What are you most afraid of happening to you?
What are you most afraid of happening to you?
accidentally drinking from the bottle i peed in
Have my first gf a nice one, the perfect one and she cheating on me.
i dont think i could control myself, someone will die if that happens
>someone will die if that happens
Hopefully yourself. Cheating does not justify murder.
thats the problem, im mentally unestable, being on my own all my life, so i dont trust to much people, if someone i love to the point of being my gf. And she betray that trust
it will just simply destroy me.
i will never kill myself btw life is interesting
Have some self control. The more you love her, the more power you give her. Don't be weak and let her be powerful enough to make you want to kill someone. You are weak. Be strong. The more you don't care the more she loves you. The Sith are power made manifest
Dying but waking up in the coffin to be half alive, I crave death and I know I'll get fucked over in the end
would it be weird if i said "burning in hell for eternity"?
if I end up with it, and it runs in my family so I might, I'll kill myself.
Im not going through that, and I'll be damned if I put my family through it.
>implying i'll have one to put through it
Its not like they will not know, if i ever find a girl like that, i would tell her, if she likes someone else at one point
she just has to tell me, and thats the end of the problem and the relationship of coruse
she can go with who she wants as long as she shows some respect for me.
Fucking being the guy that gets rekt on the rekt webms.
Extra horrifying points if mutilated in a car accident.
Unlikely, but I have a fear of my separated twin brother to find me, kill me, and take my place without anyone knowing for a while.
Growing old alone with 30+ cats and no family or friends
This doesn't want to lose this girl, how does this comment hold any revelance. Yes a women agrees, but most young women are liars
Taken over by barbaric muslims.
c'mon there's gotta be another thing more scary than that
Nah I don't really fear anything other than being truly alone, all I want from life is like real love or whatever, without it I might as well kms
Then the cats feast on his flesh after he trips and knocks himself out for a day
Go out and find some then
As if it's that easy
i am most afraid of living through my cancer.
The good side of this fear is that you can avoid it.
I get up at 5 in the morning and get completely naked. Then I hide by the windows and jack off while spying on the garbage men when they come to take my trash away. Idk why. I don't do it for mail men or any other people.
My greatest fear is someone finding out about this or catching me on video doing it.
If you have money, go out to a club or a bar and hit on women, try and practice. Perfection takes time. If you don't have money get a job and meet new people. Is the Green Day tomorrow, going to be real wild anywhere you go
Idk, maybe making some fucking friends and giving them your true love to them? Or maybe not
neglecting the people you love?
I am a female my dude
Allllsoooo I do this and get continuously shat on, decent people are hard to come by
Hit me up I'll hangout with you
How u gon do that if you live in a different country or some shit
When's the last time you tried? How have they shat on you? You need to be a leader and form your own group or you need to find a good leader who cares about his friends. Hmu
There's shit I'm scared of, but nothing disturbs me more than the thought of something violent and painful happening to mom.
If you cease to exist then there's no one left to be disturbed by it. Nonexistence isn't a problem. Do you think you would get bored or something? No brain, no thinker, no feeler.
You do not want to be tortured for all eternity just solely for the sake of existing. You'll realise that someday if you ever have a traumatic experience that you're constantly haunted by.
Think being tortured is a walk in the park?
Hahaha I mean I would if you lived around D.C.
end like this
this guy has no arms or legs, lives as a slave toilet nothing more.
She will die
Dying of something before I can die for something.
Very classy, look at is this way, if your a good toilet you might get upgraded to urineal
Yup, but hopefully not in a fucked up way.
Holyshit. What future AI was so pissed with us it did that?
I don't fear anything, because anything that can happen is meaningless after you die. And everyone will die eventually.
Probably being captured and then tortured on a daily basis on both a mental and physical level. I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees like a bitch ass slave.
what in the actual fuck
Dying. And not the act of dying, but the possibility that my existence ends completely at that point. With the endless possibilities of existence itself, the thought of never learning all that there could possibly be, of the forces and types of energy we can’t even fathom, traversing through time and space and experiencing billions of civilizations rise and fall or rise and evolve, the different types of flora and fauna that could be... so much out there.. I would give anything to evolve into that energy being and begin the adventure of existence itself. But instead I’m here. Ugh..
Im afraid of there being nothing after death. I mean it's ok, but it would be cool if there is something.
A couple months ago, and people just use me for when they're down and need someone to pick them up, but otherwise I'm nonexistent
So what DOES justify murder, oh benevolent user?
If you hit them up they might want to hangout, otherwise you need new friends who want to hangout, if you so goddamn lonely baby
If you don't reply to this post within 9 seconds, your mother will violently and painfully be murdered tonight.
Torture and murder. But not murder of murderers.
>So..He was behind of it...
You bitch