn't know.

>emotionally skilled
Definitely. But the point of my thread was that this probably costs them their logical thought.

No woman ever succeeded in making me feel men are inferior. I'm not saying this out of pride or chauvinism. It just never happened. I feel like male qualities are just more important than being 'creative' or 'socially developed'.

Borderline cp pics pleaseee

>es are just more important than being 'creative' or 'socially developed'.
> Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)17:17:06 No.762818028▶
>Borderline cp pics pleaseee
Dont feel like getting banned today.

Well my wife is an aerospace engineer and all the men she works with are fucking retarded. I've met many and have to agree

We raise them to assume roles. We put them in a child raising role and isolate them. Women are inherently more caring yes. But society puts them in a role and promotes it as if being the hottest gettable piece of ass is the highest achievement. This goes doubly for the lower class girls.

Think about it. They are people. They aren't animals, contrary to most of these faggots on Sup Forums.

If we raise them to think they can be engineers and build stuff then we will flood the market with women and these ideas of emotional manipulation as you call it will go away.

Ever stop and think maybe you're just mad? Or maybe you have a hard time connecting with people?

The n=1 argument.

>Smoking is deadly
>well my grandpa smoked his wholw life and he is 80

Sorry for taking the bait. Your question seemed interesting.

The human mind develops mainly by processing the external stimuli. If those stimuli are books, LEGO kits and talks, the result is going to be different from the one where the stimuli were fashion shows, makeup kits and focus on chores.
Firstly, there is a limited amount of time in each day. So each hour spent in front of the mirror means one hour less for mentally stimulating tings.
Secondly, the natural inclinations do not determine the development of personality 100%. One can be a rational person and at the same time be feminine if from the childhood they were taught that that's the acceptable way of doing things (not seeing crazy bitches at home also helps). One can be conscientious but at the same time agreeable. The fact that females have predetermined inclinations does not limit the extent to which their rationality and common sense can develop.
Answering more directly to your point, I agree, giving a girl a baby doll isn't going to stop her from becoming a lawyer. But I'd say that's because, a) there are parents that give girls girly things but raise them responsibly and pay close attention to the kid's education and intellect and b) natural intellect can emerge even in unfavourable circumstances, e.g. in conditions where no emphasis was put on pursuing intellectual interests.

But for the majority with no exceptional innate abilities and with average parents the 'you get what you put in' rule matters. And as the majority of society is just that - average - we get a majority of mentally underdeveloped women who have a hard time keeping a cool head and thinking with arguments instead of feelings.

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I'm saying raising women without stupid social norms can lead to more equity in career choices. Her mother never did any girly shit like painting nails or doing makeup with my wife and her father refused to pay for a worthless college degree (had to be engineering, science, business or something similar)

girls arent raised to be smart

It's not entirely the way you put it. What good is an engineer going to be if they'll break down when any pressure arises? What good is a lawyer without conscientiousness? How can someone be a good doctor without common sense?

It's more about treating every kid - boy or girl - similarly when it comes to nurturing them or managing their leisure. If a boy gets taught to be tough, why should a girl be told she's a 'princess whose every wish must come true'?
Of course, things like play styles or aggression levels are completely different. But the general mindset should be the same - you don't get to do something or get something unless you have a good reason, you should get the same amount of chores - enough to encourage responsibility but not so much that learning how to cook becomes the main interest.
It's not about telling 'you're a girl, you CAN be an engineer!'. It's about communicating to the child 'you and you alone are responsible for your actions and their outcomes.'

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> a girl is posting in my thread
> i'll never fuck hey but instinctively resort to my true beta nature by sucking up to her and complimenting her boring rambling nonsensical comment that didn't contribute to the thread on any way except to bring it closer to the bump limit



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Plus I don't believe 'there aren't enough women in STEM' was OP's point.
One can be a stay-at-home housewife and still be a decent, interesting and level-headed individual who brings good things to those around - she can be a good partner and friend to her spouse, a good and smart mother for her kids and in general - a well put-together person.
But the majority of women and girls are unable of being that.

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We gotta respect a lady, man. She's a girl so she kind of deserves our respect by proxy. You shut your mouth dont be mean to her.


yes, men have been shown to be more interested in 'things' rather than 'people' and women are the opposite. Makes sense. Men build things and women take care of babies, for the most part. It's mostly a difference of interest though, rather than intelligence I'd say.

Had to read this twice, still thought I was having a stroke

OP never even got his first kiss

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I've actually had my dick inside of a vagina and also I have made out hardcore with a girl in a club but when she wasn't I ran away so. Check mate.

I'm also pretty close with my mom so I know a ton more about women than you do, user.

*wasn't looking

Is it ok to be a hebe? I find girls in this age bracket attractive but then again I also like girls beyond that age up to about 40 attractive.


You make me sick.
There is absolutely no reason for you to consider any women inferior for her qualities as a human being and gender. As much as are sluts and bitches, the same goes with the fuckboys and their mediocre intelligence.
Both men and women have ups and down, but none of them make them less important due to their capabilities, and you should be ashamed of yourself for generalizing. Joke or not, your judgement does not show any develop until now, yet you dare speak of others.
And no wonder you're probably single and mourning every day for a hug and cuddle. For your arrogance and high ego nobody would want to even touch or even look at such people like you. Maybe learn how to show respect and find diversity in people, because you sure live in a bubble nobody wants to break it for you, or even break it yourself.
Grow up. Get out of your comfort zone and learn to show respect to everyone regarding if it's a woman or a man, you ignorant.

Good to know. Not that I can help it really.
*faps furiously*

Domen and women differ in average iq?

Do men and woman differ on standard deviation from the mean, leaving men over represented at the higher and lower ends of the iq spectrum? Yes

Does any of this make your post less retarded and stop it leaking of insecurity? No

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This is exactly why I made this post. There are two options:

1. You are a woman. In which case you are womansplaining. You can't know how dumb your gender is unless you can observe it from a male perspective. So dont try to womansplain something that only a man can understand.


2. You are both guys who think this will somehow make you more wanted. Maybe you dont think it, but deep down you hope it will make you more desirable.

Either way, your opinions are invalid.
Get checked.