Canadian Healthcare: Pay extra taxes to receive healthcare

Canadian Healthcare: Pay extra taxes to receive healthcare
American Healthcare: Pay extra taxes and insurance to receive healthcare a little faster then go into immense debt

Which would you rather have? :^)

>Americans would rather have the "freedom" to choose from two worse options instead of sucking it up and getting nationalised healthcare like the rest of the world

but muh freedumb

>getting arrested for drinking before 21, gambling outside of government designated areas, and for fucking a 16 year old intensifies

I don't get their obsession with "freedom" in this one. Isn't it logical that a generalized health system leads to better average heath? Do they deny this argument?

>Pay scum to live and breed

Just cuck things

I'm eating this for lunch
What now cucks?

Cyka blyat forgot pic

that looks really yummy desu senpai

Well it's not perfect is it? Creating a system where insurance for people who do fucked up things to their own body get no Insurance isn't a bad idea. (Not saying you are very unhealthy, is it wrong to assume you eat this kind of food a lot?)

You're a fucking retard.
A Canadian spends between 30% to 50% of his income on taxes depending on province and income.
Americans in free states pay little to no taxes.
I would rather pay for health insurance than give all my money to niggers and welfare recipients.
Fuck this country.

Let me break this down for shitposters that are going to respond to this.
I pay 30% income tax right off the bat.
I then pay 5% GST on all goods purchased.
Then I pay for a levy on bottles I purchase.
Then I pay sin taxes.
Then I carbon taxes.
I am so fucking cucked with taxes that it is hard to live here. If I had that money for myself I would be able to afford a mortgage. But no, I have to rent a shitty apartment.

>Americans with healthcare have a better time than Canadians with healthcare
>"b-b-b-but what about those without healthcare??? :'((("

Who gives a shit, they were retarded enough not to get insurance, they'll deal with the fucking consequences

The state is not a safety net for your failures as an adult

>Then I pay sin taxes.

You pay tax on your prozzies?

Then what do you propose? Paying less taxes?

Less government spending

Need life saving emergency surgery

A: Canadian Government controlled healthcare system makes life and death choices through bureaucracy. How much does said surgery cost? How old is the patient? Is there any cheaper solution? Will the patient die from any other illness that would make the surgery a waste of time? Can we even fit it in this month?

B: American health care is decided by doctors. You know, the people that took an oath to help people no matter what. Oh shit! You need emergency surgery user! Let's save your life right fucking now and we'll worry about the bs paperwork while you're recovering.

I wouldn't expect a Leaf to understand. They have more pressing issues, like adding praise allah and trannies to their national anthem.

>Which would you rather have? :^)

The one that comes with the leader who doesn't allow my country to turn into a smoking cinder.

>Canadian Healthcare: Pay extra taxes to give benefits to society's freeloaders
>American Healthcare: Pay insurance to take care of yourself and others that pay insurance

Fixed that for you.

This. The amount spent on foreign aid is retarded.

Christ my arteries are clogging from here.

And yet Canadians come to America for cancer treatment...
Americans only go to Canada to smuggle drugs back into America

They give your emergency services anywhere you twat. It's exactly the same, up till the American doctor offers you a giant bill while 63% of Americans have less than a thousand dollars in the bank.

Finally, a way to kill people through the internet.

Actually a bunch of Canadians in a small city went to florida for some lung cancer treatment because of long waitlines. Canada is the second worst in healthcare among 12 industalised nations. It's second only to the US.

We have burgers here too dummie
I have a multiple thousands in 4 different accounts. How do claps even compete? If I wasn't taxed out the ass Id be fucking kangz tier rich. My job has benefits I don't use, just like our shitty healthcare system. If you don't break a bone or tear a muscle, you're bether off staying home here. ERs are FULL of indians, half our doctors don't speak English, the pharmaceutical colleges are fucking retarded, healthcare beauracracy here is fucking insane, nurses suck, ambulances are crazy. Even if that shit were to happen, anybody making 6 figures is far better off going to Colorado or something and getting proper treatment. Basic personal care should be a responsibility for you not the fucking tax payers. I eat ok, I'm in decent shape. I can stitch myself up, work/play through pain, down a bottle of nyquil and hit the sack. Canadian healthcare is an embarrassment

bruh we're even worse with taxes here... don't you wanna pay less?

You wish, stupid leaf.

Or we could have an alternative
>American Healthcare: Pay insurance to receive healthcare faster with better quality
>this only works if you are white obviously

a little faster, because an injury is not something you want to wait around and hope it doesn't fucking kill you.

I wish our health care was cheaper but the fact is sick and injured people come from all over the world to get treated in America, including all the countries who laugh at it, so it might be expensive but it's also the best

If people are getting deadly infections from nicks and scrapes maybe they should just fucking die already. You're talking like a poor person amigo


Would you let the US House and Senate run your healthcare?

Politics isn't about what's right, it's about what works. Medicare and Medicaid are horrible. What makes you think US-UNIVERSAL would be any better?

I'm upset some people don't get food every night, that doesn't mean I think collectivization and grain banking are better.

>multiple thousands in 4 accounts
Less than ten? This is rich in Canada?

The I'm healthy argument is so fucking stupid. No one is going to be healthy forever. And unless you're making six figures and saving a lot of it you're not going to be able to pay your bills uninsured. You have to start saving now, which is what nationalised healthcare does. And of course no one does this because they think they're bloody indestructible.

You can only argue how, like health savings account, nationalised insurance or just a pool all the taxes and use it to pay for healthcare.

Nah, I got a $300,000 bill covered by my insurance, and the operations were very fast, and very good quality service. Our health care system is pretty good. The American people are very impatient, we have an instant-gratification attitude and that applies to almost everything, which is why we are willing to pay a little extra, and most people around the world who come and pay extra for our services, do so. YOU sound poor.

Can I fuck the hamster?

>Less than ten? This is rich in Canada?
More than 10 in each. Moon countries don't get to say A GOD DAMNED THING about money though so fuck off
>No one is going to be healthy forever
That's usually when you know it's time to die
>unless you're making six figures and saving a lot of it you're not going to be able to pay your bills uninsured.
You fucking rag heads cant money manage. Not my problem
>You have to start saving now, which is what nationalised healthcare does. And of course no one does this because they think they're bloody indestructible.
I do because I don't trust weedman or the fucking chink sellouts we had the last 10 years. Everybody in this country is shit.
>You can only argue how, like health savings account, nationalised insurance or just a pool all the taxes and use it to pay for healthcare.
I'll pay for myself. Fuck minorities. (((OVEN TIME)))

Holy shit did you get two consecutive bypasses

Its not worth 300k. It's covered because kikes run the insurance industry and pharma. If you have a legit claim they just funnel some money around. I didn't say I don't have insurance, mandatory where I work now, I just said I don't use it because doctors are liars and I don't talk to them

got hit by a car going 65 and flew quite high into the air, had to stay in the hospital for two months and do like 4 months of physical therapy after that

Also because kikes love to overcharge the shit out of insurance companies. In a jew free world, it wouldn't have been nearly that much.

I live in Connecticut and two summers ago I worked with this Canadian guy who just moved to the U.S.. I asked him why he would move to one of the most expensive states in the U.S. to live and he told me that with the taxes as high as they were in Canada it was cheaper to move here and pay for health insurance than to get the shitty "free" health insurance that the government provided. He also told me that the "free" health insurance in Canada is so bad that people in Canada still pay for insurance ON TOP of the taxes they pay because it's not worth the risk of dealing with the shit.

>more than 10 in each
Pretty gud if you're under thirty I supposed.

>moon countries don't get to talk about money
Adjusted for purchasing power parity Singapore has twice the GDP per captia of Canada mate. We're the third highest in the world.

>usually when it's time to die
>ragheads can't manage money
Says the guy who doesn't know the importance of saving for healthcare. A simple bypass, if in a non nationalised healthcare system, costs $70,000-200,000. It would wipe out your savings twice over.

>I don't trust my government
Tough luck but you're going to have to. Nationalised healthcare is more than mandatory savings. It keeps prices low because guaranteed business and government control keeps profit margins low. Otherwise hospitals and drug companies will be charging enormous bills and insurance and medical companies forming toxic relationships like in the US.

20. And why would I need a bypass. If my heart can't tick I'm just gonna walk out into the forest. Also (((toxic relationships)))

I want to laugh at you but this is just sad. Physical therapy and a fourth month stay wouldn't cost more than 5k here. Even if you got the super fancy ward where they bring you steaks everyday that's around 50k.

Did you at least require surgery?

Face it user, it's statistically unlikely 1% of the population is behind this. It's white men as well.

Jokes on you i don't do either. Mostly because i'm so poor they let me not do it but still.

This is really true, and a big issue with public healthcare in general, that none of the proponents you talk to ever takes into account. It is a well-known fact in Sweden that queues for non-emergency surgeries is often months if not years. The last few years, even the emergency care has started suffering. There have been multiple cases of individuals dying in the emergency waiting rooms. You could argue that public health care of the Canadian/Scandinavian model saves lives, but the lives it saves is those of the very, very poor such as the criminal, drug abusers, the unemployed and immigrants, groups that require much more healthcare than the general population in the first place. The rich can pay a premium for private healthcare, but the general population can't afford this and so will suffer longer queues, less frequent and shorter doctor's visits and a service that is subpar compared to that in the US. I can tell from personal experience that the general quality of healthcare in the US is far beyond the Swedish in terms of overall quality, other than in certain specialized procedures and research.