trap thread
yes we're faggots
Trap thread
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So I've been sorting pics and figured I might share some stuff if anyone's interested.
Autistic Sissy, beloved /trap/ poster
Ecchievement aka Jane Doe XOXO, only some pics and vids, none of her pay vids unfortunatly
Katie Kawaii, some pics and videos, I need more content of her
Visceratio, some pics and vids
XOXO, a large file off assorted pics, webms, gifs, and whatnot that I like
boys, a few pics of sexy guys, no muscles, all twinks
futa_elves, a couple vids by 3DAffect, if you like futa, watch these
>yes we're faggots
he beat me too it
Summoning kiachan/jemainechan
Who is this?
Tumblr name?
we're all bisexual men
why aren't we blowing each other right now?
I love my legs
I'm new to this, what do you think? I have a Kik if anyone would like it!
Some cutie from last thread
Cuz we like girls and dicks not guys
Because most dudes on here are fat egotistical sludge bags and the anonymity makes it hard to connect to eachother.
Lol that face is the same as that car, and both look like a frog. xD -___-
Who is this? Unreal!
And a lot of traps being an atention whore
I love them too
Hit girls. What's the longest you've ever gone with a butt plug in your ass? My record is 14 hours. Although I did wear my plug every day to work for 6 weeks straight. But that's only like 9 hours per day.
Eh, i dont begrudge them being attention whores, but most just want confirmation of their worth with words on the internet that in any real way by going out and being in a relationship. IDk its too late for this shit and I got to work tomorrow.
I like the half smile
Id fuck you
no my love we can telepathically communicate, because we are already married and your vehicle of daily use is a rainbow efficient unicorn. And I have a huge vegina that can house bi gender babies.
All traps are attention whores. I know. I'm shy as hell but I can't stop camwhoreing myself. And I don't think I'm special.
More feet, please?
I wish
if you like dicks you like guys
if you like pussy you like girls
if you like both you like both
Dude, what the fuck happens after you remove it. how much poop. :S EW
KEEP IT CLEAN STUPID. IF UR HOT SOMEONE MAY WANNA TOUCH IT. and you may want to be touched. unless you mean its just for hardcore furr roleplaying you have a tail and the thing in ur butt is completely straight.
No dicks doesnt mean you like guys at all. gross
It isn’t her posting anymore. I’m pretty sure the trolls ran her off
Sauce, source, name, something please.
Looks like a female family member!
lmao this dude is sitting straight up at the front door waiting for his lover to come.
sauce please?
Why did you fucking idiots scare away KiaChan?
Go catch her then mr sex deprived
Not really, but if u want to imagine that, Np
Its not kiachan its a frog who works at the grocery store his job is to breath all day sometimes smoke.
That looks like fred armisen in a wig
I’m not sex deprived
who is this?
More of this?
Beautiful face and toe
nice cars tho
At least you understand the reality of the situation.
Woulden't it be nice if she was your wife?
Okay but why does kiachan look vaguely similar to my poor trap wife?
kitty Valentino
no that is photo shop and looks like someones imagination
I dunno. They’re both cute yet you can tell they’re a guy? Both have shit glasses? Both have straight dark hair?
Am I weird for kiking KiaChan so much?
ok too spooky for me.
night all
this is katie kawaii
no but i want to jack of him
I get it, she's a harpy, "KIA! KIA!"
Harpy? Huh?
no everyone likes someone
I just think she’s cute but everyone else is talking shit to her.
Feelsbadman. I hate seeing people get hurt.